Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Morning ladies,

Spoons are in, check the shed, the box and the various dispensers. Special offer on Claris Cliff and other speical designs for anyone needing a treat today.

Hankies are restocked, fine linen with lace edges yet, ultra absorbent with a hint of balm for sore noses. Also ulta balm tissues to absorb the snotty stuff if you prefer

Found one aligator in the trap near the crazy-sobbing-lady bench so released it back to the lake having fed it three large alarm clocks.

Also homemade bread and freshly brewed tea and coffee (oops, wrong thread, thatā€™s a woodie thingā€¦)

Oh yes, and brollies for those in wet parts of the UK

Katy/Kathleen, loving the new photo. Hope FEC flop is not too severe.

Thatā€™s fantastic Chocciemuffin, I think it was all the snotty hugs from smelly Twinky that made the difference. Iā€™m still hovering around the ā€œtearyā€ bench, feet firmly on the boingy stuff. RevCat has replenished supplies so all set for another day. Have always been sentimental but totally going overboard nowā€¦oh my I can see a ship coming over the horizon, whereā€™s that telescopeā€¦
PS Good luck Kathleen xx

Okā€¦just telling myself off for being a coward about provoking further pain from Dennis the drain and jumping from the bench to go sort out the whiffs and chip frying capabilities of hair! Needs to be mind over matter. Have let myself become afraid of the painā€¦silly me! Donā€™t want to end up with clots on the lungs through inactivity (been there, done that, got the badge & donā€™t want to go that againā€¦lol). Soā€¦quick march to the bathroomā€¦see you later

Twinky x


Have come out to the bench for some fresh air. No sobbing today and just managed to wash my hair and shower all the bits that can get wet at the moment! No more whiffs, safe to freely give hugs again x x


Oh Bonnie Lassies. Some of you are needing a big hug and a few words of encouragement. First of all when you enter Benchland, ALL sniffling and runny noses disappear magically. Why? It is just that kind of place. I think you have been having bad dreams. Benchland is where your worries disappear and you regain your strength. Good company and getting away from it all is what it is all about. (well in my benchland it isā€¦or am I the one dreaming?.
Havenā€™t been on for a few days. Needing to do stuff. Energy levels low but otherwise feeling good so will be baking goodies for us all this afternoon. Any requests? Love to all/ Val

Is there a list of benches? I think I might need to sit on a few of them today!

Afternoonā€¦firstly big hug for Supertrooperā€¦sounds line you need one and Iā€™m all clean now so itā€™ll be a pleasant experience x x

My order for Scottishlassā€¦ Chocolate chips cookies pleaseā€¦best eaten fresh from the oven whilst they are still warm.

Will probably be on the bench again soon as I get my post -op results Friday which will determine my next stage of treatmentā€¦

Twinky x

Supertrouper, there is a list but you can have any bench/sofa you like in Benchland, whatever you need is there.
Twinky you smell lovely now, hope you are feeling fine.
Val, can I please have some pecan slices, had some last week and loved them.
Feeling a bit tired been doing some DIY, a bookcase took a loooooooooooooong time but have done it!!!Yipeeeee.
Away to have some quiet time, anyone else seen that ship or is it a mirage type thing, or am I hallucinating?? xx

ST, there are as many as you can think of. Commonly used ones lately are the guilty bench, crazy sobbing lady bench and teary bench, but many of them have been upgraded to comfy sofas. Thereā€™s a f*****g furious bench (which is looking particularly attractive today, might stomp over there for a change (and god help any alligator that tries to get in my way!) partly because itā€™s likely to be a bit more comfortable, and because I happen to be feeling pretty f*****g furious today. Long story, shanā€™t bore you with it, but it involves teenagers, which are almost guaranteed to get their mums in that state at some time or another!

And yes, you smell delicious.

Lovely smells in Benchland today! Anti-nausea meds are working so I can actually smell shampoo and home-baked cookies without fear.

Does anyone have a spare ā€œsit there and donā€™t dare utter a wordā€ bench for ChoccieMuffinā€™s teenagers? Iā€™m afraid mine crumpled under the weight of five hefty boys a long time ago so a new one would be useful for all mothers of teenagers who find themselves here.

Big hug to you ChoccieMuffin - one of mine caused me endless grief twenty years ago when I was dealing with pneumonia and loss of earnings. Now heā€™s 32 and a responsible human being. They do improve with time.

Hugs all round,

Kathleen, I misread that completely, and thought he was falling apart because heā€™d lost his EARRINGS!!!

Sorry, thought Iā€™d share the giggle I had.

No worries about the teen. Sheā€™s being taken care of, as am I and the rest of the family. Just as well, Iā€™ve had a few days where Iā€™ve been incapable of taking care of anyone.

