Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Cromercrab - Too right you should. How can you mention all that lovely rubbish on this forum thread. Now you have made me hungry again. i think I tried crocodile once, it can’t have been too bad I am still happy to eat it again. Perhaps it wasn’t me just somebody on TV …like Jane the old mind wanders…always to food!!!

cromercrab, was in fits of laughter reading your post, you will have to make your way over to cackles and myself on the “truly disgusted with myself” bench.
You will be chained to the bench so there is no escape, I’ve borrowed RevCat’s telescope and you can punish yourself watching the others enjoying the “bakery” bench.
You can’t miss our bench we’re the hungry looking ones with the bread and water, drooling uncontrollably…xx

Sneaking onto the feeling sorry for myself bench. I do not recommend having a portacath fitted the day before chemo starts. I am sore & tired. My chest is sore plus my throat feels awful ( they knocked me out so I will have had a breathing tube rammed into it) so I’m not feeling good even before they pump in the poison today! Heavens I feel lousy…

Twinky x

still walking round to the right… been past all sorts of benches I’d forgotten about… took me three emails yesterday to cover one topic… really good brain! so I’m on the “lost my grey cell” bench - the one no-one can remember where it is!
Have a good day… Jane

Twinky I am sorry you have discovered a Tube allergy. Advice - go to the Cosy Comfy bench as soon as you get back from the swamps . Lots of us around to give you a big huggle plus a shoulder to lean your weary head on. Jane could be caught easily to attend to you…She has lost it!!! We could get a sleep fairy rescued from retirement in the Dark Dark Woods to put you to sleep. If we can find a reliable one is the only problem with this idea. As a specious they are not entirely to be trusted!!!
I so hope the swamp juice doesn’t cause too many nasties.

Well I tried attaching myself to the 'truly disgusted with myself ’ bench and I make Houdini look like a bungling two year old. Have breakfasted on hot cross buns. I feel this has set the tone for the day…

Poor Twinky. I am sorry you feel so yecch. Hopefully chemo will be relatively ok. What time is your appt? Hankies and hugs winging their way to your bench. I dont know what chemo you are having but if Piriton is involved you will probably nod off

Apologies to everyone for my hunger inducing posts. I am a VERY bad fairy. (actually if you could see me you would have had to suppress a very strong desire to snort at the fact that I could remotely be described as a fairy)
X Sarah

Twinky, move back to the “I can make it, I will make it bench”, we are all there to comfort you.

Ah, Twinky, you are not having an easy time of it at all, wishing you all the best for today. What about the “give me a break” comfy sofa for you? As vercors says everyone will be here for you.
Jane, keep to the right, you will definitely find someone, somewhere that can point you in the right direction. Use a ball of wool to help find your way back.
cromercrab, how on earth did you manage to ESCAPE, been trying to leave for 2 days now. Had a superly healthy tea last night, beans, nuts tuna, peppers blah blah blah. No weight loss to report, 2 days too optimistic or what???
HOT CROSS BUNS for breakfast?? “naughty fairy” bench for you. How truly yummy, still drooling! (don’t even like hot cross buns) but at the moment they sound delicious, so off now to have banana on toast (brown healthy stuff of course) and some water can’t wait xx

Ooh hot cross buns! I had scrambled egg on brown toast this morning. Feeling perjurer now I’m here. The nurses are lovely. I’m the only one having treatment at the moment. There are loads of meds for me to take home to manage the SE’s so I’ve got everything on my side!
Now climbing on to the I can do it bench! Told my silly earlier pathetic self off!

Twinky x

Twinky, the silly pathetic earlier you is still you, so rather than telling her off, just let us give her lots of hugs so she can go back to sleep and the determined you can take control of the steering wheel.

For various reasons I’m hovering near the FF bench (still wearing my bungee cord so won’t stay there, I’m sure). WHY WON’T PEOPLE LISTEN! That’s not a cancer-related rant, just that certain parts of the caring services really don’t know how to do their jobs properly.

