Hi Annie…
How do you feel now you have a date to start?..
I am still fighting with my own head about picc lines etc, but am waiting for one of the nurses to ring me back to talk about it, I know I have to have the treatment but with the needle phobia it just makes the final decision really hard…
Its great that you get to have your holiday before it all starts…
Especially with the weather here at the moment! its pouring here at the moment!!..
I’m ok so far just nearer the time may be different. I’ve had a bad couple of days due to one thing and another (know what’s caused it, so can take prevention steps!) but feel back on track now!
Got to go to the hospital again to go through conselling and introduction to the chemo nurses - I think that’s when it will hit me!! At the moment, I have no needle phobia but I’m not saying that may not change, later down the line!
Let me know how you get on when the nurse calls back!
Grrr am planned for sept chemo start but still not had appt for oncology keep phoning but not actually getting anywhere. Had mx 5 weeks ago having a portacath (fingers crossed) fitted if not then a picc line it’s standard at my hosp if you HER2 to have a line as you only have one arm left for IV and veins will be shot after so long a treatment. Speaking to friends who didn’t have line in they wouldn’t do it agin without so just ask ask ask, simple blood tests years post BC are still a major problem for my friend.
What was you time frame from surgery to Onc appt am I going crazy over nothing?
Annie, so glad you are feeling back on track now, I am finding I am so ratty at the moment, the silliest thing seems to start me off!!..
I will let you know when I hear back from the nurse, it does say on the answephone message they dont always get back to you on the same day, not sure how long it takes though…
Sandi, I had my operation (lump and 5 lymph nodes) removed on the 29th July, then results on the 11th August and appointment with Oncology on the 16th, it was almost too quick for me if that makes any sense! so no I dont think you are going crazy over nothing! as soon as i have made my decision I ring them and they give me an appointment to meet the chemo team and a starting date…
I guess its different for all areas or hospitals, it wouldnt hurt to maybe ring them and see whats going on…
Annie, I am the same as you, having it on the 16th, four days after I have returned from Kos.
Is everyone else taking Tamoxifen, and if so how are you all finding it, I am struggling bit time with it.
Nobody has mentioned any kind of line for me, and I am having herceptin and chemo, and only have on usable arm and really really dont want my veins shot to pieces. As well as the chemo and herceptin, I will be having a heart scan every couple of months, and during this you have to have to IV procedures. And both in separate veins.
Have a great holiday SGL! Let me know what Kos is like!
I’m not getting Tamoxifen until chemo is over - isn’t it strange how different hospitals have different procedures? Mind you it could have something to do that I was only moderately ER+? Not sure but I’m in for a treat from what I’ve read! ho hum!!!
Jay - isn’t it great getting ratty!! I’m just the same, things I could cope with I can’t now!
Sandi - I had WLE & SNB on 27/7, results 4/8, 2nd WLE (margins) 10/8, results again 18/8, meeting with ONC 22/8 then I have another counselling session before starting chemo.
Hi all…
I too am not starting the Tamoxifen until after the chemo, it will be along side the Radiotherpy…
SGL, it wouldnt hurt to maybe ask about a line especially with having the Herceptin as well, that said I am still waiting for them to get back to me!!..
So glad you are managing a holiday too, not sure I would come back!!..
Has anyone else had mastectomy on here?
20th June WLE SLNB then invasive diagnosed
19th July Mastectomy
and still waiting for Onc appt have phoned and they tell me they will ring me nearer the time aghhhh!
Having Tamoxifen after treatment only mildly pos to this but strong positive to HER2. No counselling yet whys that?
SGL do not want to be bossy cow but I am worried that if they start on your veins you’ll regret it and the damage will be done picc line is cheap, porta cath less so. I’m hoping for porta cath as my son has very unpredictable/aggressive behaviours and I worry about the safety of something he could see/target! Also I will have to have this heart scan too whats this about IV procedures too - no one told me that yet mind you spose that will happen when i finally see an oncologist! I just feel there is a lot of stuff to get done before chemo starts and I’m sat here wasting time put I hate not knowing the plan and not having any control so maybe it’s just me…
Hope you are all well - the sun is out in Northampton whoop whoop!
Hiya Sandipantsshell I had bilaterial mx and snb on 5th July and then auxillary clearance on 26th July my oncology unit rang me last week and I start chemo on 6th Sept. Have you spoken to your BCN and see if they can help you or find out about the delay?
Has anyone got any recommendations or links for sites re scalves and head wear or even different ways of wearing them that they cold share?
Love to all x
eozev - you tube has been good and I’ve been practising and buying normal scarves from high street and flowers to attach to decorate my new impending look. BCN says they’ll phone when appt available and timeframe based on healing etc! I like having a band of contrast between my forehead and the scarf so have purchased hijab bonnets of ebay very cheap compared to chemo hats - I want variety so has to be cost effective - hope this helps xx
I ordered some headscarves from Bohemia-fashions.co.uk this morning and just had an email to say they’ve been dispatched. (I’m not particularly girly, so thought I’d start with specially designed ones before I try with normal scarves!)
I’ve also ordered a wig from wigstoreuk.co.uk - it was only £35 will see what it’s like before deciding to go for an NHS one too!
Will have to sit and watch you tube to get some ideas!
Good luck with your chemo. Got over mine in May last year and was very grateful my partner was so understanding. Having been through brain surgery himself two years previously and although still at that time not allowed to drive, he looked after me well. Hope you have someone to keep an eye on you at home. Also, found out what lovely friends I really had. Do all the things they tell you in the Onc unit and don’t worry if you don’t feel like eating and want to just sleep. The fews days after each session are the hardest and you’ll start to pick up again before your next hit. Cotton scarves are best I found. I tried NHS wigs and although some seem quite good, I spent a bit more to have one that looked realistic, even though its synthetic. Everyone commented (even my partner) how pretty it is. My hair has come back grey (urgh!)and its quite fine and dry. Haven’t yet had it coloured again but am taking advice from my hairdresser. A good cut is essential.
I did find my Oncologist very helpful with remedies each visit before my next chemo session. Hope you have the same experience.
Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to wish you all well on your journey. I was diagnosed last August, had surgery and finished chemo end of Feb. It’s not easy, though we’re all different, but you will come through it! I had a port-a-cath after my second chemo as it ruined my veins and I was starting herceptin too. I definately recommend it if it’s an option. It hasn’t been used for blood tests, but all the infusions have gone through it and it’s so easy!
Take care, xx
Thanks for the advice Balletdancer, fingers crossed the wig I’ve ordered is ok - the style had my hairdressers approval & anything to do with my hair/head will be run passed her over the next few months!! I am very lucky to have a wonderful OH, who has been a great support. I hope that you and your OH are well on the road to recovery now. x
Hi Ladies
I’ve jumped over from the August thread. I was due to have my Picc line fitted today and my first FEC tomorrow but it’s been postponed. I’m now having Picc and chemo on 8 September.
I’m finding the waiting very difficult, although I’m dreading the whole experience I just want to get it over with!
Hope you’re all having a good day.
Nicola. X
hello girls, I start my chemo on the 1st of sept , got my first appointment through today. Like everyone else I am apprehensive and not sure what to expect. I keep reading everyones advice but have decided to wait and see how I feel before making any decisions or purchases although I have bought the thermometer and some pineapple, although I think the chemo may be an excuse as I love pineapple.
With regards to the hair thing have decided not to have the cold cap as I always hated that cap thing when I had my hair coloured. I think this is a really good reason to buy some of the nice hats they have in accesorise which I could never justify before!! Good luck and love to everyone.