Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Hi Ladies - Im off the ‘panic bench’ and onto the ‘feeling very happy and relieved’ bench - I am STABLE (…or is that IN the stable???). Anyway heaps of spare spoons and so will pop them in the stable and hope you can all visit!

Hugs and smiles and “phew”

Sadie Xx Xx

Sadie, that’s such a relief! Well done (even if all you actually ‘did’ was lie there and think of England).

Hello - I got rather lost last week with the adventures as I obviously had a misguided youth & have never read Mrs Blightons work!!

Fantastic news Sadie :D, so pleased for you! Katy - hope your arm is ok - lavender oil is very soothing on burns ;-). I hope everyone else is as well as can be?

I am currently sitting on the ‘be brave/need courage’ bench. I am seeing my consultant tomorrow about the appalling outcome of my breast reduction :-/. I’m just wondering how long I will last before I end up in floods or hubby ends up lamping her!!

Wish me luck girls, I’m going in…!!

Fantastic news Sadie, you must be sooooooooooo relieved.
Mythos, wishing you lots and lots of luck for tomorrow, hope all goes well and you end up beside Sadie on the “happy and relieved” bench.
My arm is fine, it was just the hairs that were singed, I’m still getting used to having gas, always had electric before. I have just started cooking again and it is so draining, how can you be so tired cooking?? So I’m on the “happy making proper meals again” bench. Sat on the “guilty” bench for a long time with that one!! xx

Need to seek out the ‘feeling a bit lonely’ bench. Hubby went back to work down south today so I’m alone for the first time after my MX. Missing him loads already. Not planned to see any friends until Weds. Fighting a bit of a cold/ cough thing at the moment so just pottering about at home. Need to work on some songs. Promised myself lots of time for writing & recording whilst I’m not at work. Not done any so far but hoping to find myself again soon! Got to keep busy with positive stuff whilst I fight this b*gger again. Just wish hubby was here with me.

Twinky x

Off the Meltdown Bench and heading for the Insecurity Seat.
Thank you for the lovely fluffy towels I really am wet behind my ears! You cheer me up RevCat, Scottishlass, Cromercrab and GIJane. It was lovely meeting you on the bench though SadieL I needed befriending!!! Silly me.
Katy hair is not for burning I need it for my head. Careless woman.
My darling husband - he who lost Brownie points yesterday has reserved a cabin on the Hebridean Princess. The last available one. I however am now in the insecurity of …am I jaundiced? Is that ache my liver. Etc etc…pathetic I know I probably will be here in six weeks time, how stupid to think any other way , but as a Scot I would not like to waste that amount of very hard earned cash… It would be a fantastic week but they need to be paid before my scan results and Oncology Appointment next week. I don’t think cancellation insurance would be possible for existing conditions.
So find me a Shaking Quaking bench and I will contemplate my navel tonight…

Be of good faith ( do as you say yourself daft woman )
Cackles xxx

Big hug for brave Cackles, who has travelled through the dark, dark woods where her wisdom and wit helped so many and now finds the seats of Benchland. Be of good faith, indeed, but here, a special lacy hanky if you need it and a cushion for those rough benches that keep popping up every time we turn around.

Big hug for Twinky, left all alone for a few days with only us for company… how scary is that?! Here is a hanky for you too, and a tray of assorted spoons.

Sadie that is BRILL news, I turning cartwheels of delight for you… here in Benchland I have agility the real world denies! A celebration spoon needed.

Mythos, be very brave today and here is a special consultant-thwacking-ladle to take with you and a hanky in case of need.

Cromy thinking of you in your busy week of hosps and waits… here’s a bag of spoon for you to take along

Katy hope the arm is recovering and no further incineration occurs. Gas is easy once you’re used to it!

Work is mad (in a good way) and ended up working 8 hours of my ‘day off’ yesterday, so grabbing a couple of extra spoons for myself.

Morning all on the various benches . Grotty wet day here in dripping Brill. The Americans have a Mud Session when the snow melts and I think it is very apposite for today’s yuck.

RevCat I haven’t read about the spoons but I will delve into the canteens and drawers and see how many I have got. Then armed with them I will peruse the theory on the Bench of Knowledge. What thread is the link on? You must look after yourself more . Too much work can cause burn out …and as for CARTWHEELS you are loopy…LOL.

Today I am so much back to normality. Even although I have only had three hours sleep. I seem to get a couple of daft moments every other month. Still better out than in and you all have such lovely hankies as well as soft towels for drying the odd tear.

