Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Do you think the cakes are drugged…You all seem to be consuming them at the rate of knots…or is it the new 'cure ’ for BC, if so, I shall be certainly be on that trial :o)

Hope you all wake up safe, sounds a scarey place in the san, I will hobble along behind and give you any warnings of Madam coming up the rear :o)

good luck girls, chin up!!!

Thank you potmaid, but unfortunately it was tooooooooooooo late!
I have just awakened in a secret dark room type place, in one corner I can see poor Trixie (who’s not really poor but actually obscenely rich) she appears to be shackled but looks very well indeed. Superly spiffing actually.
In the other corner I can see a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge wooden box, wait I can see something glistening, it’s the diamonds girls.
I feel we are still inside the school but in a hidden secret type room thingy place.
We need rescued tout suit, check Madame P 's room there is an armoire wardrode, I’ll bet the rest of my ginger beer you will find a secret passage leading to the secret room where we are being kept shackled, please, please help girls before they all come back…xx
Oh no in the last corner sits snivelling snotty common Hilda, what on earth does she have on her lap??? Yikes HELP.

Soooo, I munched my way through DJ’s WI cake - fortunately free of the drugs that affected so many others and trailed Madame P to her office… once inside she opened her wardrobe… and disappeared! I thought that only happened in Narnia stories with is quite another author altogether. However… grabbing a large metal ladle from the kitchen (conventienlty next door to her office) I tiptoed into the wardrobe…

Oh my golly gosh! How trully spiffing! A SECRET PASSAGE!

Ahead of me I heard a voice ‘zut alors, c’est filles sont trop intelligent, qu’est ce que nous faisserons maintenant?’ It was Madame P talking to … no, it couldn’t be… it was… the nasty rough common types! They spoke French too! Was it all a wicked rouse? Were they really spies?

Oh my, oh my, what an adventure…

nous devons charger les marchandises avant que les filles nous . That’s what I heard Madame P say to her fellow conspirators. I think she knows we are on to her. But what are they loading up and where is it going?

Mes adresses de langue françaises fondamentales ne s’occupent pas de tout cela!!!
HELP save us soon… xx

OK Katy… I’ll use this extra spiffing metal ladle to whack the padlock on your shackles… thwack, twack, ping! You are free! Now let’s get out of here! I’m sure there’s some ginger beer and a few sqaures of soy free chocolate back in the dorm… Cromey you too… come on I say, come on…

Run girls run, thank you ever so much RevCat,
OUCH did you mean to hit me so hard it’s only my wrists that are shackled, not my head??
What a gloriously simply wizard adventure, chocolate here I come. Glitterberry juice anyone? xx

THANK YOU RevCat - Heroine again! But fancy accusing me of drinking Glitterbury juice when I’d been drugged!!! Zut alors!

Good evening everyone just popped in to see how all are, I am sure my name is engraved in a bench or two, I am currnetly trying to get over the last year, I have developed horrid lymphodeama again! and my hair, eyebrows and eyelashes growing though nails and skin still a bit of a mess< posotivly the kids are smashing and we have a new puppy so Im spending my time on the ‘mopping up puddles in the kitchen’ bench!!! she is a westie called Daisy and she is beautiful we are all besotted with her…hoping and wishing you all well lots of love especially to the class of 2010/2011 XXXXXXXXX Jeanette

I always suspected there’s something decidedly suspect about our suspect, Madame P. And judging by her atrocious French (assuming that’s what she actually said) I was right.

So I sneaked another look in the filing cabinets in the detention room, where I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time, and found the staff personnel files. What a shock I got! Our very own Madame Pompidoux is, in truth, Mrs Blenkinsop-Smythe the second, Mr BS’s second wife. It would seem that his first wife (who was stinking rich, being a diamond heiress) died in mysterious circumstances a couple of years ago, and Mr BS shacked up with a certain Miss Edna Pompey.

The thing is, as I discovered from Google (see, it does have some uses!) the first Mrs BS left ALL her inheritance to her darling daughters, Trixie and Gwendoline, with her husband only being allowed to make use of the mansion until his death - OR THE DEATH OF HIS DAUGHTERS, IN WHICH CASE HE GETS THE LOT!!!

Poor Trixie and poor Gwendoline, we HAVE to save them!!!

Quick, girls, back down the secret passage, and don’t forget the ladle, I think Mr and Mrs BS deserve a darn good thwacking! Someone had better bring some spare navy stockings to use as makeshift ropes to tie them up until we can appraise PC Flatfoot of the truth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was working under cover and is already onto them.

Tally ho, up an’ at 'em, girls!!!

