Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Ohh yes - I forgot that we don’t know if the lighthouse keeper is in on the plot at all - or is he really a secret agent working undercover?

I’m with you DJ007…except I only went out for the afternoon!!! I am so glad I logged on before midnight! I have apple pie and a collie dog??? I am also very good at aprehending smugglers!!! (OH keeps trying to smuggle away my choc???##)I also have one of those big millions of candel power torch thingies we could use it tp confuse the lighthouse keeper???

p.s.Val don’t worry bout me you know I’m in good hands you rest, XXX

Hope you get on ok when you get your pre-op J. Yes you will be in safe hands. Hope all goes well and you get sorted out soon with a date for your op. Hugs V

Right girls lights out, just finished my cocoa and am off to bed, had to queue to brush my teeth, but hey ho we’ll soon be off on our jolly jaunt. Oh no who’s wakening everyone??? Are everyones wellies yellow??
Who is the lighthouse keeper friend or foe??? Bit scary but ready to rock, will have a wizard time!! Simply spiffy!! Super duper am so excited xx

Thanks Val… by the way I have just tracked down a copy of secret mountain on ebay and bought it for you…I can leave it at the WGH for you (if it arrives this week) or you can pm me your address and I send it…loggin off now gotta be up EARLY


I’ve got a torch under my blankets!

J, thats just lovely! Val bring it to the next Midnight Feast, we can maybe each read a chapter out loud. Give us ideas for our next adventure…DJ007 are you waking everyone?? I can see your torch, no giggling now only whispering ok, can’t get caught xx

Slept it off girls… Going to bed again now (also with torch under pillow) such a jolly jape

No more Glitterjuice for you, see you all soon xx

It’s OK, I won’t let her anywhere near it… though I do wonder if Alicia slipped in a mickey finn cos the label says it’s just fruit juice honest.

Right, off to beddy byes now, torch and yellow wellies at the ready

Nite all!

I’m going to pretend I’m asleep. Wake me up when it’s time to go please

We’ll have to remember to put our bolsters down our beds and mops on our pillows, so that when matron puts her head round the door she doesn’t know we’ve gone.

Good thinking. Who’s waking us up again? Too nervous and excited to sleep.

I’ve got my torch under my pillow and my wellies in my duffel bag and a map to the secret passage in my knickers.

Top jape.

I’m wearing my blue PE knickers. I can hide loads of chocolate down there!

If they’re Hot Pants, it’ll melt!

Ninja - what are you doing with a secret passage in your knickers? That’s more Terry Pratchett than EB! lol

Feeling a bit sick must be all the excitement or could be the cocoa, very glad someone knows exactly where we’re going. Slendablenda not sure about the chocolate in your blue knickers, should have put it in the wicker basket…I can hear footsteps, boy what a to do!! xx

Nearly midnight! Tally Ho!

Did everyone fall asleep and miss the feast or did you all just leave me snoozing??? I’m up now at silly time and may just have a wee nibble on the homemade tablet lol