Twinky you were sharing the night hours with me last night how about a light lunch and chat in Benchland today as you are left alone in our care. I will bring a gas mask to avoid your cold.

Mythos if you haven’t read the Famous Five or Secret Seven under the blankets with a torch after lights out. You ere a deprived child. Read them now they are every tomboys dream.

Cromercrab, yes you can do it. You help others to so often.
Time for bacon but tie.

Hi Cackles

Bacon buttie sounds good to me. Can you eat one wearing a gas mask? It would appear I currently have a lighter more ladylike version of his chest trouble. Just hoping it stays that way. Rabbits are pretty rubbish at making breakfast ( just currants by the dozen) do if I want some I need to stop playing Scrabble on my phone & get out if my warm bed).

A warm hug to all on this cd damp morning. Bet the heated bench is popular today.

Twinky x

Thanks everyone for your support.
I think I have overdone it a bit and am resting up today. I think I shall go back to bed for a bit. Was going to go for a blood test this morning but shall have it done tomorrow pre scan.
X Sarah

The spoon theory is here:

Read on page one to find the link to it, then enjoy some of the jokey comments too.

A little selection of spoonies for you all…

------------------o (long handled spoon to reach further)

.......) (this one is a ladle)

Have just escaped from a long 8 a.m. breakfast meeting in a VERY ICY COLD church hall (not mine, its always toasty warm) but they did give us scrummy porridge and even more scrummy bacon butties. YUM.

And yes, I am loopy, you are so right!

Arrgghhh…need the phobia bench to jump up on. Spider in the bedroom…well there was but it’s disappeared now which is even worse! Revcat pass me one of your big ladle type spoons for some bashing!

Off now…junior doctors starting :slight_smile:

Twinky x

Need a ladle to bash some jnr doctors with! Appt at breast clinic tomorrow. Ran out of spoons tonight. Hoping to find some in bed!!!

For a change I am sitting on the Happy bench tonight. I had my first Rads treatment today and got all my appointment times for the next 14 and they are all in the afternoon which I wanted. I feel so positive about everything today and so happy to be starting on the final stage of active treatment. Is there a bar in here? Or do you have to bring your own. Happy to drink out of a ladle. In fact, I am just happy!

p.s. paid balance due on holiday tonight too - the future looks brighter than it has for 9 months.

Raises a glass of something nice to Supertrooper who has the end of the treatment in sight!

Now…where’s that bloody spider gone…

Twinky x

The spider was looking for his mummy - and I caught him and let him out of the window. Horace was more scared of you than you were of him!

I wondered if it was Charlotte, and if Twinky would awake to find a web message across her window…


Thanks ST for the explanation.

Spoons are in for those who need/want them. Extra order of ladles as they seem very much in demand. I got some with rubber coated handles, better grip and won’t burn you if left immersed in boiling hot cauldrons/saucepans




Help yourselves… just remember they vanish at midnight, so use them wisely and well!

I’ll join you on the Happy bench today I think supertroper. After my blip in sleep I seemed to have woken full of the joys :o) Lets try and get the others here…I do have some awsome left over birthday cake with cream to tempt them… :o)

Clare xxx

Hi Clare

Nice to see you on the happy bench! Cake sounds good. Does it have healing properties? I hope so as I’m fighting a temp & nasty cough. Wouldn’t mind but chemo doesn’t start for another 12 days (not that I’m counting). Was up at six to have something to eat so I could take something to bring thd temp down. Then went back to sleep & feeling much better. Had an unexpected visitor though. Bunny no. 3 often joins me in the bedroom (she likes to hide under the bed) & woke up to the sound of bunny footsteps circling the bed. Looked over the edge to discover it was bunny no.2 who never comes up here! Lol…he’s gone back downstairs now so I can get some more sleep.

Hope you enjoy today. The sun should be out later. I checked my snowdrops in the garden yesterday. Still in bud! I look forward to them blooming!

Twinky x

P.S. No sign of the spider this morning

Um. Private health care sucks. We haven’t accessed it yet but onc wants to try herceptin again with my chemo and pct won’t fund it cos I have had it before. Our healthcare private chaps are refusing to fund it as well because I have secondaries. B*****r.
So, am having a rant. Waiting to hear what onc is planning for me now. Was supposed to start treatment tomorrow. Feel quite upset. But at least my radiation burn is a thing of the past. It’s incredible how fast I have healed since last Thursday. In the words of many a magician it was almost a case of ‘before your very eyes…’

X Sarah