Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Applestreet I don’t get it, Why are you feeling so guilty because you have spent so long being her (probably unpaid?) babysitter, there are plenty of us out here who had to get by with childminders while we worked and ne’er a helpful granny anywhere in sight ever once. That does include working evenings & weekends though not nights. It’s hard but it can be done. You’re already in credit by a long way, it’s no disgrace to have to withdraw a little when you had a serious illness. I mean, it’s in the nature of the older generation they don’t last for ever, even without allowing for cancer, so it’s only wise for her to seek an alternative. Not cheap, but prepared. Heaven forbid but what if you were hit by a bus? I think it’s she should be on the naughty bench for taking your services for granted. Just my tuppenceworth and now I’m running for cover!!

Hymil - know what you mean in a way. There were no tax credits or child care allowances when mine were small and I paid out 60% of my earnings to a childminder. But I desperately needed that other 40%!

I’m off the Seroma bench and on the Feeling Drained bench. With one bum cheek on the Getting Bored of Feeling Ill bench.

Is there a Phantom Nipple Pain bench? Somebody catch these phantom needles and stick them somewhere else!


Hymil, that’s just how I was feeling the other day. I have had a good talk to my daughter and she says she is grateful for all the minding I have done and she realises that I am indisposed at the moment. He is in nursery during the day now and she is enjoying being at home with him in the evening. They are both happier with her not working evenings so all in all it has worked out for everyone. You don’t have to run for cover, everyone is entitled to an opinion!!

Ninja. I too am off the seroma bench and have both cheeks on the Getting Bored of Feeling Ill bench. Still think my body is trying to grow a boob though!!!

The random doctor who drained me yesterday said that my chest was now “flat”.

It’s not really, though. I guess he meant bereft of serous fluid. It still had some squidgy swellings around; I guess they’ll abate with time or remain. I thought I’d end up like Pancake Jack McPancake. He was a very flat boy.

Still on the Getting Bored of Feeling Ill bench. Tired of compromising. I want to wear a low-cut top!
Is there a Mono Cleavage bench?


It’s too cold for low cut tops where I live but I’ll sit next to you if there is a mono cleavage bench!!!

I’m going to sit on the Phantom BooB Bench… weird feelings from time to time… and then I’ll move to the “oh dear, I’m a bit cross” bench, which is a bit further down Polite Hill from the F**** Furious bench and is next to the “careful-I’ll-poke-your-eyes-out” bench…


you don’t sound in a good mood at all jane!! I’ll keep you company on the phantom boob bench, my body is still trying to grow another right one!!! M

is the Phantom Boob bench the same as Needles in the Nipple That Isn’t There bench?


Do you have that as well, tingly feeling where your nipple was, if my body wants to grow a new boob maybe it’s going to grow a new nipple as well!!!

Bumped for the Woodies


GUJane I ave been on the benches before but I need the fat. B… Bench today because somebody mentioned Lemon Drizzel… Oh I also need the "this hurts today do I am feeling sorry for myself " and get me back to normality bench …My Butt will fit on them all at once it is big enough.

I am on the Gin and Tonic Bench. I am waiting for my bread to rise…we couldn’t decide what we wanted for tea…so having G and T’s as a starter!..bread to follow…won’t make the oven for an hour yet…hope I don’t fall asleep first! Anyone joining me on the G and T Bench? Val…PS bring your own cheese or salami to go with my bread!