Hugs to all.

Donā€™t forget the reinforced ā€œfat b******sā€ bench, another of norberteā€™s, creations. Laughed for days about that one !!!xx

Hello everyone *wave*

Iā€™ve just found this thread after googling ā€˜feeling guilty about breast cancerā€™! Is it open to all and please may I join and sit awhile on the guilty bench?!

I was diagnosed in Oct 2010 with IDC, had WLE + chemo + rads + Tamoxifen and last week had a reduction to my good side so Iā€™m home recovering from that. So what do I feel guilty about???!

  1. It was OBVIOUSLY my fault for getting cancer in the first place coz Iā€™m overweight, donā€™t eat my 5 a day and probably drank a bit too much :/.
  2. The impact of my diagnosis on my immediate & extended family was devastating. My Dad had a breakdown, my daughter was doing her A levels, ended up on medication & in counselling - all because of me.
  3. At the same time as I was diagnosed someone at work was too. She had more extensive disease, Mx with immediate reconstruction, lengthier chemo etc, but managed to work through most of it (she is office based & lives 5 mins from work, I am a nurse, so was banned from direct patient contact but could have gone in to do office work but live 30mins away & was too exhausted to drive an hour each day on top of working).
    She is very much - positive mental attitude, itā€™s not a problem, all over with, move on & pretend it never happened. I am not :(. I was fine through all the treatment but I wear my heart on my sleeve, have found it VERY difficult to adjust to my new ā€˜normalā€™. It HAS affected my life, itā€™s SO not all over with & Iā€™m bl**dy terrified of it coming back! So can someone please explain to me why I feel so damn guilty because Iā€™m not coping as well as she ā€˜appearsā€™ to be??
  4. I have chosen to have a breast reduction. It was offered on the day I was diagnosed and I decided to get it done. Itā€™s horribly busy at work (but always is) and although they have been very generous with sick pay, I have never felt so guilty about being off sick. One colleague, when I told her how long I would be off said, ā€œoh, itā€™s just one big holiday to you isnā€™t it?ā€!, and my manager sent me a text this week asking how my ā€œlittle opā€ went and was I on the road to a speedy recovery (ie: how soon are you going to be back?!!). I actually seriously considered asking my GP to let me back early!

As you can see from my lengthy (apologies!) confession - I am guilt ridden from head to my little toe so hope thereā€™s room on that bench for my overweight behind??

Today is not a good day :'(.

Hi Mythos,
welcome to this bit of ā€˜safe to rantā€™ space. Your guilt story will ring many bells with lots of us, whatever our stories.

Anyway, over there -----> is a big lake in which you can cast your guilt. You will notice the signsā€¦ ā€˜no fishingā€™ and ā€˜no swimmingā€™. However, because people fall in, we have loads of life belts with long ropes for resucing one another.

Round all the benches and sofas we have installed multi-coloured boingy stuff (as per kddies playgrounds) so you donā€™t hurt yourself too much if you fall off.

There are alligator traps at various points, so please donā€™t fall in! And donā€™t feed the alligators, except alarm clocks so we can here them coming.

Lacy hankies, energy spoons, cakes, bakes, drinks are all in abundant supply, so help yourslef to what you need.

And feel free to install more benches, sofas, deckchairs or whateverā€¦ for any emotion whatsoever.

Oh yes, and popping in and out of benchland as and when you need to is is abosultely fine. If you read back youā€™ll discover weā€™ve had some spiffing advnetuires a la Enid Blyton/J K Rowling as well as discovering all manner of new craft skills!! Feel free to indulge your U/PG-certificate fantasies here (other threads are available with higher certifications!)

Thank you Revcat - for the chuckle I had at your description of the playground!!

I think Iā€™m going to have to be very careful of avoiding the alligator pits - any tips for keeping my balance would be gratefully received! I like the idea of the guilt lake - although I worry slightly about it overfilling if I throw all mine in there at the same time?!

Lacy hankies sound good right now and Iā€™m intrigued by the energy spoons?? Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll head for the cake stall unless they can be guaranteed calorie free though - would be like dredging the guilt lake for me!

Is there an angry bench? I could do with a good rant in regard to my work colleagues but donā€™t feel strong enough to say it to their faces :/.

Thanks for the support, I have a feeling Iā€™m going to like this place!

The ā€˜spoonsā€™ thread can be found here and apart from the great metaphor for energy limits, is taking a life of its own as we ponder different sizes and styles of spoon for different purposesā€¦ including large metal ladles to ā€˜thwackā€™ work colleagues.

All cakes etc here are calorie free, all drinks free of alcohol or caffiene or whatever, and everything is ultra yummy whilst totally free of allergens!

