Hi i am starting chemo on Sept 7th, 6 three weekly sessions of TAC. Have been told that the cold cap won’t work, so have already ordered some suitable headware. Good luck to anyone else starting chemo soon.
Welcome to the forums, you’ve come to the right place for support as the users of this site have a wealth of experience and knowledge between them.
Whilst waiting for replies you may find it useful to contact our free helpline on 0808 800 6000, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 – 2.00.
I have also put a link to a BCC publication on Breast Cancer and Hair Loss.
Thank you Kate for letting us know how it was. I’m impressed and glad that you’re ok to post already. One down, 5 to go! I’m going to stock up on gingery things!
Jay, my appointment at the cancer centre was just for me and my friend and lasted about 90 minutes. I’d say to write down your questions before you go. I think I know what you’ll be asking though! They give you some diagrams of Picc lines and other info. Thanks for explaining about the heart scan.
Hi Maidincornwall and welcome. Does the cold cap not work with TAC then or is there another reason? I have a feeling it only works for a lucky few. I start 6 X Fec on the 8th.
Hope September doesn’t drag too much Annie. I’m wishing the next few months fly by!
Just a little update - apart from being very tired and my face being quite warm and flushed (although no temperature) I have felt pretty much ok today.
I have sent my OH out for ice lollies which were great as my throat has been a bit dry. Peppermint tea has also been good and it helps with digestion. I also found that although ginger biscuits are great, ginger beer isn’t for me. I am very sensitive to smells today and can smell it across the room! I hope this helps anyone who has not started yet!
I hope you don’t mind if I join in. I recognise some of the names form the mx forum. I had a bilateral mx on 27 July and had my onc appointment yesterday. As my wound on the left side is not yet healed properly I have my first chemo on 23rd September. To be honest the whole thing has dragged so much I just want to get started so that it will end and then radiotherapy and then reconstruction.
I don’t know if anyone else is the same, but at the momment I am just thinking or assuming I am going to survive this and I need to get through these ‘steps’ for that to happen and for me to get back to normal.
It is quite comforting reading this forum as I am getting a fair idea of what might happen.
I wish everyone good health and a speedy recovery.
Hello Ladies…
Welcome Maidincornwall and sonia…
I too wont be starting until later in the month, dont have a date yet!!..
Sonia, its one step at a time up a mountain for me, thats the only way i can deal with it, couldnt think about the chemo until after the op, now cant think about the chemo too much until I get the picc line sorted!!..
Kate, So glad to hear you are not feeling too bad, thank you for the update, I did read about the red face for a few days being a SE, I hope you carry on feeling ok…
Thanks Nicola for telling me about the appointment, I wasnt sure if it was a group thing…
Fi, hope it went ok today, and you’re not feeling too bad…
Had a lovely day at the park with my little angels…
Its been really hot, long may it continue, better late than never, dont you think!!!..
Hi girls, well the first one was not so bad. I was at the hospital hours seeing all the different people and answering the same questions. I have not felt too bad since. Ate beans on toast last night ,real comfort food. Felt a bit sick late evening but took a tablet and it settled. Tonic water was good. I can only describe how I feel as if I have a mild hangover but with a bad taste in my mouth. The trouble is you have all these lists of side effects and so it is tempting to see every ache and pain as a problem. Decided against the cold cap will take my chances and go for the scarf and wig route.
So take each day as it comes and enjoy the good ones.
Thanks for all your thoughts girls .
Fi xx
I am so glad that you are not feeling too bad. I can compare how I am feeling to a hangover too. I think I might try tonic water as ginger beer smelt and tasted too strong for me.
I hope you continue to feel ok. 1 down for both of us!
How did I miss this thread… I started a new one silly me!
I started my first Chemo round yesterday (Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide) and got my port-a-cath inserted too. All in all a good day and feeling fine but VERY sore from the cath. I broke down a bit when I first got to my chemo station and was asked if I needed a sedative. Funny, I imagined them coming out with a giant needle and men with white coats and a straight jacket! I declined, and was able to pull myself together. I don’t usually cry much, I think I just got really overwhelmed!
I can’t believe how nice all the nurses were. The most uncomfortable part of the treatment was the ICE mittons and slippers I had to wear. I was freezing for 90 minutes but hopefully it will help my nails stay on…did/do any of you have to do this??
I guess the nausea pills are really working as I feel fine this morning! Is it ok to have a coffee today? I know I was told to avoid caffeine but is one a day alright? I’m super craving one!
Good luck to everyone starting soon, my one piece of advice is to take your anti-nausea pills. I take 1 Zolfran twice a day and 2 Dexamethasme twice a day too for pain. Tomorrow, I’m done these, and then use them only as a PRN. Hopefully I’ll still feel ok after tomorrow…?
Hi Girls…
Welcome Mary, glad you got through yesterday ok, I’m sure it must be totally overwhelming…
I’ve not heard about the ice mittons and slippers, only the cold cap did you have that as well? you must’ve been freezing…
Sorry i’m not sure about the coffee…
Nicola, are you having your treatment at the sussex county? if so did you get your appointment to meet the chemo team by letter or phone?..
Hope your ok…
Hi Girls
Hope you haven’t missed me too much!!! Just got back from sunny crete. Chemo starts tues with cold cap. roll on christmas!! Hope everyone doing OK. Enjoy the sun tomorrow!!
Ginge xx
Jay, the oncologist phoned through and arranged my appointment for the next week while I was seeing him and they sent a confirmation letter through. Yours is taking a long time to come through isn’t it?
Mary, sorry to hear that you’re sore from the cath. Is that usual? I imagine that I might start screaming and sobbing hysterically when I go for my first session, so I’ll be really proud of myself if it’s only a few tears and nobody has to call security. I think you did ok. I hope the mittons and slippers work well for you.