Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)


Ooh thanks Sarah (Cromercrab) free at lastā€¦ and just in time for Lemon Drizzle cake yummy. XX

Feeling slightly queezy now, been a little over ambitious in the portion size of cake. Hope everyone has enjoyed it. Saving a large slice for Revcat. I have lit a campfire and have also brought along a haversack full of marshmallows. We have some long pokey sticks to use as toasting forks. Perhaps some of the up all nighters might like to join us in toasting a marshmallow or two a bit later

X sarah

How about I bring some bananas and some chocolate buttons tonight for our midnight feastā€¦at two oā€™clock!!!..does anyone have some tinfoil? Oh what jolly jolly funā€¦see you later alligatorā€¦in a while crocodileā€¦ooh

I wondered where you were Val, so glad Sarah came to the rescue! Jolly good show that you were wearing the super thick blue knickers. Also happy to see Jane back, our super, duper, spiffy adventures wouldnā€™t be the same without her. Wonderfully wizard meeting RevCat and sharing all those lacy hankie stories.

Well while you girls have been eating the lemon drizzle cake/cakes I have been on my own jolly jape. I think someone tampered with the school clocks because I seem to be alone.
At 7.45 precisely, I was hiding behind the largest sand dune. My camouflage gear, consisting of black tunic, black pullover, black balaclava and black galoshes worked superbly well as Madame P walked straight past me!!!
I held my breath as she sauntered towards the shorelineā€¦
Gulp golly gee whiz, I can see the flashy carā€™s headlamps.
I belly crawl nearer Madame P, the flashy car is almost upon us.
Oh me oh my SOMEONE is strolling along the beachā€¦
Itā€™s Trixie (the shoe polisher).
Oh no the flashy carā€™s brakes screech alarmingly, two very rough, shifty, cunningly wicked, strange men leap from the flashy car, they grab poor startled Trixie.
She is bundled into the flashy car and it drives speedily away!!!
Madame P is furious and stomps her way past me, back in the direction of school.
As I furtively creep back, I cannot help but think about poor Trixie and her fate, wait does poor Trixie not uncannily resemble dear Gwendoline???

OMG, katy, youā€™ve got it, by jove! While I was sneaking a crafty look in the filing cabinets in the detention room earlier, I noticed that both Gwendoline and Trixie have the same unusual surname. Yes, theyā€™re both called Blenkinsop-Smythe - the same surname as the diamond magnate from Dorset, Edgar Blenkinsop-Smythe! What a cunning disguise to give Gwen the first part of the double-barrelled surname and Trixie the second part! Who would have thought that Gwendoline Blenkinsop was the sister of Trixie Smythe?!

But what are we to do now? Trixie has been brutally snatched, and poor Gwen must be beside herself. Iā€™m sure I heard them whispering together earlier this evening while I snuck into the third-yearsā€™ toilets in my eagerness to deal with Herceptin-bum. Iā€™m sure I heard them plotting to meet at the cave, and some of the words I heard were ā€œdiamondsā€ and ā€œmidnightā€ and ā€œpompā€ and - and - and - ā€œvery dangerousā€!!!


ps Still on the guilty bench, but someoneā€™s been chucking the imaginative pillows around, and that makes it a bit less uncomfortable.

Ooh Sarahā€¦pass me a toasted marshmallow! Do you think itā€™s safe to light a camp fire so close to the benches? Maybe they are flame retardant. Think Iā€™m going to be an up all nighter posting againā€¦

Twinky x x

pssst! <<whispers>> over HERE! Been caught out of uniformā€¦it had cake crumbs in itā€¦ MrsPs furious and confined me to the sick bayā€¦ anyone help me out of here? Jane

Mmmmm. Think Iā€™ve jumped onto the bcc girls adventures forum ā€¦ ooops maybe itā€™s the drugs lol.

Magda, mmmmmmmmmm, Matron does give us a daily spoonful of vitamins???

Jane, you really do get yourself into a pickle, well, golly gee whiz perhaps you can quiz dear Gwendoline while you are there?

Chocciemuffin, you really are a HOOT, guffaw, guffaw!
I had a word with snivelling, snotty, common Hilda (grate & chimney cleaner) and she says dearest Gwendoline and poor Trixie (you are not going to believe it) are TWINS.

So midnight it is then girls, no feasting tonight! We have serious business to attend to. Remember the camouflage gear, I popped into town earlier and managed to find a lovely pair of Hunter wellies, black of course such a snip at Ā£100.00 (Hildaā€™s yearly wage). A spot of shopping does a girl no harm indeed.
What is ā€œpompā€? do you think it perhaps is yikes ā€œbombā€???
If so I will find out if Timmy the ā€œbomb sniffingā€ dog is available, if not we can always use snivelling, snotty, common Hildaā€¦xx

Oooh Mr Blenkinsop-Smythe and PC Flatfoot have just left the headā€™s office with a large brown package tied up with string and driven off in the direction of the lighthouseā€¦ Madamme P is acting VERY strangely indeedā€¦ she turned quite scarlet then quite white when she saw the PC coming, then turned on her heel muttering to herself and headed in the direction of the sanā€¦ Look out Janeā€¦ and Gwenā€¦ sheā€™s headed your wayā€¦

Gwen is completely out of itā€¦ Iā€™ve tried to wake her up, but thereā€™s no responseā€¦ weā€™ve had no CAKE all dayā€¦ just prune juiceā€¦ Iā€™m beginning to feel very weak and faintā€¦ must have C~A~K~Eā€¦c~a~ā€¦k


Oh golly gosh, can someone please give Jane some cake??? xx

Cake on way. Can you shine a torch to show me the way? I have lots and lots of scrummy things. Hang on Jane I am on my way. V

Val, pop into the dorm and I will lend you my head torch xx

I have got a Davy lamp that matron had left by her door. Unsure why she had it unless there is a secret underground tunnel leading to the cliffs. I also come armed with battenburg cakeā€¦

Sillt twat, me not you Cromercrab, I have my head torch strapped to my head. I wondered where I had put it. Luckily it was switched off so my batteries are okayā€¦coming Jane comingā€¦

I have been given two cakes today - both victoria sponges, one homemade and one WI - plenty to go round girls!

Iā€™m sure that neither of them have been doctored with a sleeping potion.

Yikes - look out! Here comes Matron! Cave!


Well girls, what a to doā€¦ midnight came and I was hiding in the cave watching intently by the light of my eco friendly wind up torch. Peering in to the darkness I saw Old Silas and Old Bertie carrying what looked like a large trunk along the beach towards to lighthouse (past the lobster pots) where the flashy motor crusier was moored. There on the headland stood the flash motor and beside I am sure I saw Mr B-S with PC flatfoot.

Next thing c-r-a-s-h and I woke up in the san with Madame P glowering at me and matron feeding me prune juice. Oh my, oh myā€¦ what a to-do. Gwen was snoring so loudly and Jane was totally out of it (more glitterberry juice I fear). What IS happneing? I am going in search of Dā€™s sponge cakes now to restore my strengthā€¦

I also woke up in the San, Iā€™m in the second bay and the curtains have been pulled all around me, there is even a bedpan?
What dastardly bad luck girls, whatā€™s going on???
Feel very tired, polite yawn, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz xx