Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Aah Sarah, that’s lovely thank you, I will enjoy, tummy is very full cause went to chip shop for tea so big bloated tummy now. Yugh but I did enjoy it! A girl has to have a treat sometimes.
Jane where do you get those and do they work?
Ermintrude, lots and lots of benches to choose from, sounds like the “FF” bench is where you are, come on over to the comfy, comfy sofa and have some chocolate muffins and a coffee courtesy of Sarah, if you are too angry wait until carrot cake and marmalade are ready, be careful of the alligators, bungee ropes, lifebelts and boingy stuff. Welcome to BENCHLAND xx

I don’t need the marmalade because I made enough to stock many a larder shelf, however I am very partial to Carrot Cake, Champagne and Muffins. Where is the catering bench?
I think I will try the Glucosamine and Chondroitin and see if they help with the ninety year old aches. I wish my body could manage a nice long walk without needing a rest every half mile. However I think I would rather put up with the pain and need for rests than take the Cod Liver Oil. I hate being sick!!!
Enjoy your Glasgow fantastic meet up. I would love to be a fly on the wall. I hope that insomniac Lulu keeps awake for it!!!
The Thames at Marlow was delightful today, it was just like mid summer. Boaters were out and the golf course was full of men hitting little balls a lot better than I can.There were lots of Claredrops on the banks and the geese were nesting. It was perfect day to make plans for the future at last.
Forget the Cateing bench I will go for the Contentment Sofa.

Ermintrude, you can join the hairy bench. Particularly appropriate as I named my wig Ermintrude, then promptly ignored her!

It doesn’t matter that you’ve managed to escape chemo, you’ve still had a rubbish diagnosis, as we all have. There are no pecking orders with this stupid disease.

Not quite sure what bench to sit on. Have gladly left the CSL bench, not even on the sobbing gently bench. Still have one bum-cheek firmly glued to the guilty bench but that’s part of my being and something that would need years of super-glue-antidote to fix.

Perhaps I’ll just sit on the “gently stuffed” bench, having just finished a lamb shashlik kebab. Loads and loads of salad with it so it’s bound to be healthy, isnt’ it…?

Katy, you can get Glucosamine and Chondroitin from Tesco’s, healthfoods shops, online… and yes, I think it does work. I’ve been taking it for years to help lubricate the joints as they began to talk to me, and if I run out, I do notice the difference within a week or two. I had stiff joints for a few weeks/couple of months, but they’ve as normal as they ever were now, I only feel 60, not 80 !!! (not saying how old I SHOULD feel, cause I’m on the shy bench!)

Welcome Emintrude - pick any bench, and feel free to roam around and park wherever your feelings take you…

Carrot cake is “frosted”, if anyone wants any…


Hi all,

Thanks for the great welcome - at the moment I am deciding to sit right smack bang on the ground just like the song brown girl in a ring apart from being blonde !!! I will decide which bench suits next week after another week at work with my ‘friends’ !!!

I have just finished bashing out some fairy cakes so please feel free to enjoy - they have sprinkles on them as well !!!

Much love x

Evening all,

I would like to be on the ‘who’s a dirty stop out’ bench :o) I went out for a meal and have just come home and had a lovely time, really good fun. We even had some hard stares as I think we were enjoying ourselves too much LOL.

We were the last to leave and all my planning worked as I had asked for a chair with arms, bought my own cushions and got out of my chair with no trouble…very proud of myself. So nice to be out with good friends and laugh the whole night…we have booked in for another months time, optomistic, mayb but living in hope :o)

I couldn’t come and scoff the cakes, way too full. I didn’t even finish my med/rare fillet steak :o( but enjoyed what I had.

Take care all, this old pot is off to bed

Clare xxx

Hi Ermintrude

If you’re sitting on the ground, just be careful of the aligators that do roam - also you might not be seen by the folk attached to particular benches by bungees - they attempt escape and then get boinged back to where they were. I think there’s a nest of spiders somewhere too…


oooh, Ermintrude cakes with sprinkles an’ everything… yummy yum yum.

