Starting chemo in September

morning girls, welcome min, I’ve got the soft toothbrush, bonjela, thermometer( took mine this morning as a trial run, I think I am dead or I did not leave it long enough!!) and pineapple.
With regard to emotions I could cry at anything at the moment and can’t focus on anything for long.
Weather dull and drizzly up here in Derbyshire.

Dear Sept ladies

Just nipping across from the May thread to wish you all good luck. I had my last FEC (6/6) yesterday so feeling tired but happy. I’ve found chemo unpleasant at times but doable, and definitely not as scary as it seemed in the bit after diagnosis, so hope it is the same for you.

My top tips - apart from the really useful list on the forum - would be to look after yourselves, accept all offers of help, and don’t feel guilty about feeling tired/ratty/can’t be bothered. I’ve found coming on the forum really useful, just to link up with others at the same stage, have moan/rant or even a laugh. I was reluctant to have a PICC line but did after FEC1 when my veins pretty much went on strike, and would really recommend it - a bit uncomfortable going in, but over v quickly, and no probs at all after (not to mention no needles for infusions and blood tests). Oh - and have also found lime and soda/fizzy water really good if your taste buds make other drinks taste yuck.

All the very best - you will get through all this and I think most people find it’s easier when you get started than the bit just before!

Hello! I can’t believe how much comfort I get from this site. Have shouted at husband and feel better for it! Why can’t he read at least one piece of literature about my condition! Talked to my son, (aged 22), about chemo and genetic testing. He laughed about me losing my hair and said welcome to the club! i have had a try at tying scarves. As my son said, it’s a good job I didn’t have a girl because I’m not too good at bows or making anything look pretty! That girl is so good at it on the video!

Hi All…
I guess I need to think about getting some scarves then, troube with me is I cant think of anything but the picc line being fitted!!..

Thankyou for the reasuring message Una, so glad you have finished your treatment and it wasnt as bad as you thought, gives us all hope…
Did you have sedation when you had the picc line fitted?..

It is a comfort Min to talk to people that truely understand what you are going through and how you are feeling,I seem to spend my day being positive etc infront of my kids and parents, and by the evening when i’m on my own I dissolve into a blubbering mess!! (not every night!) did your husband go with you to the oncologist?..

Take care all…

Jay X

Hi Jay.
Yes he did go with me and he did ask a question. I feel bad about moaning about him, because he really is caring. I’m a bovine! It is hard to be positive all the time. I told everyone from the start, that I’m not going to be brave like my mom or sister. Do you have anyone to share with? I have a really good friend who seems to be able to say the right thing at the right time or just listens.
I’m not sure if anyone else feels this, but when I go to my appointments, the chairs are organized so that only I am facing the speaker. My husband is either to the side, out of my view, or across the room, in the case of meeting the Onc. I know it is all about me, but I feel very alone when I’m being spoken to.

Hi Min…
I’m sure he is caring and no doubt struggling to take all this in himself! I know my adult kids are finding it all very difficult, yet my 12 year old is taking it all in his stride, I was a bit worried he was taking it too well, but it does seem to be the way with some kids…
I have an amazing friend who has been a great support, she has come with me to my appointments, the hospital, and will come with me for the treatment…

I know what you mean about how they arrange the chairs, I had the same thing, my friend was to the side of me, but my chair was at an angle, so I kind of forgot she was there!..
I was glad she was though because my mind goes blank,the oncologist did record the appointment but I really dont want to listen to it again!

I am speaking to the nurse again on Tuesday and she is going to arrange my appointment to meet the chemo team, they will explain more about the picc line and sedation in more detail as that is what I am so worried about…

Right I am off to get my son to bed…
Take care…

Jay X

Morning Ladies

I’m having to deal with PMT, as well as BC at the moment! :-/ (it’s a good job I’m off work at the mo!)

Fi, what part of not so sunny Derbyshire are you in? I’m in Derby (close to the Royal Derby Hosp)

Hope everyone has a great day!


