Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Red cords… better fix some up using sky hooks… the response might be a bit lower than real world but the intent is there…

Here, some spoons just in from Sadie’s supplier

…o …o …o
----o ----o ----o

Hope you find the kind you need!

D, what a jolly, good brick you are, manuka honey, bit of a sticky show last night but knowing that we will not have a horrid, infectious, spotty, type thing made all the difference. Loved the sardines have not eaten them before with poridge but it was totally scrummy!
Old Bertie is a super old soul, terribly common but a good sort, I am sure he will help (a shilling can be used as a bribe).
Oh my golly gosh, what was happening with that lobster pot???
And who are Madame P’s new friends (rough common types)???
Who was driving that flashy car?
Perhaps RevCat can fill us in.
Washed face in morning dew, off down for breakfast.
It’s Madame P’s french lessons today, we must keep a careful eye on that one, where is RevCat?
What a totally wizzard time we will all have, jolly good show chaps.

PS Hallucinating bench no, it’s the “childhood” bench!!!(that’s my story and I’m sticking to it with help from the manuka honey)
New girls welcome for Midnight Feasts, adventures etc xx

[Katy - absolutley, childhood it is]

“MMMmmmph,let me go, I say, let me go [in my best Blyton-esque voice]… Silas, Bertie… what are you doing in this cave?”

AH, it seems they have laid a trap for the mysterious Madame Pompideux and those common rough types she consorts with. In the lobster pot is a message that will lure her to the flash motor cruiser…

“allez dans le croiseur de moteur où vous trouverez le trésor caché” [apparenlty lobster pots can catch babel fish too… very handy]

Now, just have to try to get back to school unnoticed… maybe D and K will knot the bedspreads together and I will be able to climb up them to the window of the fourth form dorm…

But who is on the cruiser… why are the initial PB and NE significant… [oops, wrong thread]

What a spiffing yarn!

Hello Ladies,

Penultimate TAX Yesterday…So resting on the ‘ICanDoItBench’ Last time SE’s on day 4 were horrendus for 10days so need to prepare!

Relationships…I am Single, met someone two weeks before diagnosis in August, I was whole Long Blonde Hair(seems distant memory) Two Boobs quite perky, Where Have I gone? Fighting the urge to Live in the Fridge and the Kitchen Cupboard!!! so figure taking a battering, He is still around but finding it really hard. Hot Flushes, Baldness, Boobless, prob about to have second MX when Radiotherapy finished, Are the Alligators there then we can throw our selves to them!!! See Back on the ‘Moany Bench again’

On the plus side ODd on the Steroids yesterday so Luvly Cake Lemon Drizzel with Cream cheese and Lemon Curd filling going a beggin, Creamy Leek and Potato Soup, Homemade Foccacia Bread, All welcome !! Diane x

Meanwhile the it will be a bit better in the morning bench has now been vacated. I am waiting to catch the insalubrious types near the mouth of the cave with a very very large butterfly net. The bus for school has just pulled up Revcat and will render you invisible until you are present and correct in your next lesson.

Dressings nurse has made it all better and have been metaphorically patted on the head and told although I have had a bad reaction to RT the skin is now healing well. I am joining gooseberrygirl on the I can do it bench

X Sarah

Hiya Gooseberrygirl *wave*

You & I are going to get on very well indeed ;). My absolute undying love in life is Lemon Drizzle!! If you would be so good as to pass a (large) slice over this way, you could do so in the sure & certain knowledge that it will put a smile on my face!!! Good luck with the TAX, will keep my fingers crossed that you fly through it without any alligators catching you on the way.

Sarah, I’m glad your dressings went well, I ended up re-doing my own at home this morning & realised I could do with growing another hand…do we have a spare limb bench I could have a rummage through?!

Revcat, I hope it’s OK, but I’ve borrowed some of your spoons today, I ran out last night & it had a very unpleasant effect *rollseyes*!!

Twinky, hope you managed to get some sleep eventually?? I ended up taking some more painkillers & nodded off sometime in the early hours - didn’t wake until 10 this morning!!

Today I will be mostly wrapped up in a snuggly duvet, on the take a deep breath and gather your strength bench. I just wanted to pop on & thank you all for allowing me to vocalise my fears and wallow in my own self-pity! It’s occ very therapeutic!!

Mythos xx

Hi Mythos… help yourself to spoons, they aren’t mine, just that I was the one who put in the dispensers. Sadie found a supplier and, lo, every morning a new supply arrives. Also, please feel free to join in the spiffing adventures, they are everso therapeutic too.


Phew, caught the bus and just made it back in time for French with Madame P. “Ecouter et repeter”… did not know that syllabus was still in use these days. Anyway, she was everso furtive all lesson, kept looking at the clock and muttering something about ‘la plage’ and ‘huit heures’ what could it mean? Just looked out of the window and saw Bertie and Silas arriving in a very fancy motor… what could that mean? Gwen has been released from the san after a dose of matron’s extra horrid medicine… where is SHE off to now?

