Starting chemo in September

Thats me too Nicola, worrying worrying!!..
I see you had the ecg, are you having the heart scan like Fi as well?..

I am 45, but with 6 grandkids under 7 feel 105 at times!!..

Enjoy your afternoon/evening with your friend Fi…

Night night…

Jay X

Morning All…

Welcome Kate, of course you can join, i think the more support we can all get the better, what type of chemo are you having? I need 6 X FEC…

I wish you lots of luck for today…

Hope the rest of you nice ladies are ok…

Jay X

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome Kate - hope all goes well for you today! xx

Today, I’m going to have a “grrr free day!” - my tolerance levels are not getting any better :frowning: I am beginning to dread the end of the month when my chemo starts (6xFEC) :frowning: It’s not family or friends just institutions like banks etc grrr!!!

Sorry for the rant but I do feel better now!


Hi Annie…
Glad you are feeling a bit better after your rant…

I have just come back from the doctors with strong anibiotics, I have an infection in one of my scars, which is really annoying, it was healing so well…

Its so dull and miserable here, i’m sure that dosnt help!..

Try and have a good day…

Jay X

Hi Jay

I’m having a good day now :slight_smile: A sorting stuff out day!

It looks like a “neither grey or sunny day” today up in Derby!

Hope your antibiotics work & your infection goes soon!


Morning All

Good luck today Kate. I feel the same way about the cold cap. I’m going to try it but I’m convinced I’ll lose my hair anyway.

Jay, Sorry to hear about your infection. I’m not having a heart scan as far as I know. You’re so lucky having all those grandchildren! My 19 year old son is more interested in his X box than girls at the moment, so not sure it’ll ever happen to me.

Rant as much as you want Annie. It does you good to get it out of your system! I’ve got one…why do people keep telling me to be positive? I am usually, doesn’t seem to have done me a lot of good! Sorry, I know they mean well.

Take care

Nicola X

I really know what you mean Nicola, the word postive is all I hear lately! that and everyones various stories about people they know who have had BC! I too know they mean well, I really do, but you can just hear too much…

I try my best to be positive, and most of the time I am, especially infront of my kids etc, but I certainly have plenty of wobbles, i’m very up and down at the moment, never cried so much in my life, not one who cries at the drop of a hat usually!..

God I seem to have written an essay!!..

Jay X

I’m the same Jay, keeping a brave face on in front of friends and family but I think we’re entitled to have a little grizzle occasionally.

hello all

Can I join in, I’m starting 6x fec on 20th Sept and feeling very scared of the the se’s, I was given the option of chemo or not as I was very borderline, I had mx in July and everything was clear and what was there was grade2 and very small the onc left the decision to me all my family and friends want me to go ahead also the bcn said if in a few years it came back would I be beating myself up with the if only’s, so I’m going ahead it will be so nice we can all support each other. On the up side I’m going away on Friday for 2weeks which I’m looking forward to.
Good luck to you all.

Welcome Vodka girl (I do like a vodka now and again!)…

I have the same choice as you, although I had one lymph node involved so they cant say for sure that i am 100% clear, so they said it is my choice but it would be sensible to have the chemo, it dosnt really feel like a choice does it!!..

Glad you will get a holiday before you start your treatment, where are you going?..

Jay X

Hi to all and Vodka girl we meet again
I got my oncology appt next tuesday at last - now I don’t want it tho ha ha sods law eh! Jay the word ‘positive’ is grating with me a little too but the worst phrase for me is ‘it’s amazing what they can do these days!’ I hate that line but we know everyone means well so need to keep smiling…
We all need a rant and on here it helps as no-one will take offence and everyone understands we are lucky to have found such great people to share such a rubbish experience with.
Hope everyone else ok anyone starting this week all the best xx

Hi Jay
It was a horrible decision to make but like you I think we have to give ourselves the best chance, when are you starting the dreaded treatment, As for my hols we have a caravan in Brean Somerset, we love it there and as this is the last two weeks of the season I did’nt want to miss it.
Sandi yes we meet again along this horrible road, how are you

Hugs to you all

Hello girls…

I’m glad you got your appointment through at last Sandi, you’ve been waiting long enough!..