Hi Annie, I am the other end of the county near Bakewell, having treatment in Chesterfield then Radiotherapy in Sheffield.
Starting to get a bit nervous now as I start this thursday. I think I will be better after that as it is the fear of the unknown.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Fi xx

Good luck all. Nipping over from July girls. EC 3 for me on Friday. Hottest tip is to plan in your first couple days off steroids. From the “high” comes the “low”. So dont fight it, let your body rest. It’s very doable, and the Meds they give are very good but do tell them about any side effects, ie sickness, sore mouth, don’t self medicate. They have lots of things in their cupboard that will do the trick! I was so scared nearly. Made myself ill, but my fears were unfounded

Morning girls…
Hope you all had a good weekend…

I will be thinking about you on Thursday Fi, and wish you lots of luck…

Thank you for your message Jen, as Fi said its fear of the unknown, alot of people seem to say its not as bad as thet had feared…

I am speaking to the nurse today, and hoping to sort out an appointment to meet the chemo team, I guess you find out alot more at this…

Have a good Tuesday…

Jay X

Morning Ladies,

Thanks for the advice Jen, like Jay & Fi it is the fear of the unknown, that gets you! I’m sure that when we have started the treatment, we’ll be ok!

Fi - you forget how big Derbyshire is, but I’m sure they will look after you in Chesterfield :slight_smile:

On a lighter note - I saw my hairdresser with “Doris” the wig!! We had a good old play with her together and I’m feeling more confident, although, we are not cutting it until my own hair has gone! OH even got to meet Doris too, so she must be ok!

Good luck to everyone starting this week and Jay will be thinking about you and hope all goes well with your BCN/Chemo Nurse.


thanks for your wishes Jay and Annie. Got to go for heart scan tomorrow pre chemo thurs. For some reason the letter advises me not to have chocolate for 24 hours, ( what does chocolate do to your heart) so of course I am dreaming of chocolate buttons. I keep tying scarfs around my head and trying on hats , not looked at wigs yet . My friend wants to come with me to try on, she will probably be more help than the OH who is not renowned for his fashion advice.
Just finished work again, yes Annie Derbyshire is a big county , until I had to travel more for work I hadn’t realised how big. Especialy when you have to go to Glossop!
Look after yourself .
Fi xxx


I would recommend that your friend goes with you - my hairdresser is a close friend now and it really does help having someone who knows you well!

Good luck with your heart scan tomorrow - will be thinking of you on Thursday too!


I like chocolate buttons too Fi, Is it routine to have a heart scan before chemo then? I wish you lots of luck with that…

I spoke with the nurse and she is arranging my appointment to see the chemo nurses, I feel nervous just thinking about it…

You two talking about wigs and scarves and i’ve done nothing about anything like that!! you’ve named your wig after my mum Annie, she’ll laugh her head off when I tell her…

Have a nice evening…

Jay X

Lots of love and tlc to all you September starters, everyone is right, its fear of the unknown, and trust me I felt as you did and this site is invaluable for tlc and support, information or if you just want a good rant! please anyone feel free to ask me anything if i can be of help,I had a lumpectomy in January then 3 Fec 3 ~Tax and 23 radiotherapy.just fin rads a week ago on Wednesday. Love to all,. Shar xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you Shar…

My main worry right now is having a picc line fitted, did you have one?..

So pleased for you that you have finished, you must be so relieved…

Take care…

Jay X

Hi, can I join too please. Technically I am an august starter as I have got my first fec tomorrow but everyone here seems nice and a couple of you live near me (i am in redhill, Surrey) I went wig shopping today as I don’t think I will get on very well with the cold cap. My wig is amazing, I can’t wait to pick it up next week. I am a bit concerned about the damage chemo can do to your veins so think, after reading the comments on here, I will ask for a portacath. I will let you all know how I get on!

Kate x

Thank you Shar. What a year you’ve had!

I had an ecg at the hospital today, the most painless test so far.

Also had blood tests (I was very brave)and asked the phlebotomist about the Picc line. He said the nurses are really skilled at putting them in and the anaesthetic means you can’t feel anything. I’ve spent so long worrying about it, just want to get on with it now!

Good luck for Thursday Fi. Are you having a Picc? Let us know how you get on when you can.

Just wondering what the age range is on the September thread? I’m 44 but looking about 64 today, I’m so tired.

Good night

Nicola X

Thanks again for all the wishes, it means a lot. I don’t know for sure about the heart scan but I think so. Evidently I have to have radioactive stuff injected and the whole process takes about 2 hours.
After that I am having the rest of the day and evening out with a friend as my oh is going to the cricket at old trafford.( I bought it him for xmas so not wasting the money!!)
Nicola not sure about the picc line am waiting to see what they advise on thursday. I have coped by not looking too far forwards and just taking one step at a a time.
Giant buttons are the best.
Night everyone .
I am 53
Fi xxx

Thanks for the support Shar - it’s much appreciated!

Nicola - I’m 43 (only just married, no kids, just 2 spoiled cats!)

Jay - sorry about my choice of name! Oops - if it helps both my Mum & Big Sister have a bra named after them “Doreen”!!

Fi - have a great girly afternoon & evening!