Rather than sitting on the ground, which is really rather dangerous, why not borrow this litlte stool to perch on while you decide where you want to sit?


A very little stool it seems now I’ve drawn it!

Definitely on the happily replete bench after a yummy lunch with the Glasgow ladies… need to prise myself off and go the ‘I work on Sundays’ bench!

Happy Sunday everyone!

PS DJ you hair is looking brill these days

Need to go on “naughty corner, you have overdone it AGAIN!” bench. I am absolutely shattered, but all my fault. I have a bad cold, still I did some housework; then as the weather is so nice I decided to go and tidy the garden. Still lots needs to be done, but I am so tired; I am not sure I will be able to make it to the cinema tonight. Some will never learn.

Move over vercors, I’m actually bungeeing between lots of benches today. I weighed myself this morning and have managed to put on a stone! So I am on the “truly disgusted with myself” bench, the “guilty” bench cause I have been feeling sorry for myself (just another wee treat, I keep saying). The “gluttony” hard punishment stool and finally I had “better start eating sensibly” bench. Haven’t quite reached the “reinforced fat b*******” bench but it’s getting nearer. Managed to scoff a mighty breakfast, I did savour it because it will be the last for a good long while, so now heading over to the “turning over a new leaf type, fingers crossed and all that” bench xx

Katy I will join you , I think I am just getting off the reinforced bench but have a long way to go. What an idiot I am eating too much during chemo. It wasn’t all down to Steroids, most of it was greed and lack of exercise. I have taken myself in hand after trying on clothes. I hope the mirrors lied or were bent but I am enormous. All the shops seem to cater for size eight to twelve. Poor old over indulged girls at sixteen plus don’t get much choice, unless you want man made stretchy fabric. I managed to get a couple of soft cotton long sleeved loose blouses today. Having to think about no bites and Radiotherapy skin is a new experience.
Is there a cushion on the better start eating sensibly bench? Or is it taken as read that one has enough cushioning on the rear end and will not need such a luxury.

Think I need a ‘why do registrars feel the need to be over optimisitic on waiting times’ bench! Having waited patiently for my symmetry surgery date to arrive, I now discover that the waiting list is not 3-4 months as he claimed but ‘at least 6’… grrrrrrrrr Ho hum. Consultant’s secretary was very helpful and will try to get me in earlier of possible as I have hols booked bang on 6m mark…

Still, it did prise me off the ‘where did my energy go’ bench!

RevCat get onto the ‘I am in charge bench.’ You must ring every other week to hear of any cancellations on the weeks you want. You know the thing…nice smilling voice," sorry to be such a pain but it is really important that I get it done when it was promised ". Oh is it better if I ring next week or the week after to see how the list is shaping up!!!, is this the best day to get you? …that will scare them into motion.
Back to the truely disgusted with myself bench and bread and water.

Morning all,
Cackles can you see me beside you? I’m the one eating BROWN bread and drinking lots of water, do you want to share? The fridge and “bakery” bench are miles away and due to joint pain and the chains it will be a while before I can visit them again. Where’s that telescope??? xx

Katy you are so welcome to sit with me, but what is this want to share about!!! Share my BREAD…ok …I will as long as you pick me up from the ground when I faint from lack of food. I don’t like alligators and crocodiles. my grandmother had a stuffed one in the Bedroom I slept in when we visited there as a child. I think her brother brought it back from the Boer War.
I have just had the food of my ancestors…porridge . How they ate that every day I do not know. How spoilt we are.
A tourniquets round my neck might help with the weight problem.
Off for yet another blood test.

We can share the water, please don’t faint from starvation because I may not be responsible for my actions, it’s not just the alligators who are hungry!

Good luck with your blood tests xx

When I was doing my lymph exercises 5 mins ago, I knew exactly which bench I was heading for. I’ve forgotten now! Anyone direct this lost soul please? J

Jane, keep going to the right xx

I’m starving, well not really but craving sugar desperately, even the alligators look tasty! xx

I am on the 'no self control ’ bench. I have stuffed my face on quavers, oven chips and looking around for cake. I should hang my head in shame…