Sue, I havent got a starting date yet, I am waiting for an appointment to meet the chemo team, I have a needle phobia and want to find out more about having a picc line fitted…
your holiday sounds lovely, it will be good to get away…

Have a lovely evening all…

Jay X

welcome to Kate and vodka girl,
Had a lovely time in your neck of the woods today annie, at the westfield.
I am positive I will scream the next time someone tells me to think positive!! because sometimes I want to be negative. And yes I am fed up of hearing everyone’s stories of people who have survived bc. I had no choice re chemo even tho my tumour was clean and lymph nodes clear. So it all starts tomorrow and just when I need hugging they zap me with radioactive stuff and tell me not to be close to anyone for 13 hours, good timing huh??
Reading everyones posts is today ranting day?
Love to you all.
Fi xx

Hi Fi…
Thats cruel that you cant get a hug when you could really do with one right now, did the heart scan go ok?..

I will be thinking about you tomorrow, and send you lots of luck…

Jay X

Good evening ladies & welcome Kate,

Despite my little rant earlier … I’ve not had a bad day today!

Fi - I hope you gave the credit/debit card a hammering!! Good luck tomorrow (I can’t believe we can’t get close to peeps for 12 hours :(( You can tell I’ve not been for my induction yet! I wonder if I need to avoid my cats too - oh dear dilemmas!)

I’ll be positive that I’ll flip if I hear/see another Macmillan advert!!


Evening Everyone

Is ‘close’ a euphemism?

Nobody told me about that. I’m single so maybe they didn’t think it would apply to me?

I was planning on having a couple of hugs from my nearest and dearest. Is that not allowed?

There’s so much to take in and remember. I sometimes feel like I’m studying for an exam. Can I borrow someone’s homework?


Nicola X

Morning Ladies…
Looks like a lovely day in Brighton today, i’m taking the grandchildren (well some of them) to the park for a picnic while I still have the energy!!..

Annie, you’re so right, those adverts seem to be on all the time, my son hates them, everytime you open a paper or magazine theres an article about BC, saying your more lightly to get it if your tall or god knows what else, I think its just bl##dy bad luck myself!! I guess we all just notice these things more now!..
So glad you ended up having a good day in the end yesterday, its good to have a rant, and you can rant as much as you want to us!!..
I’m not sure if everyone has the radioactive heart scan that Fi had, maybe it depends on the area you live in as Nicola only had an ecg…

Nicola, its only if you have the radioactive heart scan when you have to not get too close to people, maybe they dont do that in Brighton, I havent heard anything, but then I havent been to the chemo appointment yet…
Is it a group thing when you go to the chemo unit? can you remember how long it lasts?..

Have a good day girls…

Another good luck message Fi, dosnt hurt to say it again!!..

Hope things went ok yesterday Kate, and you are feeling alright…

Love Jay X

Good Morning Ladies,

No rant this morning! :))

Thinking of both Kate & Fi and …gulp… realising September is here!!

I’ve got shed loads of sorting to do … we’ve bought some new bedroom furniture so we’re having to do some serious organising, throwing out etc! I feel that the In-laws will be delivering bags to the charity shops again!

Jay - enjoy your picnic! My SIL and me took her grandkids to a local activity centre on Tuesday … BC or no BC, they made me do the barefoot walk… What an experience? Yuck!!

Thanks for lending us your homework on heartscans, Jay …see Nicola it’s not just you! (Great way of thinking about the situation by the way!)

Have a good day everyone!


Morning all,

Well I had my 1st FEC yesterday and although I felt dizzy, tired and a little bit sick then I feel surprisingly ok today. I have taken all the tablets they could give me and have managed to eat 2 slices of toast today. I was recommended ginger biscuits to help with sickness and they did seem to help last night.

Thinking of everyone who is having their 1st chemo this month but I promise you it is not as bad as you think. I even managed to keep the cold cap on the whole time without a problem (still not convinced it will work but it is worth a go)

Kate xx