Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

What a difference a day makes.

We were feeling sad today because we were meant to be flying off to France this morning for a 2 week break to visit our daughter. We couldn’t go because I was not well enough after a recent op and a low HB.

Well my elder daughter just phoned to say that she has booked a 10 day visit to see us arriving here in 2 weeks time. As she hasn’t been home since 2009 I can see a couple of parties on the horizon. Just as well I am having my blood transfusions tomorrow as I will need some energy to organise them.

Can I jump onto the “feeling high” Bench and would you care to join me in a glass of bubbily or three.

Sorry slendablenda that you have been in the sick bay. Will pop into to see you with a goody bag.

Love to all, a very cheered up Val XX

So sorry Slendablenda and Val, hope you are both feeling much better soon, hope it wasn’t all the excitement of Midnight Feasts and enthralling Adventures or it’ll be back on the guilty bench for me.
Well, just had a mad dash around the lanes on my bike, played 3 scrumptious games of lacrosse, had a word with spiteful Alicia and yes I do fear that Matron is looking a tad hairy faced, she may also be taking tamoxifen or is there another reason??? I think that should be our next task, let’s do a little espionage type thingy. Jane it wasn’t me but do need your help can you distract Matron with your lilies whilst some of us enter Matrons room. We will be looking for anything incriminating. Who knows there may even be a secret passage leading to the secret passage which has now collapsed or it may lead us elsewhere.
Well I do know that wherever it leads us we’ll have a spiffy time!
Norberte no discrimination here!!

What do you think if we move all the benches round so everyone sits on the wrong one? Might help us see things differently - don’t want to get into trouble though …

Go for it! Think of the chaos and confusion we could cause!!!

Great idea - as long as all the folk on the hard ‘guilty’ benches, don’t start feeling even more guilty when they find themselves on a nice soft squishy one!

I can’t make tonight’s midnight feast - I’m off to Sick Bay first thing.
Back to my effing furious bench in a week

we’ll keep it warm for you Ninja - it just might not be where you expect it to be, so you could end up on anything!

Tell me something new!

SHHHH the prefect is listening

Anyone got any fizzy pop and jam tarts? I’m famished!

What’s happened, golly gosh, can’t find the bench, somebody help please, got to try and find something for Slendablenda to eat…

I’m sure I hid that melted chocolate somewhere, but can’t find it now -
one of you naughties has moved it - I’m going to tell…

Do it Slendablenda, somebody’s been up to no good, and it’s just not fair…I’m real mad and I can’t find the ****ing furious bench!!

It’s ok girls - I’ve left a trail of ginger nuts back to the picnic bench. Look! There’s the first one…

Yum Yum

Er, what ginger nuts, someone’s eaten them all already… So glad this is benchland not the woods or I’d be concerned …

Off now with a big-ball-of-string (not blue cos the clangers might come and make a pudding of it) and wrapping it round things on the way. Might be a convoluted route but it’ll get us back to … erm, somewhere!

Where’s Jane and Timmy the Dog? Surely he could sniff out the way back?

Sorry - Timmy ran off after his tail… presumably heading towards the “I’ve got a screw loose” bench! I’m lost too… We need Norberte to sort us out!

In breifly to sayt I bin busy packin to go to scotland tomorrow for mx/recon/aux clearance monday…I catch up when I return!!!

Val got your moby number I txt you XXX Jeanette Love to all XX

Jeanette, will be thinking of you, hope everything goes well, and we hear from you soon, all the best xx

Oh Flower of Scotland… you will flower again! Hope all goes well - be thinking of you… Jane

I think our benches are in danger of being swallowed up by the woods!
Ninja wanted to sit in a bench today. Hopefully sh’ell be back here soon.
Could we have a soft, comfortable, memory foam padded recovery bench?