Jeanette, sorry if this is a bit weird, you’ve stumbled back to benchland in the middle of a Blyton adventure, so I hope you’ll forgive the silliness. The hairy bench isn’t too bad a place to be, as long as it’s your own hair and not someone else’s - wrong colour, wrong curl, wrong direction…

You’ll find the dog-walkers’ bench by the edge of the wood, and the box by the side contains bottles of deodorising puppy-puddle spray and a large supply of disposable cloths. Hope they’re useful, and welcome back. I frequently stop at the dog-walkers’ bench (bowl of fresh water under the other end, for thirsty woofers) as I go out most days with my OH and his beautiful but nutty border collie. I’m sure Daisy will enjoy the long walks, and as there are no cars in benchland she’ll be safe to let off the lead. She’ll soon figure out that the dog-walkers’ bench is a good place to be, as it tastes of beef dog-treats.

Jeanette, great to hear from you and so exciting having a new puppy!!!
She will definitely keep you busy, keep popping in, will keep a seat for you xx

OH, MY, Chocciemuffin,you are indeed a splendid, super sleuth, wonderfully good job receiving detention so often!
A word of warning regarding the LADLE, RevCat wields that like no other, so stay clear from her swings. A tip top thrilling rescue though.

Now, we can conclude Madame P is indeed an imposter and is actually step mama to Trixie and Gwendoline, who are now in extreme danger.

In preparation and anticipation I have crushed extra strong sleeping tablets into my homemade ginger cake. I will offer Madame P and those rough,horrid, common, wicked vagabonds (I do not believe they are French either)some cake.
I’m sure they will not be able to resist, I’m going to pretend that I am earning my cooking skills badge for the Girl Guides.
They will fall for that ruse, GUFFAW, GUFFAW.
Once they are in the land of nod, we’ll grab Trixie and the diamonds and run down to the cave.
If all goes to the masterplan PC Flatfoot, old Bertie, equally old Silas and Gwendoline should be there, beside the flashy car, near the quaint harbour, beside the village where everyone is related to one another??
Off then I say, down the secret passage in the armoire and into the secret room, jolly good show girls, anyone for pineapple chunks before the off xx

I have been snuggling on the comfy bench and haven’t really moved from the sofa in two days. How lazy is that. I have today left off my dressings and am back to aqueous cream. Hurrah! I am healing very fast now thank goodness. Despite my slothful weekend I have more energy now. Hope e eryone else is doing ok.
X Sarah

Where us the bench for the meltdown ??? They don’t happen often but today my dear husband… And he is the best in the world…Kept putting his large foot in things. First I looked like father Christmas in my red joggers…he didn’t mention the lack of prosthesis and flat chest with bulging stomach. Then he told me my face was covered in white fluff, but not to worry it wasn’t whiskers. My hair was “coming on” To cap it all my yellow tipped ears were pointed out in case it was dye from my wigs.
I am now in bed sulking and demanding cups of tea and cakes!!!
Liquid Cackles

Sounds like you might drip through the slats on the bench, or soak a sofa!!! Grab one of RevCats lace hankies… no second thoughts, grab a towel! Poor you! Jane

Ok, you lovely ladies…where is the ‘scared stiff about scan results tomorrow, but putting a positive face on to all those around me’ bench??? Im wanting a seat fairly urgently!! Is it near the mealtdown bench where i may befriend Cackles??

Sadie Xx Xx

Ok Sadie, Sitting right next to you on your bench to hold your hand. Hope you get good results tomorrow. I will be in hosp for 5hours approx getting my Blood transfusion. Must remember to take a good book and radio with me. Hugs to Sadie from Val

Sadie, wishing you all the best for tomorrow, extra hugs for you and Val.
Glad you have had a restful weekend Sarah and have energy.
Cackles, tactful or what?? Hope you are making him pay, lots of tea and cakes and perhaps some chocolate too!

I am actually sitting on the “I’m a dope” bench. Cooking tea, took pot off gas ring, leant over ring to stir other pot, smelt a burning smell and realised I was burning the hairs on my arm. Ouchy, cheap hair removal though!!! xx

Oh dear, oh my, poor Cackles. Father Christmas indeed! Hope Jane’s soft, fluffy towels helped mop up the meltdown… I find the idea of a melted Cackles quite distressing… we must ‘set’ you again quickly. Fortunately this requires neither refrigeration nor cement (though either could be applied to OH…) but copious amounts of tea, cake and TLC.

Sadie and Scottish Lass, here are some cushions for that scared-stiff bench to ease the waiting… nothing worse than arriving at the hospital with a numb bahookey (sp?) from a hard bench. Hope all goes well for you. Sending spoons from the spoon shed for you ----0 -----0 ----0

Katy - burning your hair, oh no! This insults those of our friends who dream of hair on their arms. Some magic cream for your poor singed arm and hope all is well soon…

Many thanks for the Blyton adventure this past week… jolly spiffing and enough of a ‘fix’ to last me a while I think!!

Arghh. Gas hob incident…scary. I am hoping I have acquired a few spoons for the week. I am watching 300 ,bit gory but cool at the same time. Venturing out tomorrow to visit friends. I have hospital Wednesday and Thursday and am eyeing up the ‘you can do it’ bench

X Sarah