Did you catch any unsalubrious types Sarah? And did they squeal?

Oh where are Katy and DJ? Oh my… off to check the lacrosse ptich…

Just cosy down girls and follow our adventure, with the hope that you will join in when you feel a little better, so gentle hugs to you all xx

Soooooooooooooo very gladdened to see you in class RevCat.
Whew, wasn’t that a very peculiar lesson with Madame P muttering constantly. I guffawed with laughter when Gwendoline appeared still covered in manuka honey. Madame P was horrified, was she not?
I think I have cracked the mutterings, plage means beach and huit heures is 8 o’clock (my fluency due to learning a smattering of French when I was in a convalescence hospice visiting my dear great aunt Bettina). I also heard caisse de tresor which I am splendidly super sure means treasure chest!!!
We must all meet tonight, camouflage togs required, at around 7.45,in front of the cave, be careful of the nets, bring tuck if possible please.
Why are old Bertie and equally old Silas driving around in that fancy car, is it somehow related to Madame P??? They have always been incredibly poor, what’s going on? Oh higgly, piggly Timmy is on the back seat!!!
Yikes Madame P is approaching, I’m going to scarper, tout suit…xx
What a totally topping day says I, munching my way through the lemon drizzle cake.

PS, Found Gwendoline, she is back in Quarantine and has been sedated at Madame P’s request. Young Trixy the shoe polisher related this tale to me, I have always found her to be a reliable source. At term end I leave her my liberty bodices and vests, she is a jolly sort, even though she is poor xx

Oh yes, young Trixy is an all round good egg and totally reliable. What can it be that Gwen might know that Madame P wants to keep secret… oooh, the thick plottens. 7:45 a la plage it is then… will bring lashings of ginger beer and a bag of apples. But absolutley no yellow wellies. How positively scumlicious this adventure is becoming.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[must go and do some w-o-r-k now!!!]

Just before I leave for the 4 hr cross country run (character building/endurance) I have to say I was shocked to the bone DJ, I simply had no idea whatsoever that the whole village is/are related to one another, what a truly jolly bunch of folks. More shocking that Gwendoline paints her nails, Mummy would disapprove and would think her decidedly racy. Well what ho, off I go, hope it’s toffee apples RevCat xx

Hello Girls

Just popped in to say that I might be late tonight - I’ve got double detention (I’m at work) and then an extra gym class (Zumba in a effort to shift the post chemo flab).

Carry on without me, but then I want to hear all about it!

Oops, Mythos has fallen in the self-pity puddle. Think we need to provide you with some yellow wellies, M.

Well, while I had my lunchtime detention (too much talking in the wrong language in French class) I happened to spy Old Silas and Old Bertie parked in front of the deserted garages. And what do you know, they had the boot open and then loaded it with what looked like a very heavy box. At least I think it was a box, it was covered with a rather dusty blanket, as if it had lain hidden for years beneath some hidden trapdoor.

They were acting most suspiciously, and glanced sureptitiously over each shoulder before driving off hurriedly down the little track that leads to the cliffs. Where could they be going?

Chocciemuffin, what on earth?
What language?
I’ll bet my ginger beer it was Latin, you are truly a hoot!
Very, very suspicious goings on indeed, do you think they are meeting Madame P? Are they in cohoots?
DJ, we will wait as long as we can, will leave a special trail for you to catch up, just follow the grey wool…xx

Help! I’m mising out on an Adventure! No time to find out what gives… however, I had an adventure of my own and Monday, ventured near where RevCat purrs, and returned a lace hanky when we met for coffee (literally!) Such larks…

Real world call for revcat to rescue a damsel in distress - can’t make the 7:45 meet up but toffee apples in the gym locker behind the lacrosse sticks… will be back later to catch up on what’s been happening in Blyton corner of Benchland!

PS Jane’s hanky may come in useful… here you can borrow it!!!

Sorry not been around Benchland as I am stuck in the Lighthouse. I sneaked in to have a bird’s eye view and someone slammed the door shut at the bottom of the lighthouse. I am not scared as I cleverly anticipated possible problems could arise and have my head torch with me…oh and my book that I am always reading plus a bottle of pop and a peanut butter sanny and slice of fruitcake that I sneaked from the kitchen when marton was having her afternoon tea. I put on my thick navy blue knickers and warm tights so should be okay. But need someone brave to try to open the door at the bottom of the lighthouse…you wouldn’t leave me here alone all night would you girls. I think the janitor may have some spare keys in his shed…wonder if any would fit? Val XX

Oh Scottishlass , I have found a handy crowbar and have just prised open the door. I don’t think you can hear me because there are munching sounds and rustling emanating from upstairs. I wilfully ignored the promise of spare keys and now have had to leg it to meet up with the rest of the crew. I come armed with a very large lemon drizzle cake and oodles of pop! Step one of my healthy eating plan.
X Sarah

Of course it’s healthy, crabby - it’s got lemons in it so that’s definitely one of your five a day. Wonder if two slices count as two of your five a day?

Hi Lemoncake here - did someone call??