Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Here I am, ears burning and all that.

I’m on the sad, post-surgery bench at the moment. But could have killed for a non-smoking area bench yesterday. It spoiled my little foray out into some healing fresh air.

Look, if you want to smoke, smoke away from the only areas that the weak, poorly folk can get to, alright? I don’t find your stinking, secondhand smoke to be very healing.

I guess that means that I’m back sitting on the effing furious bench then.

I’m on the furious bench too - so I’ve got thru a mastectomy, full node clearance, chemo, port surgery, neulasta jabs and have been thwarted by shingles … give me a break!

Bumping for Horace x

Well I am opening a stall for Benchland ladies with lots of goodies to eat. I am making imaginary merigues, scones with clotted cream and raspberry jam and a large chocolate roulade. Anyone want to come along. Bring along something if you can. Benchland has been quite for a while. Hope you are all well. Love Val

Loooo Yes PLEASE val! So good to see you. I’ve been wandering disconsolately round the benches wondering where everyone was… Plenty of furious peoples around the site, but none on the benches… I’m on the whenisthisevergoingtogoaway bench tonight and a scone with clotted cream sounds perfect! Thanks…

Val - you must be psychic! Cream teas keep cropping up at the moment in all sorts of ways - and I’m really starting to get the urge for one myself.

I can contribute real homemade blackberry jam and my favourite lemon tart.


Hi Benchland not been in benchland before but sounds good.Sorry but had to say it was the cream teas that swayed me .Not sure what benches there are and a bit tired to look through as had chemo yest.
I know there is a furious bench and as i put on another thread i would have been on the furious bench on wed when the so called family friend Icalled across the bank…Have you got cancer,then continued to say he woundered why i was bald…Then added insult to injury by saying at least they can cure you or they wouldnt be throwing all this money at you for treatment!!!I WISH!!!
Please help me with my thur and fri bench .
Thur was 5th chemo day so i was really scared as i felt the pits after my forth and wasnt even going back for my 5th lol (sure we have all been there)so if there is a scared bench?
Today i am feeling strange as 5th has gone better than forth up to now ,really expected it to be loads worse so im wondering if this is the calm before the storm so feeling very good but a bit insecure .Also very hungry ,hence the cream scones ,but no ginger biscuits please as they always bring them round our chemo unit lol and i dont think i will ever look at one again when all this is over!!

Di means me I think :slight_smile:
I have ordered a cream tea online[dont laugh] to either celebrate or commiserate after my 5 year mammo next Wednesday.Tea is ordered for Thursday and Di has kindly contributed a jar of blackberry jam :slight_smile:
By the way I am feeling as if I am tempting fate by ordering it in advance because if the news is bad I’m more likely to want to throw up than eat a cream scone but hey ho we do what we must.
5 years yesterday since dx and being triple neg I never really expected to get this far so that’s something to be happy about.hope you dont mind me perching on your bench :)I can contribute a very nice raspberry pavlova to the goodies stall.

Welcome Lisha and Val

You will find that there is a bench for every occasion here. You don’t have to stick to one bench, but swap as the need arises.

I think frequent ‘swappers’ might use roller skates to get from one to the other. For the less energetic, I’m sure there is also a sort of carousel arrangement - don’t like the ‘feeling sad’ bench? - Hop off and wait for the F*****g Furious bench to come around - it will!


There is an new automated massage bench ( well it is actually a sofa/ bed) on order to arrive soon in Benchland. It is to soothe the aches and pains and aching bones. But you will need to queue as I am having first shot! Think we will need to order a timer next so we can all have a try! Love Val

Oooh, that sounds lovely Val, put me on the list please.

A warm welcome to all the new girls, cream teas and scones and comfy sofas, wow!!!
I was on the “running around like a headless chicken” bench, all last week. My eldest daughter suffered concussion and had a lump on her head the size of a saucer, so very worrying time but happy now to say she is on the mend!!! So now I am going to visit the “need to lie down for a wee while” bench. Will visit Val’s stall first though xx

Welcome to benchland… You will find benches for all eventualities…actually, most of them have been upgraded to sofas. ( on offer at DFS) the guilty bench is one of the busiest s still, and that’s still a bench cause if it was comfy you’d feel even more guilty. It’s not big, so there’s always a queue. That ensures that while you’re on it you can feel bad about keeping others waiting. Basically, feel free to add any benches you need, but if you want a good laugh and have time, do in back to the beginning and see how it developed. Norberte did a hilarious summary. Are you sifting comfortably? Oh dear, that got me into a lot of bother on here one time…

Is there a:

“I’ve defied logic and grown my boob back.
Oh, it was just a seroma after all” bench?



Is there an angry bench, I feel angry today that this is happening to me, I am feeling a lot sorry for myself but most of all I have got the Why Me? thing going on in my head!!! Can I join the queue for the guilty bench pls I am just having a rant today and feel guilty for that but it’s the first one I’ve had, I have my op this week so I’ll sit on a scared bench as well, then after that I’ll sit on the Oh god what are the results going to be? bench and then after that I will ask all you kind ladies to hold my hand because I am terrified of the treatment and I’ll sit on that bench last.

Sorry for the moan M

There isn’t an Angry Bench as such, it’s called the F***ing Furious Bench.
It’s usually quite full but there is always room for more. I’ll budge up.


I’ll sit next to you then, I need someone who understands today, I’m
F***ing Furious this is happening to me.

Thanks this is the first smile I have had all morning!!!

So am I!
Cup of tea?

Crying now, milk and 2 sugars pls

need a good cry to let it all out!!!