Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Well hang on whilst I pull all the splinters out of my a@@@, been a couple of weeks on guilty bench and starting to feel I may be able to get off it, so thank you girls.

Been feeling guilty about feeling well whilst ‘signed off’ post op!
Especially as my RADS don’t seem to be ready to start on time so have a ‘free’ week.

Been going into work as a ‘parent volunteer’ to alleviate my guilt. Do we have any equip suitable for a big of light self-flagellation or is that another entirely different thread :O.

I’ll just keep my double chins up then because clearly as mine is ER+ I am also on the fat b@@@@@@@s bench! lol.

Shucks, must have slept through it… woken by my cat yowling at 4 a.m. maybe it was you all tiptoeing past in your yellow wellies that disturbed her? I did wonder what all the crumbs were on the hall floor…

Longing to hear about your spiffing adventures on the island. Hope the lighthouse keeper was frinedly and that matron is not on the prowl with her evil ‘midnight feast medicine’

OK… there I was at midnight… still mellow from the glitter… cake in hand… and where was everyone else??? Couldn’t find the secret passage… Jumped back into bed with the mop when I heard matron’s footsteps… .

Morning girls,

What a simply splendid evening, full of fun, high jinx and enthralling adventures, just wizard. Superly glad I’d popped on my liberty bodice cause I felt a tad chilly in the secret passage. Imagine Mr Postlewaite, the kindly old lighthouse keeper allowing us to have our feast in his lighthouse!!
How topping was that!
Girls you completely excelled yourselves, what a darling spread of goodies, potted meat and sardines, simply spiffing.
Only one or two minor mishaps, chocolate melting in someone’s blue knickers…and Biff there was a secret coded note you had to decipher under your pillow that was full of instructions for our splendid Midnight Feast and enthralling Adventure.
The smugglers, rough, common and downright wicked in their demeanour, we showed them (had to keep an eye on Jane here)didn’t we girls. Good job.
The kindly, old lighthouse keeper Mr Postlewaite distracted those mean, nasty, shifty eyed smugglers so we were able to find the stolen art work.
As the local bobby, Bobby, led the mean, common smugglers off to jail, why were they shouting about darling, kindly, old Mr Postlewaite, the lighthouse keeper, something about him being the boss.
I for one don’t believe a word of it!!
Topping night, wizard adventure, skipping off now to rub my face in the early morning dew, youth and beauty and all that xx

Simply marvellous jape last night! The secret passage will never be the same!

I know, but we will have to find another wheeze tonight. Just as we were returning through the secret passage, there was a rumbling explosion, a rush of air, and it caved in behind us. Lucky we all got out unscathed.

I still think that we need to investigate Mr Postlethwaite, the lighthouse keeper. I’m sure it was him I saw slinking away from a secret rendezvous with matron behind the bike sheds… And, is it me, or is matron sporting a stubbly chin this afternoon?

We need some super sleuthing ideas to find out the truth. Maybe we can get Timmy the dog to follow his trail?

Jolly good show everyone, am I terribly naive DJ007?? I thought Mr Postlewaite was a super chappie, feel a bit uncomfortable about Matron!
Could she be an imposter?? I think we should meet up again to discuss the odd goings on. You are a very good judge of character therefore the gang should get together tout suite. Meet you all at the secret cove, which is pretty near the secret passage which has now caved in, in around 1 hour…Totally topping idea to bring Timmy xx

will Timmy follow the trail or follow his tail??? Can only try - meet you in an hour after origami class…

So sorry, just thought I’d have a little nap before we met u last night,woke up with a start “GOSH, they’ve gone without me!”
Realised the chocolate had melted - sorry KatyC.
All a bit of a mess.
Sounds like you had a good time or was it a dream…?

well, as no-one else was around at midnight… I thought they’d all gone without MEEEE… I’m begining to wonder if all this talk of tunnels collapsing is just talk… and EVERYONE slept through obut doesn’t want to admit it! Feel a bit like telling the Emperor he’s got no clothes on, but… Come on girls - tell the truth!!!

