Starting chemo in September

Hi…hope everyone feeling ok today.
RevCat, just wanna say a big THANKS for the cyberhug. Here is another one coming straight back at ya !!!
Treen, Hi, Im also a new kid on the block here, but have already found so much support, advice, help, comfort and HUMOUR on this site. Its been great…welcome…Im sure you will appreciate it as much as I do. Loads luck with the start of your chemo. Hope its not as bad as you fear.
BigBirdKate…you must be so proud of yourself. I would LOVE to see the new hairstyle…are you brave enough to share a pic with us…??? dont think I would be though heheheh
Have a great day everyone
Take care

Hi everyone, there is quite a bunch of us now.

I’m with Kate and Ginge on the hair but will continue to 2nd EC and see if the cold cap works. Thought if I didn’t give it a go and then saw others with ok hair I would feel bad about it but if it doesn’t work so be it. It does seem unfair Lily that you don’t get the option, we need every chance to stay in control that we can get. My girls are aged 19 upwards so if they don’t like the idea of me with no hair they are covering up and no doubt will enjoy trying the wigs.

Mostly feeling ok, on day 7 after EC, felt a bit rough yesterday. Walking the dog on the moor every day (wish I had a beach to walk on, I hanker for the sea) although getting more out of breath than usual. It’s just that non descript feeling of a bit yucky and nothing tastes the same. Not sure how you are managing with little ones, I seem to have enough trouble getting myself going.

SGL good luck today, hope it all goes smoothly and you don’t feel too bad afterwards. I’ve had a few sessions of the eyes filling in public and it does make you feel a bit daft but I’m sure nobody minds. It doesn’t help in shops that everywhere there are posters for MacMillan or breast cancer research, all fantastic but just don’t want to be reminded all the time.

Kate you must have a lovely relationship with your OH mother and really admire you for taking control.

Wishing everyone as good a day as possible. Am off to a quiz tonight in the village, will get lots of community hugs, hope none of them has a cold.


Morning Ladies, SGL hope you’re feeling less sneezy and good luck with today’s session xx

Hi Ginge, apparently you can get it all on amazon, the gel, the varnish, the lamp and the soaky dish!!! Hope you and your dog start feeling a bit better soon xxx

southernlucy, doing exactly the same myself with the cold cap, if it works great, if it doesn’t well at least I tried! Shame for Lil though who hasn’t even been offered the chance!! I went to buy a few things yesterday and walked up to the till to pay and at the side of it was a big box of pink ribbon badges that I couldn’t stop staring at and I was just hoping that the lady didn’t ask me if I wanted to buy one otherwise I might have done an impression of niagra falls from my eyes!!! Good luck at the quiz tonight and fingers crossed that your community hugs are germ free!

Hope everyone has a good day, or at minimum a fairly decent one, Simone xxx

Glad you’re getting out and about SouthernLucy - good luck with the quiz tonight.

Kate- I really admire your attitude!
SGL - good luck for your 2nd Fec
Hello and welcome to you Gilsey and special hug for you Treen! (I’ll PM you later on today Treen).

Going for wig fitting today and still not sure which style I’ll go for. Has anyone else dared to go for something completely different?

Had better nights sleep last night but woke up feeling grotty, queezy and constipated…as day’s going on beginning to feel a bit better.

BFN lovely ladies,
Curly x

Morning ladies, day 8 for me & feeling pretty damn well thankfully, after couple of bit yucky days. Might even try going back to work for a few hours next week.
Good luck today SGL, hope all goes well.
Glad ur feeling ok today Southernlucy,good luck at the quiz tonight,knock em dead,lol.
Gilesy, hope all goes well at your first FEC.
Alibaba, bet u had a lovely day at your son’s graduation, nice to have something to take your mind of things for a while.
Curly, hope u choose a fabulous wig today, i wasn’t very brave & chose one similar to my own hair & the same colour,lol. Should pick it up next week, i keep looking at my hair wondering how long i’ll be able to keep any of it.
Revcat, as always, thanks :slight_smile:

Morning September Ladies…

I felt identical to you this morning Curly, but am starting to feel a bit better now, thank goodness, I had quite a good day yesterday, but then come 6pm felt really rough, just got to go with it I supose. Good luck with choosing a wig, I have my turn on Monday, and will probably go for somwthing similar to what it is now, my hair feels really lank and horrible at the moment…

SGL, Good luck for today, let us know how you get on…

Southernlucy, I know what you mean about all the adverts and posters around, wait until October, its breast cancer awarness month, all good stuff I know, but its hard seeing it everywhere sometimes…

hjv, Glad to hear you are feeling better today…

Have a good day All…

Jay X

Hello ladies!

Got here at nine, bloods done and been waiting for the last 3.5 hours for my pager to go off and they tell me my poison is ready!!

Still sniffling but not too bad today. The waiting is so exhausting!!

