Starting chemo in September

HI me again, Sandi forgot to say I had surgery 21st July, results 3rd Aug and oncology appt 21st Aug which seems reasonably quick .
I like the sound of your scarfes and flowers. I have been practising tying scarfs but I seem to be more Les Dawson than elegant film star at the moment!! Not sure about the line thing I will see what they recommend next week. I will take anything that makes things easy. I am having herceptin and radiotherapy after chemo. Have started to look at holiday brochures for next spring to try and have something to look forward to.
Fi xxx

Hi Annie, I keep reading that it is great to eat when your mouth/gums are sore. Any excuse as far as I am concerned. Have told my friends to bring me pineapple, marks and spencers extremely chocolety (spelling?) caramels rather than flowers! When I was diagnosed my house was like a florists it is lovely that people send them but you can have too many. Does that sound ungrateful?
How are you?
Fi xx

f in limbo (so like your name) - Tee hee I was going mad with all the different flower scents and felt bad and ungrateful but all mixed up it was too much and had to start borrowing vases ha ha - now you should ask for flower accessories for your scarves and the chocs! I asked my BCN about hols but she said wait cos if any chemos get delayed etc and you won’t know your herceptin schedule but I think they can give you a loading dose once you fully settled into it - I was worried Herceptin would delay 2nd mx and my bilat recon!
Annie I was curious about the pineapple too! and I need a decent thermometer the one I use on the kids just isn’t superior enough - ha ha it’s been dropped lots and not sure it’s 100% accurate! Want an ear and thermoscan one i think!

My profile pic has changed had a mad moment at week end and got a krazy colour the picture does not do the brightness of my barnet any justice but it’s the sort of colour I wouldn’t normally dare to try!

Love to all - will of course let you know IF i get onc appt! xXx

Hello Ladies…
Welcome Nicola, so sorry to hear your treatment has been postponed, what a nightmare for you, I hope you are ok…

Fi, My house was exactly the same when I was first diagnosed, flowers and cards everywhere,and I only had two vases, you dont sound ungrateful and neither am I, but as you say you can have too many, I guess people just dont know what to say or do…
The other thing I am sick of hearing is everybodys stories about their families and friends battle with BC, I know they mean well but as we all know everyone is different…
God I sound like a moany misery this morning dont I!!!..

Can I ask do we have to take our temperature alot through treatment? I see you are buying thermometers! I only have an old one that goes on the forehead, what one is best to get?..

Love you’re picture Sandi, hope you hear really soon…

Gave a good day everyone…

Love Jay X

Thanks for the welcome. I am ok, just fed up at having to wait an extra 2 weeks.
I bought this thermometer from Boots:
(Hope that link works).
It’s quite good, easy to use and accurate. Costs £9.49.
The nurses told me to start taking my temperature regularly before starting chemo. This is because not everyone’s normal temperature is the standard 37 degrees, so some people have a different point at which they need to start worrying.
Hope everyone’s having a good day.
It’s raining here in Brighton. :frowning:
Nicola X

Hi Nicola…
Thank you for that I guess I will have to get one!..

I have just been talking to one of the nurses about the picc line as this is a massive thing for me with a needle phobia, they wont put me to sleep but have said i can have sedation, not sure if that will be enough to get me to stay in the chair though!!..

I am in Brighton too, it seems to be brightening up!..
Have you been to meet the chemo team yet?..

Love Jay X

Hi Jay
Yes, I went for an ‘Introduction to Chemotherapy’ appointment.
All the staff seemed very friendly and clued up and the whole unit had quite a laid back atmosphere.
I know exactly where you’re coming from about the Picc line. My problem is less with the actual needles though, and more with the people wielding them, who see my hidden veins as a challenge. I’ve put on quite a bit of weight in the last couple of months so they’ll be even harder to find!
Have you got any dates yet? I’m due to have mine fitted on the 8th. We’ll bring the place to a standstill if we’re both there on the same day!
Nicola X

Hi Nicola…
No I havent got a date yet, the nurse said think about it over the weekend and ring back on Tuesday, she will then arrange for me to meet the chemo staff, did they talk about the picc line at that appointment?

I am having 6 X FEC then radiotherapy and Tamoxifin, What about you?

Jay X

Hi Jay

I sent you a private message because it was a bit gory!

