Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Good luck for you today sarah.
cackles, a warning, be careful when you are chained up, there are still alligators in BENCHLAND!
Today I am on the “can’t stop scratching” bench, think I’m allergic to my new tabs aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!xx

cromercrab -Hope all goes well for you today at your oncs. appt, will be thinking of you, sending you lots of love and hugs.

Kaytc - Gonna join you on the’ I’ve got crazy itchy skin bench’ its on my mx/rads site its been nearly 4 weeks since my last rads and my skin is only just starting to itch and looks very red, phoned nurse in radiotherapy she told me to go and see my GP about it so going in an hour see what he prescribes.

Love and light to all
sarahlouise xxx

Good luck sarahlouise! Hope to be off that bench real soon, doc phoning in half an hour, honestly, what next??

Cromy hope all goes well today with your bone juice. Gentle hug.

Hmm, scary, I have itchy skin too - two days on from starting the cod liver oil (yuk yuk yuk… once I’ve finished the bottle may switch to capsules and take two a day to get same benefit) and star flower oil. Have had itchy skin every time I’ve been given a new thing to take… my GP says it’s a transition effect.

Katy and Sarahlouise hope your Gps are helpful…

If nothing else the oils will evidently give me a glossy coat and strong claws…oh no, that’s the canine/feline version…

Doc phoned stop tabs immediately, apart from the itching, now have a scarlet face and sweating profusely so now I am on the “very, very rarely those side effects happen” bench which I seem to be on all the time. After I’ve calmed down a little am venturing over to the “really fed up” bench.
Back to docs this afternoon xx

Hi All
Well I’m on the, It’s all self inflicted bench!!! Where’s that you might think. It’s next to the well what do expect bench. Just endured 5 months treatment for 2 kidney stones. This was in the same year as I got my 5 year all clear. Both my Mum and My son think both the cancer and the stones are as a direct result of drinking wine and enjoying my food. So I shouldn’t expect any sympathy!!!
I wish I’d known that was what he thought when I went to rescue him after breaking his leg falling down steps drunk a couple of years back. I’d have made him walk home!!!
Like the title of the thread says Small Rant!

Katy how scary and at the same time annoying. I am never blasé about taking stuff even if I’ve taken it before. I have just begun navelbine again and am wary.
Onc went ok. Tms still rising but onc thinks could be due to rt doing it’s job. We will know for sure in a few weeks time. He can’t find anything else wrong although he did suggest micro mets as a possible cause. The 'waiting around stoically ’ bench has been installed and I am perched on it having left the sobbing gently bench with the help of my very good friends on here.
I asked onc about massage and he said why not. The thought that it will send cancer cells zipping around the body is silly…so he says. I looked at him steadily and then said, well that ship has sailed anyway. Oh how we all laughed. Anyway, booked an aromatherapy massage for Monday as I can now lie on my tummy.

X Sarah

Oh and the bone juice went fine too thanks Revcat apart from a very shy vein on the first attempt. Curiously I feel a bit achey now

oh Sarah, pull up a super comfy sofa and have a rest, you have had some day, settle back have a cup of tea and a delicious hot scone with lashings and lashings of strawberry jam and cream, xx

Had a bit of a stinker too, still itchy but sweatiness seems to be calming down, I am the same about pills but had to take painkillers cause couldn’t stand the pain any longer (joint pain). Been back to docs and had blood tests taken, nurse couldn’t get bleeding to stop so I was in there for half an hour. So decided to go into town to cheer myself up and there in the middle of the pedestrian walkway was Breakthrough Breast Cancer, lots of posters etc and one lady started to sing just as I was walking past. The song was THE LAST GOODBYE!!!
Couldn’t b***** believe it, self control was called for, hobbled quickly up the road and am now going to sit on the “CSL” bench, don’t want to deal with anything else today xx

Oh Cromy and Katy, big hugs and here… new lacy hankies specially for you.

Was the singing lady a Canadian? If so, I saw her singing in Glasgow for btbc late last year… nice voice but, yeah, few raw nerves…

Enjoy your tea and scones with lashing of of cream and jam, then have a super spiffing evening in bestest Blytonesque school story tradition.

