Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

RevCat you are unstoppable be careful to not use too many of your spoons too quickly, it must be something to do with that new hairdo of yours, looking good!
Like the midnight theme, feel like Cinderella, wish I looked like her!
Thank you once again RevCat you have saved the day ta ra ta ra ta ra just hitting those spoons off my knees and humming a little ditty…xx

Well you have all been busy. Great thread by the way. Cheers me up no end. I am on one of the luxury recliner chairs…hope you don’t mind but bones a bit achy and feel liked I’ve been kicked by a horse as the day progresses.
I have introduced a Billy Bookcase and have brought along some great books for you to read. Only the books we really enjoy allowed to go on the shelves. So look out your cupboards and bring some reading material to share.
I have ordered a fridge freezer that we can fill with nice ice creams and things that you suddenly know you want but don’t have in the but by then the shops are all shut. So if you wake in the middle of the night in Benchland you can raid the fridge for goodies. No need to replace as at midnight the used items all magically replaces themselves so no shopping needs to be done. Oh Benchland how I love you and all my friends there. Val

Has benchland replaced the Dark Dark Woods? Sounds very nice in here I must say!

I have a book to put on the new book case, it’s called “The Flipside” by Adam J Jackson and is all about finding the hidden opportunities in life. A good book to dip into and similar to the chicken soup for the soul books.

Val, you truly are super, spiffy and a good brick!!! Ice cream, freezers, home baking and books, it’s a dream come true.
Just recline on your recliner and settle back, I’ll pop over with some hot water bottles, a bit chilly tonight.
I’m reading “The Help” just now, usually read thrillers, good book.
Am a bit of a bookworm, torch under the covers and all that, have put the lifebelt on and am about to have a wander, that “teary” bench is still calling me, that’s the one near the “getting on my own nerves” bench xx

I have a head torch for reading when I don’t want to disturb anyone. Have you tried one katytc? It means you have two hands and much easier. Perhaps we should order some so we don’t disturb those who are not up half the night with their nose in a book. I have read “The Help”. Loved it.

Katyc, I wondered who it was shoving me in the ribs as I sat on the teary bench earlier. Couldn’t see who it was as my eyes were rather watery.

I find I’m a lot more fragile with the bursting into tears thing than I ever used to be, and I HATE that. I’ve never been one for crying in front of people but the slightest thing can set me off nowadays. (Think “Away in a Manger” with your own infant-school-age child in the choir and you get the picture. I’m a snotty, snivelling wreck every time I hear that carol, which can get embarrassing when it comes over the tannoy in Tesco!)

ST - A lot of the benches in Benchland are made from recycled logs from the Woods, so I think that some of the magic flits backwards and forwards.


Val, head torch what a super idea, I will now be hands free to read and wander without the fear of falling in the lake! Around 3/4 through The Help stayed up very late last night reading it, had a pecan slice can you bake them please they are really yummy (at least the pecans are healthy)
Chocciemuffin, I have been overly sentimental since before Xmas, now I am not feeling sad, I just keep welling up if someone says something nice, adverts, tv programmes etc, no control no matter how hard I try, so feel I will be sitting beside you for a while yet at least I’m not angry now! You hit the nail on the head, I’m not liking it either. Hence the “getting on my own nerves” bench, may see you around there.
DJ007, I have not ventured into the Woods (huge thread feel I would have to read from the start which is daunting) but love the idea of recycling.
Off to play some more tunes with the spoons xx

Just popping in to install a few tissue dispensers, no scratch that, super soft lace-edged hanky dispensers for those who need them. You can find one on the arm of the appropriate benches and on the low tables. Thankfully by dint of DDW and Benchland magic no spoons were expended in this enterprise!

Katy, it is possible to nip into the woods without needing to start on day 1 post 1… lots of paths in and out with suitable explanations for new visitors. Loads (well a few) of us nip from Land of NED for a quick drink in the Jingling Merkin (JM) bar with our woodland companions.

i have been doing great-went to a cancer support group for reikki yesterday-not been since sept as i’m back at work full time-the poor woman only asked how i was feeling-i burst into tears and she got the lot-lol-every little worry/slight/upset/problem-felt better tho for getting it off my chest-hope everyone is ok today-stella x

Hi - Ive found a shed load of spoons! Here they are:

----O ----O ----O ----O

Please help yourself - ive found a wholesalers and there will be a daily delivery!

Hugs and spoons to all,

Sadie Xx Xx

Wow, Sadie, they are lovely…

A big tablespoon for the essential but dull jobs
A welsh love spoon for those who need to feel valued
A teeny weeny silver salt spoon to add savour to someone’s day
A scallop edged, silver spoon for eating cake or trifle
Several medium sized spoons for everyday use
A ladle for dipping into the well of hope
And a wooden spoon for anyone who feels the need to stir things up a bit!!

remember - they vanish at midnight, so don’t hog them… but Sadie has secured a daily delivery so all is well!

made me smile… ta


Stella, lots of room on the “teary” bench, just me and Chocciemuffin at the moment. Now this bench is not to be mixed up with the “crazy sobbing lady” bench was also on that one for a while so I suppose I’m improving! Huge difference now that we have lovely lacy hankies courtesy of the hardest worker in Benchland, builder extraondinaire, RevCat!!!
Sadie, well done for arranging super, duper deal is there a vending machine inside the shed, near the lake beside the bungy and tethered ropes, the boingy stuff and now the hankies?
I will wade through the DDW, eating Val’s baking, with my head lamp on in case it’s dark before I get there. xx

Spoons are in…


Hope you find the right size/shape/number for your needs

Have a good day!

Gosh, thats an early delivery!!! I will just have a small one as handbag feels fairly full already today!!

Hugs nd spoons to all…

—o, thank you, Im off…

Sadie Xx Xx

I’ve been sitting on the ‘back at work’ bench for a few weeks, using up a huge spoon mountain, but them spoons have just slid down between the wooden planks , a plank has snapped and now i’m sitting wedged on my bum with my legs flailing in the air. Can anybody lend me a chisel? I’ll turn this bench into a spoon if it kills me!!

truddles, am on my way, roller skates on, check, backpack with extra supplies, check, head lamp, check, lifebelt, check, joinery tools including extra powerful, super duper chisel, check.
Just have to fight my way through gale force winds and rain now…xx

Enjoying a rest; ‘back at work’ bench will be fixed by Wednesday. Saving a couple of spoons. Gratefully returning your chisel, katytc

In case you’re wondering, the “crazy sobbing lady” bench has an inhabitant. You probably won’t recognise me beneath the mountain of snotty soggy tissues that I seem to have produced and if you have any sense at all you’ll stay well clear, the noise is very unpleasant. It’s kind of tricky staying on that bench while keeping at least one bum-cheek on the guilty bench. Don’t really have a choice with that one, I think someone put superglue on it and I sat in it…