Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Sitting on the content bench tonight. Spending a week skiing with two of my brothers, their kids and other nephews and nieces. Despiting the jaw dropping of both onc and radiologist who did not dare telling me not to go. I could see on their faces they were not happy.
Eating too much, drinking too much, laughing loads. Sending you all lovely ladies a big hug.

Horror of horrors the weighing bench for me. Having announced to everybody the day after my bilateral mx that I was no longer obese just overweight , today the Practice Nurse stood me on the scales for a B/p check. Eight pounds + put on since chemoā€¦URGHā€¦!!! Blast
Bread and water and locking up is the only way to stop me. I have NO willpower. It is just as well I canā€™t make the pancake party.
Now I have to find
A) / Something that fits
B) Something without patterns
C) something that isnā€™t black
D) a blouse that isnā€™t white
E) just normal clothes you would wear for a lunch with friendsā€¦I would wear black trousers white blouse and a patterned cardi. Help!!!
Star of screen and stage
Cackles xxx

Hmmm, think a ā€œLenten Abstention benchā€ might be needed for those (like me) who wish to shed a few extra pounds. It will be build of concrete, so it will cold, hard and uncomfortable. On Sundays cushions may be added for those of appropriate persuasions who deem Sunday a day off from fasting. For anyone who is into ā€˜ashingā€™ I have been burning splinters (not from CMā€™s derriere it has to be said) and mixing them with whatever you are meant to mix ashes with to make a paste to dab on people (you can tell Iā€™m a non conformist church person canā€™t you!). Anyway, Benchland ash-daubing can be arranged!

Enjoy your pancakes/photo shoots/ days

PS Cackles, can we have your autographā€¦!

vercors, that sounds just fabulous, lovely to have a ā€œcontentā€ bench!!
cackles, spanx thatā€™s the answer, all the superstars wear them, before your photo shoot today get the lackies to run around and get you some, it may sound a bit diva like behaviour but worth it, look forward to seeing you in your bodycon dress!
RevCat, good luck today, concrete, mmmmmmmmm, bit cold for the bottom methinks, (cold concrete leads to piles??) or is that an old wives tale?? xx

Well I am on the One Year NED Happy bench! Just back from my check and all is goodā€¦ my recon being described as ā€˜German engineeringā€™ by the doctor I saw today (my PS is German). So yummy cake all round to celebrate.

Slightly confused as they wonā€™t mammo for another full year from now, which will be 30 months from dxā€¦ a quirk of having neoadjuvant chemo and this hospitalā€™s practices of 2 yearly mammos for mx? Anyway, see them again in 6m so they are keeping an eye.

No idea about the impact of cold concrete on derrieresā€¦

Congratulations Revcat on your year :o) It will be a good night tonight as I expect to be on the happy bench too after a lovely day today, feeling a bit brighter now and waiting for my guestsā€¦ Then I expect there will be non stop chattingā€¦ LoL

Hope they can find meā€¦

Enjoy your day too everyone :o)

Clare xxx

Can I join in on the happy bench and give you a wee highland jig lol to celebrate your one year NED, so so pleased for you Revcat long may it continue.
Sending you love and light
as always

Dashing white sergeant around BENCHLAND for RevCat, lots of congrats and happy days xx

Donā€™t you mean Dashing WHite Coats around BENCHLAND??? Yay! One Year NED! Brilliant! Hereā€™s to the next oneā€¦ (opens Moet Chandon from the JM)ā€¦ assuming you like Champers Revcat?

RevCat. Skirl of the Pipes and a toast to celebrate I canā€™t join you because my husband watched a programme about people who have a glass of wine each night, and decided we must have three days a week on the wagon!!! Stupid man. I will have to start hiding the bottles now!!! I jest, we are not that bad but a friend is bless him. So sober bench for miserable me!!! Perhaps I will sign the pledge like my Grandma.
As for the effect of sitting on that cold benchā€¦Concrete piles I suppose !!! Or is that something my OH uses in Buildings???

Virtual champers will taste fabulous (Iā€™m boring TT in real life).

People in white coats doing reels of three all over BENCHLAND my goodness me! What a great way to celebrateā€¦ and to Clare and Sarahlousie, you make me feel very humbleā€¦ little tearā€¦ grace of God, and all thatā€¦ (not that I think God is on my side btw, just an expressionā€¦ oh dear back to foot-in-mouth bench)

Dear Revcat
I am really pleased you have NED.
You are always such a lovely calming influence with a gosh.
I have my 1st yearly mammo checkup next week - do they give results on the same day?
Good wishes to you.

Whiterabbit you are so kind, thank you.

Unfortunately I canā€™t answer your question as my hospital only does 2 yearly mammos for people who have mx (1 yrly for WLE) and because I had neoadjuvant chemo itā€™ll actually be 2.5 years from dxā€¦ Someone else will be along soon who does knowā€¦ I think my lot like to have the mammo results at the check-up but donā€™t know how they work itā€¦ clearly can do it in <1 hour since they do a one-stop diagnostic clinic.

Hope your check-up next week brings good news for you too.

Congratulations Revcatā€¦great news & another step for you! Donā€™t knock being TTā€¦the last thing that you appear to be is boring! Iā€™m heading for the happy but overindulged today bench which I hope has a nice padded seat. Earplugs being handed out to other inhabitants as I reckon Iā€™ll soon be asleep!


Twinky x

Alis results depend on the hospital. Some get the mammo done a couple of days to weeks before your check up so you and your oncologist or surgeon gets them for the appointment. Others may give them to you on the day they are done but that is more unusual for routine checkups. Whereas a Consultant Radiologist or trained Radiographer will read mammos at a new patient clinic they as less likely to be present at an ā€œoldā€ patient review.
So waiting for results gets you sitting on the ā€˜worried benchā€™ yet again pre opening the champers!!!
Twinky Clare and CM you day sounded so good. Chocolate and raspberries and creamā€¦wonderful. London was good but I was so tired I nodded off on the train.I hope my mouth didnā€™t fall open and the wig slip!!!

my hospital, they organise the mamo a couple of weeks before appt with consultantā€¦J

Greetings to all in benchland.
I am siddeling towards the crazy sobbing lady bench All because I am seeing onc tomorrow and I have my bone juice. Be glad when itā€™s a bit later tomorrow and I can nip out for lunch with oh and son


Crabbie (always think of yummy ginger beer whenever I read your posts) Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s room on the CSL bench. Itā€™s still trying to dry out after some extended use so you might have to content yourself with the sobbing gently bench instead. Better, the splinters arenā€™t so big and the nails not so rusty.

Hope you feel much better after your bone juice.

Oh CM thank you for those kind words. Yes I think the sobbing gently bench is the one I need. I have attached a cushion to my derriere to avoid splinters. Waiting for my son to return from his quest for an orange kit kat. Itā€™s part of my five a day.

X Sarah

Orange KitKatā€¦five a dayā€¦does that mean a chocolate orange countsā€¦Woopieā€¦!!! Blast I am on a diet and canā€™t just cheat after one day. Please chain me to ANY bench to stop me getting at the fridge or larder.