Jane it’s tonight!!! All I can say was first night Midnight Feast and enthralling Adventure, number one, was all too real, remember I had to take you aside and have a wee talk with you regarding the nasty, wicked, mean spirited smugglers. Perhaps the Glitterberry juice’s effects had not completely worn off. You are an integral part of this spiffing adventure, you have contributed so much ie:origami lilies, teaching and Timmy, what a to do, how would we manage with out your skills??? Please refrain from Glitterberry juice or you will end up in sick bay with Matron…well that’s another topping idea! Think we should have a chat at origami class, what ho another wizardly super, duper time. I will bring iced buns and my homemade lemonade. xx

I had my operation on 16th and gradually movement in my arm was seeming to improve. However, just over a week on; drains removed, my armpit and whole of area where my left breast used to be is rock solid, numb and so stiff I don’t want to have to move. Feeling fragile and upset and not sure if there’s anything I can do to ease things. Also wondering if anyone else has experienced this or similar…?

Time is the best healer… and keep up with your physio…you are allowed to feel fragile and it’s normal to be numb swolen solid ect, I remember it well…and that was 14 years ago!! It will get easier as time passes and before you know it you will be reaching up into that high cupboard for the teabags. I will let you tell mne all these things in a couple of weeks when I am saying the same
( MX/Recon/node clearance on Monday) Having been through it once on the other side doesn’t make me feel any better!!! Love Jeanette

In the meantime, when you are feeling up to it there are ‘plenty of jolly good adventures’ going on for you to join in!!! I hope girls you will have a farewell midnight feast for me on Saturday, before I have to jolly well spend a week in matron’s room!!!

Love to all I’m off for a game of Hockey!!! XXXXXX Jeanette XXX

P.S any idea of the whereabouts of some of the old gang, have they moved up to the 6th form or are they camping out on even comfier benches/sofas?? I went on holiday and people have dissapeared/?? It’s all these secret goings on??? Or have I jumped into a Scoobey Doo set??? If so whoever started this post will be to blame!!!
( well it was always the first person they met what was the culprit??)
Love from a very confused Jeanette XXX

I’m missing Choccie too as she promised to keep the bench warm!! Good job the weather is fine…

There’s a few going to a toga party in the Woods tonight.

Wishing you all the best for your mx and recon Jeanette. Where are your OH and little ones staying while you’re up there? What will you do about follow-up appts?

Take care

Hi J,
Sorry for the absence, out yesterday most of the day, pain psychology clinic, then missed bus home, then decided to do some healthy eating (another post,)sat on the guilty bench for a while, then had an early night! Sun has just come out here been dull all morning but very stuffy!!
We will definitely have that super, duper Midnight Feast specially for you on Sat, tell us your favourite things…
Come on girls a new super duper adventure awaits…xx
PS. It wasn’t me!!!

it went very quiet for a few days - the excitement got too much for us all I guess! What do you mean, “IT WASN’T YOU” ??? Think it was!

post deleted

Sorry won’t be able to join you in Benchland tonight as I have been summoned to go into hospital for 2 units of blood early tomorrow and also for my Zolindronate infusion. Will be there all day but hopefully it will make me feel better. Have started new book but will doze for most of the time. It is 22 years since my last blood transfusions when I had my first lot of chemo, way back in 1989!

Jeanete, thank you so much for the book you ordered for me. How kind is that. Will you only be in the WGH on Monday or longer? If longer I coud probably meet you. Will PM you in 5 mins. Thank you. I think I will look out for Spiggy Holes from them too. Why did I not think of that…probably crossed my mind then went on the back burner.

Have fun tonight. I wonder if the lighthouseman and matron are cross dressers and borrow each others clothes??? Mad idea or not???
Love to all, Val

Sorry Miss,
I’ve been absent.Had to go into Sick Bay yesterday evening.Raised temp.
newt scare.Stayed in last night, all tests done, not newts just a bad cold.
Matron let me come home at lunch time. Now sitting on the bench in the shade, keeping out of the sun and feeling sorry for myself.