I am supposed to be going on a girlie night out tonight! Hope I am not too tired for it!

Hope everyone is doing ok today x x

Hello Ladies

Did not feel at my best this morning a bit sicky and fuzzy mouth and head but starting to come round a bit better now, I think I over did it yesterday as I felt more or less normal yesterday, I suppose its one day at a time.

Have a good day all xx

Afternoon all,

Sorry to hear some of you are suffering today. I hope everyone’s SEs fade soon.

As you can see from my profile pic now, my hair is no more. If feels like such a relief but is a little sore. No tears or dramas, my OHs mum was brilliant.

I would advise anyone who hair starts to fall out to only shave it off when they feel ready, not when someone tells you to. People started telling me to shave it off a week ago but I just wasn’t ready (plus I hadn’t lost any then!) I gave myself time to get my head round it ( no pun intended!) And now I feel really good about taking control.

Hugs to everyone having treatment today.

Kate xx

Hi everyone,
Had a disappointing visit to see the NHS wigs today - absolutely nothing like my hair at all and felt very low about it. There’s a good department store in next town with more selection so I’ll go and have a look there next week.

SGL - I hope you enjoy your girlie night - have fun and a bc free zone!

Glad you felt better as day went on Jay.

Kate - I don’t know whether you want to hear this…but you look great with your shaved head! I think when someone shaves they need to be confident with it and make the most of it, which you certainly have. You’re an inspiration to the rest of us just that bit further behind you.

Cheer’s m’dears,
Curly x

Thank you Curly! I am pleased to be able to help.

I got my wig from a hairdresser and I love it. Have you looked online to see if you have one near you that does wigs? They will cut the wig to the style you want which makes each wig individual.

Kate xx

Hi Everyone

Kate, I agree with Curly, you look great. Thanks for the advice about doing your own thing at your own pace too. I’ve chosen a wig already but it looks very neat compared to my usual scruffy ‘style’.

Sorry to hear about all the crappy ses that are affecting so many. I feel a bit like an imposter at the moment because I haven’t started yet, but I really do sympathise!

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Nicola X

Little wig tip, I messed mine up and dulled the ‘wig shine’ with some dry shampoo. Makes the wig look much more natural.

Kate xx

Evening Ladies…

Kate, I can only agree with Curly, you really are an inspiration to us, good on you for taking control in your own time…

Curly, sorry your day didnt go as you had hoped, I really hope you find something next week…
How do you feel tonight? I certainly havent felt as good today as yesterday, hopefully tomorrow will be a better one…

Hope the rest of you are doing ok…

Have a nice evening…

Jay X

Hello ladies

Not a good one today was there all day and this time during the chemo it felt like as A horrid dose of flu came on. Not sure if this is because I still had chemo from last week in my system . In bed on phone typing feel horrendous, not cancelled my friends re going out as refuse to give in to it. Hubby not pleased with me. :frowning: xx

Oh bless you SGL, so sorry to hear that, you poor thing…

I really hope you feel better tomorrow…

Take care of yourself…

Love Jay X

Kate…I am about one of a dozen gals that have said this now, but you really do look FAB !!! I bet you dont ever go back to long hair again. Well done for showing us…you are an inspiration, and I hope Ill have the guts to show you my new hairdo when I shave it all off next week. All of a sudden Im not so scared of losing my hair…its been a real obsession for me recently. As you can tell, the hospitals here…in Mozambique and South Africa… are nowhere near as good as in the UK, and Ive not been able to track down a cold cap, so dont have the choice. BUT I think now that Ive seen Kate, I would just go for bald anyway. This is a major journey in our lives, so we may as well just throw ourselves into it 100%. In fact, dont even think I am going to get a wig either…brave words now. I want to see if I can get away with NOT hiding behind a wig and my big Jackie Os. Gonna try be BALD AND BEAUTIFUL …just like Kate.
SGL…sorry to hear you feeling bad. Hope you ok tomorrow
Enjoy your Friday night all

Hi again…forgot to ask…
The top of my head feels like its been badly burnt…scalp really stinging, but in one area only. Is this normal? Im 2 weeks after my 1st chemo, and not had any hair loss yet.
Chat again soon

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. I didn’t add the picture expecting any comments like these. I just wanted to help and inspire anyone else who is starting to lose their hair. I am really flattered, you have made my night!

My head did not burn but did feel very bruised but hair had started to fall out at that point. I have learnt from this forum that everybody’s SEs are very different.

Love and hugs to you all,

Kate xx

i don’t know whether it is normal for you to have funNy feeling on your scalp but I have had that as well, I started to lose my hair about day 18. Had my second chemo on thursday. Feeling very tired today and the awful mouth is back but not too bad. Kate you look ok and have inspired me to go for the shaved look, have just shown my OH and told him this is his job for tomorrow.!Take care Girls.
Edited twice!! chemo brain affecting spelling