Nicola X

Hi Nicola…

Thank you, I have replied…

Jay X

Hi. I’m starting chemo on 14th September - 6 x FEC. I saw the onc today and felt really scared by what he was saying. I didn’t know anything about Herceptin, but he couldn’t find my results for this test. All I kept thinking was that this sounds bad. I’d just got myself to a ‘calm’ place, that it would be okay, it would be tough but possible. I am having a double mastectomy at the end of this, with reconstruction, followed by either tamoxifen or something beginning with a! I feel as scared as I did when I was first diagnosed. All my treatment is adjuvant. Is it normal to go through so many highs and lows?

Hi just wanted to say gd luck to all starting chemo I’ve just fin for a while. Jay I also live in Brighton are u under btn hos

Morning girls…
Looks like a lovely sunny day here at the moment, but I guess that could change!..

Welcome Min…
I hope you are feeling a bit better this morning, there is so much to take in so its no wonder we feel so up and down, I have been so ratty its untrue, just over really stupid things, you just get your head around one thing and something else comes along!
Did your Oncologist record your appointment?
Keep posting on here, it really helps…

Laura, I am under the Sussex County and the Park breast Clinic, were you too? how did you find chemo, and did you have a picc line? sorry for all the questions!!..

Hope everyone is ok…
Have a good Saturday…

Jay X

Morning Ladies,

Spent the past 2 days messing around with scarves - have got me head around that now and shouldn’t have a problem when the time comes! The wig is a different matter … Emergency meeting with my hairdresser on Monday … we’ll take it from there!

Welcome Min, sorry you are in our club too! Don’t worry I think it’s normal to have your emotions all over the place, well that’s what I keep telling myself anyway!

I’m trying to stock up on essentials. So far, I’ve got a Boots thermometer, ginger ale & ginger biscuits, sweets (& caramels!), a baby’s hairbrush & comb, bonjella (adult for mouth ulcers), mouthwash & coldsore meds…(pineapple still to get!)

Can anybody think of anything I may need, just in case?



Hi Annie,
You’re so organised, I remember reading a soft (or baby) toothbrush is a good idea, why dont you flick through the August thread, you might get some ideas from there…

How did you get on with the scarves, are they easy to get to grips with?..

Jay X


It’s how I cope at stressful times!! Recently got married, organised it all myself in 6 months (how glad am I it was out of the way before BC!!)

Scarves quite easy - I’m going to buy some hijab bonnets on eBay as recommended. I also watched the YouTube video posted earlier, it gave me confidence to mess around!! I think the key is cover your head first, then do whatever you fancy. I’m quite lucky, I have short hair, so it’s easy to cover!

Give it a go - I had a laugh, especially with two cats hanging off them!!

Toothbrush - yes I picked up a soft one! Will look back at August thread!

Have a good weekend - OH is working today :frowning:


Hi Annie…
Congratulations on your wedding…

I too have short hair, and i’ve looked at some scarves on various websites,but there are so many to choose from, how the hell do you know which ones to get, or do you just get a variety…

Jay X

Hello. AnnieK68 and Jay66. Yes, feeling a little better this morning, thank you. I have now printed off the list from Jo BCC. I do like shopping, so maybe I will find a tiny amount of enjoyment in this? Has anyone found a good site for hats etc? I found a great one on Amazon but it is an American company. Not that I have anything against America, you understand, just the postage!

Hi Min,

One of the websites that I found is posted earlier in the thread, as is a really good You tube video!

Jay - get a few types to see what suits you. I like the idea of a sleep cap or hijab bonnet with a fashion scarf over the top. I hit H&M yesterday and picked up a variety, some in the sales, some not! If you watch the You Tube video, the girl uses and old t-shirt!!

Good luck!


Morning Ladies

I’ve bought a few bandanas, scarves and sleep caps from the Anna Bandana website. It’s not expensive and fast delivery. It’s difficult to picture myself without hair at the moment. I don’t think I’m going to suit being bald. My head’s larger than average (that’s official, I’ve measured it) and I’m sure it’s a funny shape too.

Is everyone going to give the cold cap a try?

I’ve bought a couple of silk pillowcases, supposed to help with hanging on to your hair for a bit longer, but also smoother on bare scalp.

The other thing I’m thinking of stocking up on is antibacterial hand rub for myself when I’m out and about but also for visitors. Is it rude to ask people to use it?

Have a good day everyone.

Nicola X