Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Hi all

i am currently on the ‘normal’ bench, as in …'whatever SE/ailment I have is “normal”.

I would quite like the people that tell me this to join me on the ‘this is happening to me not you bench’.

I quite like this bench idea though.Hope everyone finds a comfi one.




Hi…I’ve come to look for the ‘coming down with something’ bench with the built in thermometer & makes soothing noises when you sit on it. Suspect I might be succumbing to bloody hubby’s germs (uh oh…one foot on the ranting bench)…not surprised really, just a bit peeved!

Twinky x

Hey Mythos, I am on a waiting list for similar surgery… I did all the guilt stuff then talked to a friend who down south (from here anyway) who sits on boards that decide NHS spends in various fields… she assures me they wouldn’t offer reductions of the healthy side as just vanity or even ‘just’ psychological well-being, so chuck that guilt in the lake where it belongs. Hopefully in a few days your boob will settle down and the symmetry will be evident… I have already been warned it may take a while.

With all these new people in bench land I think it must be time for another spiffing adventure… Katy c’mon you’re the expert here!

Thanks Sarah :), you’re right, I feel decidedly traumatised at the moment so will hop over to the ‘it will all be better in the morning’ bench later in the vain hope that it will :confused:

What right to I have to whinge when others are facing/dealing with much bigger problems than mine? I feel like throwing myself to the alligators at the moment. If anyone has a buoyancy aid, can they chuck it in my general direction, preferably one laced with pain killers!

Today is not a good day, tomorrow WILL be better!

Mythos, you have EVERY right to whinge, so go right ahead.

Thanks CM, I’m so glad you lot are here right now :confused:

Evening everyone!

I have been quietly sitting on the guilty bench today - for feeling so well and enjoying life despite everything - silly i know! hope it wasn’t my cold that anyone has caught as i finally seem to have lost it!! will be moving to the cr*pping myself bench soon as chemo 2 on Friday!

Marina xx

Just for you RevCat
Mother and Papa are off to splendid, faraway places hence my jolly return to boarding school. My trunks are packed and my spiffingly super train journey begins.
I am in a private carriage well, just me and one other. A very, truly odd looking character indeed. A lady who is smoking and taking swigs from a simply wizard filigree flask. Something tells me that she is not partaking in the delights of lashings and lashings of ginger beer. What is she up to???
Wait she has fallen asleep, some subterfuge possible, I check her luggage labels and to my utmost surprise she is actually Madame Pompideux, our new French mistress. Golly gosh I simply cannot believe it, a truly strange coincidence indeed or is it???
Good old Bertie transports me from the station to school. I unpack my trunks, have a quick word with Matron, who tells me that Gwendoline is in Quarantine, due to some nasty, infectious, spotty illness type thing.
I escape from Matron’s clutches, grab my sou’wester and galoshes, homemade gingerbread, potted sandwiches & lashings of ginger beer and dash off outside.
I head past the lacrosse fields and tennis courts and make my way to Craggy Head.
Wait, someone is already here, oh golly gee whiz it’s Madame Pompideux, why is she flashing her torch on, off, on, off??
Is it a secret signal???
I cannot wait to tell the girls, I feel a super, wizard adventure is almost upon us…………xx

Oh crumbs Katy!

Did you see who Madame P was flashing at? It wasn’t that flash motor cruiser that’s turned up at the quaint old harbour was it?

Old Silas, the crusty fisherman may have spotted something when he was mending his lobster pots. But he’s horrid to everyone except Gwendoline and she’s stuck in the San.

We could have a midnight feast on her bed after Matron’s gone to sleep and get her to write a note to Silas, asking him to help. What do you think?

I’ve got sardines!


No, D, I do not know who Madame P was flashing, I scarpered off pretty quickly in case she spotted me. My sou’wester and galoshes are yellow so I stand out a bit.
Will meet you at midnight on Gwendoline’s bed, jolly super you have sardines one of my favourites, totally scrummy.
Lets hope we don’t catch that horrid, infectious, nasty, spotty illness type thing from Gwendoline…just wizard, top ho xx
Ps Is old Silas old Bertie’s friend?

What ho!

if we put manuka honey on our teacakes we should be safe from Gwendoline’s spots. I thought she painted them on so that she didn’t have to go on the cross-country run anyway. She’s a bit fast and paints her nails and doesn’t like getting hot.

You’re right! Bertie and Silas are friends - I think that they are second cousins - in fact everyone in the village are cousins!

Would Bertie help us? Splendiferous!


I see a few of you are sharing the hallucinating bench! Very amusing and I hope it continues…

Makes conversation threads about cat fountains seem quite normal really…lol!

Crawling onto the 'huggy" bench which I hear is big & soft & comforting. Having a weird low moment after a pretty good day. Even my boss has been ok after all my worrying about it yesterday. Missing hugging & kissing hubby and not being able to drive and get out under my own steam getting to me a bit now…might have to move to the feeling pathetic bench…lol!

Sleep…I should just sleep. Tomorrow will be better

Twinky x

Passing a hot water bottle covered in soft fluffy fabric to twincky.

{{hug}} to Twinky, hope you’ve managed to nod off?!

I’m here, wide awake, wondering if I should take some more Tramadol, wanting to curl up on the big fluffy duvet bench but being unable to find a comfortable position.

Anyone else around in benchland or is that low rumbling noise you all snoring??!

Pee.Ess. I really do think some of you on very strange adventures should take more water with it :P!!!

Hi Mythos

Not slept yet but hope to settle down in a bit. Looking forward to going out a bit tomorrow to wear myself out with fresh air! Hope that you nod off soon

Twinky x x

Hi m’dear,

I was asleep but had the audacity to turn over & the ‘discomfort’ woke me up!! My boob definitely doesn’t like being touched or palpated at the moment & today’s events have stirred it up somewhat.

I like the idea of some fresh air, although I may wait until the paths around here defrost tomorrow as I’m not sure ice skating is suitable exercise?!!

I’ll get back to my Kindle - usually works! Hope you get some zzzzzz’s soon.


Oh NO! Katy, DJ, I missed the midnight feast, how frightfully dreadful. Anyway, up early and taking a bracing stroll along the cliffs and looked down to see Bertie and old Silas looking most furtive and hiding something in one of the lobster pots. Once they’d gone I tippytoed down the slippery stairway to the beach and along to where the lobster pot lay. Oooh, I shivered with excitement… then I heard voices… it was Madame Pompideux and some very rough common types. Eeek! Fortunately there was a cave just behind me in the cliffs so quick as a flash I ran inside.

Oooh what a jolly jape. Now looking for the secret passage back to school… there has to be one somewhere!

What an adventure Revcat if you can find a cave…I love the thought of finding places new and wondering what the last person did there.

I’ve just popped in to see if there is a ‘give me strength bench’ with hopefully a large deposite of spoons to get me through the day. I was off to the ‘sobbing like a baby’ bench last night but negotiating all the boongy bit was a bit haphazard, and I’m not sure the ‘pull a red cord’ was available service in benchland…I think I will invest in one, just in case :o) But which bench to put it on and who would come 'running’is a dilema…at least there would be no knicker problem as they would be well and truely UP!!!

I hope you are all on nice benches, mopping up lots of goodies from Vals kitchen…yumm

Clare xxx