Mythos I think youā€™re looking for the fat b*****ds bench. Itā€™s reinforced so youā€™ll be fine.

And you can join me on the guilty bench. Iā€™m a bit of a permanent fixture, having sat in the superglue that was left on it.

And the other bench you were looking for is the f*****g furious bench if the angry bench doesnā€™t do it for you. Careful, itā€™s very close to the crazy sobbing lady bench and it can be easy to slip off the furious bench and turn into a crazy sobbing lady.

Hi Mythos

Oh you poor love (big hugs)ā€¦now lady listen to me

  1. if being overweight & drinking was the sole cause of breast cancer then people like Kylie Minogue & super fit Martins Navratilova wouldnā€™t have been diagnosed would they do stop fretting. The root cause is far more complex which is why thereā€™s no miracle cure for all yet.

  2. Although the news was the cause of the family upset, you are not responsible for how they donor donā€™t handle it and you need to leave them to seek their own help & ways of doing it. You have enough on your plate (Quick digression for personal story, my Mum made herself ill with worry as I approached my original MX & recon that I didnā€™t see her before my op & that was a big deal as I was newly single at the time & I only saw her 10 after the op had finished & by this time I didnā€™t want to see her because I couldnā€™t face trying to keep her spirits up as well as mine. Luckily my Dad was a rock and saw me a day or so after the op do they in effect swapped roles)

  3. although itā€™s called breast cancer there are many many different types which is why there are so many different chemo drugs to treat it. I expect the other lady might have had a different type to you plus even if you had the same treatment everyoneā€™s body reacts differently ( another quick story - heard lady at work starting exactly the same chemo as me - nasty red epirubicin, and reassured her that the first dose is just like a slight hangover and that despite all the entire chemo treatment and change of drug regime I was never even sick during those six monthsā€¦and yes youā€™ve guessed it, got a text from her a couple of days later to say sheā€™d started being sick) so everyone is different. Your work colleague was clearly fortunate to be able to work plus she lives so close it wasnā€™t such an effort so donā€™t beat yourself up over this

  4. comments from your boss - people are good at putting their foot in it but the message was probably just a friendly enquiry into how you were doing rather than trying to belittle what you had gone through & get you back to work ASAP. Youā€™re in abut of a pickle at the moment which will make you over sensitive to things people say anyway & donā€™t forget youā€™ve been through an awful lot

Soā€¦deep breathā€¦enjoy the beautiful fresh air out here on the bench and the wonderful silence. Cry until youā€™ve cried enough & then a big blow on one of Revcatā€™s freshly laundered lacy hankies (snot on the ground is a slipping hazard so says 'elf n safety) and relax. Youā€™re in good company here

Twinky x

Thanks Revcat, Iā€™ve downloaded the spoon theory link to my Kindle do will have a look at that later.

Calorie free cakes? Alcohol free booze? Iā€™m liking this & may have to have a slice of lemon drizzle with my mid-morning cuppa :slight_smile: (please note the smile <<<<<, thatā€™s quite an achievement so early in the day!)

Choccimuffin - hmmm, a fat b******ds bench?! Not sure Iā€™m ready to go sit on that one just yet :/. Not that Iā€™m not admitting Iā€™m a lump of lard, but Iā€™m trying hard to do something about it & sitting there would feel like admitting defeat & Iā€™m not giving in yet!

Iā€™ve heard that hot water & washing up liquid is good for superglue?? Have you been stuck there long? Iā€™ll come join you for now but Iā€™m hoping to fall off that bench at some point so might sit the opposite end if thatā€™s ok?!

Twinky - thank you :slight_smile: (another one??!!), you sound like my MacMillan counsellor!!

You are right ofcourse & have said what I needed to be reminded of! I am constantly surprised when people refer to ā€˜everything youā€™ve been throughā€™ because itā€™s just something I had to do and I have to remind myself of the journey sometimes. Iā€™m incredibly sensitive to what others say, but thatā€™s related to the guilt I feel for having put THEM (yes I know *rollseyes*) through so much to begin with!

Iā€™ve just re-read thatā€¦move over Chocciemuffin, my lardy ar*e needs more space on the guilty bench!! Iā€™ll try not to miss the hanky with my snot - hope sheā€™s got plenty of spares??

Are there any happy benches around? Iā€™d like to spend a few minutes on the ā€˜be thankfulā€™ bench to balance out my negativity!

Psst ā€¦Mythos15ā€¦want to know a secretā€¦even though thereā€™s benches like the sobbing lady one etc theyā€™re all positive benches and whilst letting it out you can feel the positivity flowing so you donā€™t need to move although i should warn Choccie Muffin of an incoming bottom on the fat b*stards bench because Twiggy I ainā€™t (rolls with laughter and tries to stop chins joining in)

Twinky x