Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Hi all,

I love the “****ing furious” bench, you can pop over anytime and there is always someone there usually sitting with a very red face (not tamoxifen induced). Eye contact is discouraged and no musak!!! C’mon over to the “comfort” sofa when you’re feeling a little calmer scones and tea served over here! You can pop in and out as you feel like it. xx

Applestreet, there is a crazy sobbing lady bench, I know that one very well!!
Come and have your tea and scones xx

If I had the energy I’d go outside and pick up the windfall apples in my garden, make a lovely apple crumble cake with cream and invite you all over to my bench - but unfortunately I haven’t so I’ll just sit here on the Pet Therapy Bench with my cat Montague on my lap.

Slendablenda, Val has been very busy this morning, she has opened a stall with lots of goodies, so let the birds enjoy your windfalls!!xx

I’ve been sitting on the crazy sobbing lady bench all week and all this morning, am sitting on the f****ing furious bench now, will come over for tea and scones in a bit when I calm down, will bring chocolate cake in appreciation of the welcome.

Wow! We never had a pet therapy bench before! Fabulou my woodland dog, Soddit, is ace at jumping up on your lap when you’re feeling down. He doesn’t like the smell of chemo tint. Who does? On my way for goodies. Might bring bacon rolls with me.

Excellent Jane, get here quick - it could be popular.
Watch out - my cat loves bacon. So do I !

Spent ages calming down, reading posts all over site relating to my situation, leaving comments and feeling as if people really understand, will come for tea and scones now. Will bring cake.

My cats are very therapeutic and will snuggle up and purr hypnotically sending you into a mind emptying trance.
I have just realised I may be an intruder in Benchland as it is a long time since I was ‘undergoing treatment’ I’ll just shuffle off,pretend you didnt see me and help yourselves to the pavlova :slight_smile:

Don’t think you’ll be able to shuffle off without anyone noticing ie: your pic haha xx

It’s quite a good likeness actually [sniffs haughtily whilst holding tail out of way]

AAAAARGH!!! Horace, You just whacked me with your tail, ouch xx

I’ll set my cats on you!

Horace of course you are allowed to come to Benchland. You don’t have to be having treatment to join us. After all we need some sanity to calm our nerves. I see you posting on the other site so your posts are always welcome.
Well girls I had to nip home to make more scones as you scoffed the lot. But the pups and cats have eaten all the crumbs so nothing wasted. This time it is Cheese scones and Bran scones filled with grated cheese and some fruit scones for the sweet toothed. I have been watching Mary Berry on TV so may give the Brandy Snaps a try next. Never made them before so I hope you don’t mind me experimenting on you.
I am feeling very calm so anyone needing a listening ear or a just a good blether and I am your lass. Val

Are you any good at consoling nervous wrecks who have convinced themselves that ordering an online cream tea has tempted fate to the extent that the 5 year mammo will set the roller coaster going all over again?

Keeping everything crossed for you horace! It’s so hard not to be nervous, I haven’t even had first one and am already nervous just thinking about it. Imagination runs riot.
Val, what a woman all these goodies we’ll all be on the reinforced fat ****ards bench soon. xx


I’m sitting on the furious bench again, I’m FED UP!!! no sleep again and when I do nod off the gremlins are whispering things in my ears, if this is a rollercoaster I want to get off!!!

Nothing worse than lack of sleep. Do you need to see your GP just to help out for a few nights. I cannot keep awake but have been in that awful place where you just cannot switch off. I put earphones in and listen to radio 5 live at night as there is usually somehthing good to listen to and I can then nod off.

Okay no cakes today I am making a fruit jelly with fresh fruit in it to save our waist line! Val

doc gave me temazepan in the short term but only get 2 hrs and wake up for rest of the night. Can’t switch brain off, positivethinking keeps legging it and ohmygodwhatif moves into my head.

Op coming up so bag of nerves and very worried about results. Once I know the outcome I might be better hopefully. poor hubby sleeping in spare bed to get some sleep as I am up and down so much!!!

No choccie cake today if we’re watching waistlines, I’ll bring sorbet to go with jelly. M

The thing about Benchland (along with the Woods) is that we don’t put on weight here - can eat whatever we fancy (and as much as we fancy), and it’s all calorie free - don’t deprive yourself of HERE!!! There’s enough of that going in in the RealWorld!!! Lots of hugs and sleep fairies tonight… Jane