I popped in here from the ‘weight management’ thread to find you all talking about FOOD! I can almost smell the toasted hot cross buns…

Twinky, hope all you’re SEs are little ones.

Choccie, once in a while to be FF is the only suitable response. Maybe we should install a small trampoline near the FF bench, to make it easier to jump up and down whilst shouting? However, if your bungee cord is too tight, you could get whipped away when in at the peak of your jump and end up in flight above our heads. Goodness knows where you would land then.

Huggles (what a lovely word Cackles) to anyone that needs them.

Well the day hasn’t got better food wise… Angel layer cake for afternoon tea and chinese takeaway for tea. However, day 8 of chemo tabs tomorrow so probably won’t eat much for a few days. Sensible boiled egg and soldiers I suppose.
Oooooo I have just seen choccie whizzing overhead

Twinky, hope all went ok today xx

X Sarah

Sarah you are impossible . All that talk of food --now I have to do bungee jumps downstairs for CAKE. Katytc keep her under control or we might stray from the straight and narrow.
CM- You can bungee jump to the greedy bench and join Katy and me if you bring some ( chocolate Muffins that is)!!
DJ take me back to the good folk on the Diet Forum. Benchland is full of temptations and ways to break your diet. Have you noticed poor Jane ? She has finally admitted she has lost it and keeps wondering past talking to herself
Night night

Can somebody remind me what Jane is actually looking for? I’m sure when she finds it, whatever it is, it’ll be with my marbles. I lost them so long ago I can only vaguely remember ever having any, but if you happen to find them be careful not to stand on them as you’ll end up sitting on the A&E bench with a broken ankle if you do!

As expected I ended up back on the guilty bench, beside the sobbing gently bench, but that’s because I had a counselling session this evening and my lady ALWAYS ends up with me in tears, and I ALWAYS start the session saying “I’m not going to this week” but always do. It’s become a running joke actually, which is quite silly but very reassuring in an odd kind of way.

Going to try to crawl onto the early night sofa - that one over there in the quiet corner with the cushions and sleeping bags. I’ve been finding it really difficult to get to sleep recently, which is silly as I don’t have chemo to blame, and wake up several times in the night too so feel wiped the following day. Ho hum, I managed years of sleep deprivation when the kids were babies so it won’t kill me, just leave me a bit frazzled round the edges.

Night all. (I’m fibbing really, got to catch up with the goings-on on the rest of the forum so that’ll keep me busy for a while.)

Sarah, you are sooooooooooooooo bad, double chains for you I’m afraid, you won’t get out of that one so fast! What kind of chinese did you have? and how tasty was that angel cake? says me salivating all over the laptop.
Cackles you are doing a very good job, just keep eating brown bread nuts, fruit and veg and everything will be ok.
Is Chocciemuffin on the trampoline or still bungee jumping? I haven’t found any cakes yet.
Oh nooooo, Sarah probably got there first…
Finally WHERE IS JANE??? Have seen lots of marbles rolling around recently, be careful girls (that is all the girls who are not attached to ropes, chains or bungee cords)
OUCH, something just hit me on the head can it be a cake??? xx

Katy I had sweet and sour pork, rice, yagotiri chicken, spring rolls prawn crackers and pineapple fritters. Totally stuffed. However, today I shall be the model of restraint. I am going to breakfast on sugar puffs, strangled egg on toast for lunch when I shall take my chemo. Then it’s anybodys guess whether I will eat again today 8-(.
Those chains have got me held very fast and I can see cake in the distance…

X Sarah

Sounds wonderful Sarah, your feasts are important to me !!!
All the best for today xx

Good luck for today Sarah! Will be thinking of you

Twinky x

Katyc, sorry, that must’ve been my keys. I keep losing them so it was probably them falling out of my pocket as my bungee cord whizzed me around.

A very conntrite crabbie is perched on the I will get through this bench. All thoughts of cake or indeed food of any kind totally banished. Sipping iced water and diet coke. Moan moan whine whine

X Sarah