And forgot to say feeling guilty because I seem to be the RARE one who takes the RARE side effects to drugs, sorry to all the medical profession for being that oddity, a wee bit mad about that too!!xx

Thank you RevCat, much appreciated, yes she was Canadian as you say nice voice but not the most appropriate perhaps…xx

Oh those Canadians. You can’t be cross with them for long,they are too polite. Racial stereotype not lol. Thank you for the scones. Very yummy. Lined my tum nicely. Had a long chat with onc about anti sick pills and he has insisted I take Dom perignon. Or some such and not odansetron. He then said tummy aches are more likely with the latter. I have to take two four times a day for three days or up to five if I need it. When I came out of clinic I thought this was a bit of overkill but judging from how I feel now I don’t think it was. Pass the scones please…oh and thank you for my new lace hankie. Much appreciated

X Sarah

Sarah, have a shoulder to go with the handkerchief. I hope the Dom helps with the yucky feeling…don’t forget it makes some people constipated!!! Never in my life did I think I would be bowel conscious …but then I never had chemo etc before. When I was a young District Nurse I always said I would have " keep your legs up" on my gravestone…now it is going to be " mind your bowels" where is the boring old lady bench?
RevCat Cod Liver Oil is only good for cats…I and others of my age used to have it as a child. It was even worse than the warm school milk. Yuck!!! They both scarred me for life. I think it was part of war time rationing. They should have given it to the other side.
Katytc I hope the itch has gone so you can get off the fed up bench.
As for being on the self inflicted bench Chinook get off it and hold your head high. There is nothing worse than mothers or children for trying to make you feel guilty"'.
Night all

Domperidone… aka Dom Perignon by me… good stuff, worked a treat for me; hope it does for you.

Cod liver oil on the other hand is just plain old DISGUSTING but I am perservering with it as the nice lady said it might help my achey joints, plus I bought a G-I-N-O-R-M-O-U-S (sp?) bottle of it so have to drink it all over about a month. No doubt by that time I will have grown gills and/or have a very shiny coat… If it works (no hints of that yet but it’s only four days…) I will switch over to the capsules next time and take two a day to get the equivlaent dose.

Today I am lunching in the *real world* with the Gorgeous Glasgow Girls, so a spiffing adventure will be had with lashings of ginger beer but hopefully not too many tins of sardines (which I don’t need… I had my uggy cod liver oil from matron this morning!!!).

Take care all… alligators have been returned to the lake, spoons are in and lace hankies freshly ironed.

Do have a lovely time Rev with the glasgow ladies, it sounds like a crowd going, I do hope the poor people serving you know what there in for lol, I bet the will be much merriment and dark humour flying round…

Go enjoy…please leave the aligators at home…

Clare xxx

Dom Perignon, I love it never ever would have thought of that!! Makes them sound more appealing, hope they work for you Sarah, glad you enjoyed the scones.
The ITCH has gone but the pain is back so keep feeling tired, so I’m off to the super duper comfy sofa for a while…
RevCat enjoy your day out with the Glasgow Girls, have never tasted cod liver oil, word of warning DO NOT take it near the alligators! xx

I shall make rom on the comfy sofa as I have been on it all day. The Dom perignon is doing the trick and I shall continue with it for a few more days as per onc instructions. I’m glad the itch has gone but sorry about the pain.
I have left a plate of freshly baked chocolate muffins on the bench for you as well as some freshly brewed coffee
X Sarah

Carrot cake anyone? Jar of marmalade? (You’ll have to wait a bit for that, I’m half way through…)

RevCat, throw the codliver oil out - I know it’s Lent and time for penance and all that, but really, Glucosamine and Chondroitin is better (and actually has medical evidence to back up its claims!) and it comes in harmless tablet form… Yuk yuk yuk to the cod liver oil… and think about it - liver CLEANS the impurities out… what on earth might it be full of?? Hope you had a brilliant day with the Glasgow Gang!

Can I have Dom something else? with bubbles? which bench is that on???

I would like to join a bench - not sure which one because apparently as I am not having chemo my cancer is not that bad and I should be able to continue working full time during rads without taking any tme off at all !

Phew rant over.

Love to all x