Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Hi. Just discovered this thread - love it!!

Im on the ‘knackered after finished christmas shopping before chemo on monday’ bench!! Fun shopping, but tiring!!

Hugs to all taking a seat!

Sadie Xx Xx

Welcome SadieL, there will always be a bench somewhere for you,
PS. There are comfy sofas too!!! Deal from DFS xx

Thx katytc! Maybe thread title could be changed to ‘comfy sofaland’!!!

I like the fluffy cushions here too!!

Sadie Xx Xx

SadieL, you CANNOT be comfy on the guilty bench!!!xx

…good point! Understood!

Sadie Xx

Hi to all,
Think i had better go on the steaming hot bench which i am jumping up and down on,

Before MX on result day asked for path report with a i will phone tomorrow from BCN running past me telling me she is very busy going on holiday, had op 1st dec another BCN sat on bed to comfort me.

Other BCN very busy just returned from holiday not had time to turn on computer but appointment arranged 22nd only time we can put you in,promise i will phone you, still waiting, tried phoning no luck i know they are busy but i am also a patient,

Today stamping feet contact the nice BCN the one who was standing in,
had to leave a message saying hopefully i will be able to talk to someone would be nice, still waiting jumping on bench now phoned surgeon secatery explained is there a possibility of seeing a onc when at hosp on 22nd was told very busy at least another 3 weeks time
Now jumping up and down on bench told her it is not good enough,
my bc problems started dx in August, had 3 ops no medication as yet causing untold anxiety, thinking where else has it traveled too, 5 months without any meds mind is boggled, now i am beginning to believe what media has said older ladies not so urgent now it is proven to me.

Better get on comfy bench now throw the pink cushion please, to calm down before aft nap
Rant over Pat xx

Oh Pat, no wonder you’re jumping up and down, try the helpline on here, they maybe able to put your mind at rest. Will bring some hot tea and homemade scones with lashings and lashings of jam and cream over to your comfy sofa…xx
PS Is that your photo? cause you look pretty young to me!!!

On comfy sofa now cushions all around me scones lovely thought but i am celiac so i am eating a spoonful of manuka honey lovely makes up for everything. still waiting for that phone call from sec, hmmm!!

Yep photo is me taken last year on holiday i am 67 it must be Devon air that keeps me young haha i wish, but i feel more like 90.granny shawl needed v neck pillow this is more like my image now.

I have spoken to the lovely BCN on here which reassured me a lot.

I think i will move along bench for another to join me. take care all of you Pat xx

Any word yet Pat?? xx

Hi Katyc,

Still jumping up and down on bench now waving arms in air doing exercise and still shouting.

Nope not a phone call thought about giving them another ring
saying that perhaps they may have something sorted for when i go on 22nd, maybe the surgeon will be able to perscribe some meds that is
the only thing i can think of why lack of communication.
going toward comfy sofa just plumping up cushions waiting for a cuppa with posh china come and join me!

take care Pat xx

On my way over to join you Pat. Val


So yesterday and today I am on the “crazy, sobbing lady” bench, feeling ultra sensitive and very emotional.
Watched my four year old grandaughter in her school nativity play and was fighting to control my tears, lots of them falling and had forgotten a hankie! The only good point was that it was fairly dark and we were sitting at the back. It was truly lovely, apart from her tearful Nannie. After recovering from that was given a surprise Xmas gift which was also lovely and promptly burst into tears again, harder to control this time and by the time I went into my house was actually sobbing, so fear if this keeps up it’s going to be a weird Xmas. Am about to pre warn family. Said it before and will say it again that tamoxifen has a lot to answer for!! What the blazes am I up to???xx

katytc, the answer is NOTHING. You are just being normal and I am sure most of us have felt tearful at poignant moments like this…even if we haven’t been through what you have! My solution?..just go with the flow…literally…let them flow and you will feel all the better for it.
Think about it…if you saw someone crying like you did, what would you think of them? I know I would be thinking “oh I know just how that lady feels”. Be kind to yourself and things will improve, I promise you.
from… Marjorie Proops AKA Scottishlass AKA Val.
Come on give us a smile. XXX

Away in a Manger gets me EVERY time, Tamoxifen or no. Christmas plays starring our children or grandchildren are DESIGNED to get even the most dour person’s eyes moist so just you sob away. Just remember the tissues next time.

Thank you both marjorie (val) and chocciemuffin, you did bring a smile to my face with your comments, as I am writing this the tears are welling again for your kindness!!! I do have previous (my own children’s plays) but this time I am really fighting to control myself cause I know it’s not just teary eyes but totally losing it??? Oh dear what a drip, literally xx

Hi choccimuffin
I’ve been teaching 30 years and a Nativity play has ALWAYS reduced me to tears. My ETA’s always check I’ve a tissue before it starts.
My daughter played Mary at the age of five and I was a basket case. I can’t imagine how I’ll be as Grandma.
Tears are very healing.
Happy Christmas

I’m on the Happy bench this evening, with a massive grin all over my face. A few people will understand why when I say “he’s been nicked”. Won’t say any more, but I’m very very very happy. :smiley:

CM - great news - long may you keep that smile!!!

Jane xxx

I thunk as how it was time this thread was hauled up from the depths, as there have been quite a lot of people expressing their feelings of guilt of late.

I have just installed a new bench called the “I-said-I-was-moving-on-from-here-but-I-am-still-posting-months-later” bench. Or maybe it’s a deckchair, cos it’s me I’m talking about, other people are less likely to announce publicly their departure, receive lots of lovely comments and then still be here posting away.

So, why did I want to go, and why am I still posting?

At the time it was the right call for me, there had been some stuff on, and relating to the forum, that I had found disquieting, and a few threads had become very quarrelsome. I found I was reading threads that fed my paranoia and/or wanting to rescue every new poster who arrived, neither of which was helpful or healthy for me. Taking a little break (a ‘wee break’ :wink: for those in on the joke) was the right thing for me to do.

But, I felt guilty that I’d undertaken to support various people via specific threads (you know who you are, lovely ladies) and now counted many people on here as my friends. So, after a couple of weeks of PMing people, and being asked to return both by PMs and people I now know in the real world (lovely Weegie & Central Belt gals) I drifted back into posting. Plus of course my very rare drug side effect of tendinopathy in my thumbs prompted me to ask questions.

The good thing is that I am now doing so with a bit more perspective. Whilst I will still respond to any new poster I see languishing on page 2, I don’t feel the need to leap in all the time. I try not to read things that don’t concern me… I an NED until proven otherwise… sometimes I need to remind myself of that. There are still threads that get quarrelsome, I fear an inevitability when vulnerable, anxious people are communicating only with words, and some of the things that troubled me are probably still around.

However, and this post is way too long already, I realise that this is special place and that the good outweighs the bad umpteen times over. Sometimes we get it wrong, sometimes we hurt each other, but d’you know what, overall we do a pretty fine job of supporting one another.

So maybe I’ll get out of the 15-word deckchair and just rejoice to be among friends.

Oh yeah, for those feeling guilty, see here ---->
there’s a big lake into which you hurl those feelings…
And the sign next to it says NO FISHING

Happy Sunday everyone. And thanks for putting up with my ramblings.

RevCat, you post away. I stopped posting a while back as my self-punishment thing so hogged the guilty bench for ages. I hope I’ve at least got one foot out of that but reckon I’ll always have a bungee cord attached to that particular bench. And will feel suitably guilty for anyone tripping over the cord on their way to the comfy sofas.