Hi to all,

Benchland has again been very quiet, I have been sitting on the “I’m feeling really sick bench” for a good few weeks have also been sitting on the “I’m feeling sorry for myself” bench. For the last week I have had no nausea WOO HOO!!! so tonight I am having a chicken madras curry with nan bread might even have chips with it, then I’ll head for the fat b******s bench, we’ll have to have another adventure real soon any ideas?? OOps nearly forgot I might even have some scones with lashings and lashings of cream & raspberry jam and to swallow it all down some real cold ginger beer, what a smashing supper!!! Looking forward to your bread scottishlass I’ll bring the cheese, super extra strong cheddar, yummy yummy xx

Oh, so glad there’s a phantom boob bench, can I fidget between that and the needles in the non existent nipple bench and thehowcanmyarmbenumbandsoreatthesametime bench. Are there any scones left - I have homemade jam left from the toomuchtimeonmyhandswaitingforresults bench
Herbi x

hi herbi,

After munching my way through curry, could not eat any of my scones so still have six left, so you are welcome to have some away to put kettle on so come on over xx

Hi all,
Well, buttock cheeks are spread between the feeling guilty and the ******g furious bench.

I am so annoyed with people MOANING, I feel like saying live with cancer and the fear of recurrence etc everyday, then you have a right to moan.
They are just moaning about silly things, being busy blah blah, and while they are telling me these things, I put on a sweet smile while inside I’m screaming!!!I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THESE THINGS!!!
Then I feel really bad that I’m thinking this so go towards the guilty bench again.
I hope I’m not the only one that feels like this “wee” rant over!!xx

Nope it’s not working usually when I write things down I feel calmer honestly I am just LIVID, now I’m thinking what’s wrong with me???
Somebody, somewhere please help, I have a feeling I’m going to be on the crazy sobbing lady bench soon and that’s one place I really don’t want to be…Oh also it’s not that I feel sorry for myself just annoyed with the trivia and thinking what are you moaning for, you are complaining about nothing and going on and on about it ! AAAAAAARGH If I said these thoughts out loud everyone would then think I’m MOANING, xx

Hi Katytc,
just read your post and can sympahise with you so bunch up I need to jump on the ‘guilty bench’ I feel like that everytime I have a go at my partner for something really small then afterwards I feel guilty trouble is unless you got BC you really cant appreciate what we are going through, its hard but try and remember what you were like before BC because thats where all the non BC people are at no worries of our magnitude worrying about BC its return and in my case when will it get worse cause I got it on my lungs as well. I dont think your moaning your just venting and its ‘better out than in’.

Remember all of what you are going through or have gone through in order to survive, the drugs we take can have an effect on our moods I’m currently on tamoxifen/herceptin and just cant cope when anything goes wrong, for example I need to sit on the ‘take a chill pill bench’ my cat is ill at the moment and I just cant cope with it he’s only 3 and I love him dearly I actually said to my partner this morning if Ted (my cat) does not get better or if something happens to him I would kill myself, how riddiculous is that!!! at the time I actually meant it. Walking around the supermarket looking at all the food that I cant eat and watching all the non BC people just happily doing their shopping, whereas for me its a potential death shop in that most of the food is processed and I cannot eat it my reasearch has lead me to believe diet could help in saving me and I feel instinctually drawn to juicing green veg diet ala Kris Carr (please google her name if your interested).

I also need to hop on the ‘emotional moodswing bench’ I’m sure tamoxifen has something to do with this, dont worry I’ve been to the drs and will hopefully be getting some anti-depressants to help with the SE.

Dont be so hard on yourself its not your fault its the circumstances of what has happened to you.
Sending you lots of cyber hugs love and light
sarahlousie xxx

Katy, SL, can you please just sod off the Guilty bench, I have claimed the blasted thing for myself.

Emotional moodswing bench? There’s almost always room on THAT one, caused by the delights of Tam when one second you feel fantastic and the next feel ancient. The monthly numbers for the Moodswing Bench is five times that of any other bench. Guilt - always at least one bum-cheek firmly parked. F**king furious bench - far too tiring to spend too long there.

#Lack of cognitive function prevents me from naming any of the other benches, as my goldfish has taken over.




Thank you sarahlouise, hopefully Ted will be better soon, it’s good to hear that I am not alone with these “weird emotional feelings” so thank you again and big hugs to you too xx

Chocciemuffin, I know that you love the guilty bench but there is a small queue now and sharing is nice hahaha!!!xx