Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Great new haircut RevCat - looking foxy (if that’s allowed).

Hmm… Bungee jumping off the guilty bench - could become an Olympic sport.

More perilous than beach volleyball.


RevCat, missed your posts and glad to see you back, the lake is a fab idea, no swimming allowed either, cause don’t want to be swimming around in all that guilt xx

thanks ladies.

Katy you are absolutely right <hammer hammer bash=“”> there, I’ve just put up another sign. Also a few life-belts in case anyone falls in and needs to be rescued.</hammer>

Bungee jumping off the guilty bench… now there’s a concept to wrestle with! SPLAT face down in the mud… oops! Right, off to get some of the boingy stuff they put in children’s play areas these days to go around all the benches…

Oh yes and I’ll spend the day rounding the sharp edges of the bench in case the bungee snaps you backwards CM… hitting a bench corner at high speed… YOUCH

I’m sure if it were to happen I would deserve it. But it probably won’t do too much damage, my hair shirt should protect me! :wink:

Is bungee jumping optional? Cause not sure if I can do it.
Oh my the guilty is coming back and where do you find the “hair shirt” because I’m going to need something, what happens if the shirt gets wet? May need to wear a lifebelt constantly cause still a bit blubby, boo hoo xx

tee hee… I was wondering about the goodbye and “here I am poppimg up all over the place”, Cat! Nice to here from you!

good to have the benches out again! How about a “beentheredunnitandsurvived” bench - shortened to “there’shope”?

I’m sure swimming in guilt is VERY bad for one, so I’m glad about the signs… trouble is, if guilt is in charge, it’ll probably WANT us to swim in gloop… Ropes to solid ground needed…

I’ve put a “sparebitofenergy” bench out too for those who need it… it’s padded…

love Jane

Jane, great to see you back on the benches!!
RevCat will be the one to ask about the ropes, she’s really busy this morning hammering and laying boingy stuff, very safety aware.
I’m just wandering around with my lifebelt on, searching for that hair shirt xx

Phwoof, busy morning.


Signs up… check!
Life belts every couple of feet… check!
Ropes, long, strong and easy to hang on to (oh dear that sounds like a certain loo roll brand)… check!
Multi-coloured boingy stuff… check!
Sharp edges filed off benches… check!

Plus, fresh coffee/tea/infusions/whatever and calorie free bakes laid on the tables, all snaffled from the yurt in the woods (dont dob me in please!)

Hope some new people who need this corner of forum-world find it and feel welcome!

RevCat, you deserve a break, that’s some morning you have put in.
I have just had a coffee and a creme egg so I am on the “Can’t stop eating sugary things” bench, which is just beside the guilty bench so I don’t have to go too far, I keep pinging backwards and forwards, that bungee rope AAAAAAARGH, fastest I’ve moved in years…
C’mon newbies, WELCOME TO BENCHLAND xx

Rev Cat,
I just luuuuuve the lake image and No Fishing No Swimming signs!
It takes a bit of getting used to, being out the other sideof it all,popping back here where there are others that understand it seems OK
Not sure it is sunny enough for a deck chair at this tme of night, though…

Managed to free myself from the bungee rope, whew am now making my way to the “I’m still getting weepy over adverts, tv programmes etc (happy things not sad ones) and am really getting on my own nerves bench”
I seem to be wandering about with a permanent lump in my throat and slightly teary eyes, my hormones are going a little crazy methinks! xx

I’ll think i’ll join you on the overly emotional bench katytc!! but i may need to push up an I JUST WANT TO FEEL NORMAL AGAIN bench! hate this fuzzy head feeling!! (as in foggy - haven’t lost my hair yet!!lol!!:P)

Goosey, still sitting here, come on over, I can never find the “feeling normal” bench, I’m always distracted by one of the other benches!! xx

I’m with RevCat on the “I-said-I-was-moving-on-from-here-but-I-am-still-posting-months-later” bench - only I never publicly announced my departure but just found other stuff to do over the last few weeks so started to use the site less… then I thought I was cured but yesterday went to look something up on tinternet via favourites and there was the BCC logo next favourite on the list…did I get my stuff looked up??? Heck no I was on here for several hours instead!

BUT found RevCat’s “moving on” posts - and saved them for near-future reference and then like a true addict I just had to log in again today… and then found this thread for the first time (pointed out by RevCat I think…) - I need help - is there an addicted bench?

good to see you all back in Benchland and welcome to any newbies. I have requested hammocks with sleeping bags and fleeces and soft pillows for anyone wanting to chill out but not be chilled. Special small side tables also being delivered to put our paperbacks, hot chocolate or Chateauneuf Du Pape or other preferred drink alcoholic drink. I have been busy baking but will need help to eat up all on the plates as my appetite is poor. I have meringues, banoffee pie, carrot cake and a light sponge for those not peckish. Anything else you need girls? Love Val

Yes Alice, any bench you wish just magically appears, it’s a fab place, well, depending on which bench you are sitting on…
Oh Val have missed your baking, just love banoffee pie, lashings of cream anyone?
Still between “teary” bench and “sugary” bench but will be making my way over to that reinforced bench if I keep eating…
Starting to feel guilty, bungee ropes are calling xx

RevCat, just been reading the spoon theory and think we should have a small supply near the guilty bench, beside the lake with the no fishing and no swimming signs, near the bungee ropes and tethered ropes, the lifebelts, the boingy stuff and Val’s baking…xx

Hi - Just looking for the store of spoons!! Checked behind signs and under ropes - but cant see any at the moment - is there a delivery planned for later?? While im here - cakes are wonderful, thnak you Val!!

Sadie Xx Xx

Sadie, we may need a shed, anyone good at building, joinery etc??? delivery due at 3 xx

Flippin’ 'eck, more work!!! Well, I guess I’ve only myself to blame… good job it’s my lunch break!

Ok, see that sign there… a sturdy box of spoons, little ones, middle sized ones and a few l-a-r-g-e ones.

Now then, little shed next to the guilty bench, inside it is spoon vending machine. I’ve no ideas what one looks like, but that’s what it is. They are free, so not sure why I said it was a vending machine, but you have to choose the purpose and press the appropriate button to get one to come out.

Here are cake eating spoons - self washing, just use them and put back for the next person to come along.

And just in case anyone is feeling musical… a little stack of spoons for playing.

Only one thing to remember - all the spoons vanish at midnight, used or not, so don’t take more than you need, you cannot save them for tomorrow. Hopefully a new lot will appear ‘as if by magic’ just after midnight so you can get new ones then.

Phew, need to do some w-o-r-k for a rest now! :-))