Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Crabbie you are a bad lot but we will forgive you cos you are on chemo…but just you wait until you are finished . The punishment bench for tormenting the hungry will be sent your way.
I am on the p…t off bench. All that restraint and I have put on two pounds. I think (as I said on the diet thread) the reason could be the hair that is growing on my face rather than my head is heavy. I will buy a new lawnmower tomorrow and attack it.
Katie don’t be taken in by her , she is a temptress.
Choccie …no diet on Monday. Pm instructions. I am happy to do anything…within reason!!!
Night night All

I am feeling a little better today. A healthy yoghurt for breakfast. Still quite tired so I shall find a film to watch and do a bit of knitting. I have set up a craft bench with a lovely view of the lake. Can’t see any alligators.

X Sarah

On the ‘not talking much’ bench. Still fighting nausea but not sick. Feel better when I eat. Gone right off water. Constant bad taste in my mouth & nice facial flush from the chemo. Stayed in bed today as I was up on and off since about 3:30am. Delighted to see bowels working again as too nauseous to drink the movicol concoction to help matters. Put on a wash & did some family tree stuff after a snack so I could take the first steroids of the day. Hoping tomorrow will be less of a nauseous day as I’m rubbish company feeling like this. Lol…pathetic lump


Twinks, you need to get on one of the comfy sofas for a while. And stay there. Hold the back of your hand to your forehead and look wan, while expressing in a pathetic voice how much you’d love a nice cup of tea. While OH is still here, make the best use of him!

I’m hoping you should soon be feeling a bit less rubbish. I found the first few days the worst for nausea but it got much better by day 5 or so, hope it’s similar for you.


My mantra is ‘this soon will pass’ lol! My emend tablets finished yesterday & last day of steroids so I must be reaching the end of the nausea period I hope after today. It’s interfered with my sleeping though so tired & a bit cranky. Ginger ale tastes good though & have a strange hankering for bread & cheese! Got to get myself good for Monday though. No side effects noted from the neulesta jab (they warned of bone aches & flu like symptoms). Am allowed to do the injection myself next cycle to avoid having to do the 60 mile round trip to the hospital next day.

Making the most of hubby. Trips out to the shops to satisfy any weird snack cravings. Sadly I don’t think he’ll be able to stay next cycle so I’ll have to stock up in advance & hope that the SE’s don’t get worse!

Looking forward to seeing you again Monday

Twinky x

Morning all, not been around for a day or two because the Real World is demanding all my time and energy… had such a GOOD DAY yesterday, for once in a way my brain was functioning enough to be creative and it felt BRILL. So I am on the tired-but-happy bench this morning, polishing spoons, preparing bait for alligator traps, and putting in orders for more lace hankies. Once that’s done I shall sit back, relax and enjoy the views… well that and rub my sore joints!

Twinky the neulasta pain can take as much as five days to hit, and can be pretty bad. Make sure you have some painkillers on had and use them!

Sarah and twinky, hope you pick up real soon, just keep relaxing on the comfy sofas, extra cushions, remote controls etc.
Please do not use the red button because that releases the alligators, and honestly I wouldn’t be able to run so don’t want to be munched.
RevCat thank you for replenishing BENCHLAND!
It was looking a little sparse.
Still a bit annoyed as thought it was a cake via choccimuffin, turned out it was her keys! Head still a bit sore, Whack, ouch xx

I’m on the “balancing bench”… and want to balance out the dire warnings about Neulasta - I had no side effects at all from it. None. Nada… so… hopefully you won’t… hope the nausea is passing, don’t want any puddles of puke in Benchland!!! (Gross thought!)

I wonder what we can do to tempt the Sleep Fairies out of the Dark Dark Wood and into Benchland? ANy ideas? We sure could do with them! The GRED is nearly finished… might sow some seeds this afternoon, but I am strangely weary after walking the dog and doing a bit of shopping in the village…

I’ve done a “top tips from a survivor of BC” for my team to consider giving out… too long to post on here, but if anyone PMs me their email addresses, I can send it to you and if you can think of anything to add…

just finished off the carrot cake and the icing was going a bit mouldy - thought I’d cut the bad bits off, but… not a nice taste in my mouth at the moment!

take care my friends - curl up on those sofas, and beware flying keys… Jane xx

Hi all
Feeling lots better today. When I had nuelesta jabs I had no SEs at all.
The craft bench is very comfy. Giletcoming along nicely. Booked a manicure for Monday. Do you think we could collect the spa tent from the dark dark woods? Maybe if I went there with a very large butterfly net I could grab a few sleep fairies for Jane whilst I was there
I left the craft bench for the ranting bench earlier. I have a building site over the road. They start just after seven in the morning and finish at dusk. Noise noise drill drill greeters. sO I thought satrurday lie in NOOOOO!!!
8 am drill drill noise noise. Really really loud. Finally stopped just after midday. I am jangled and cross.

X Sarah

Cromy, I hope the nasty drill drill drill men are taking the day off today. If not I will hunt for a very big, heavy, scary black Bible and send a possy of uber scary fundies to go and preach at them… if that doesn’t scare them off nothing will! They (the drilling men, not the u-s fundies, who need to go and scare other noisy people elsewhere) can come back tomorrow, at 10:30 after morning coffee.

Hope you don’t mind, I took some of the spoons over to Surreal Place where a group of lovely ladies is planning a feast for Monday and i felt they might need a few.

My neulasta SEs were mild, and less each time. I took one ibuprofen ever 3 hrs (rather than 2 every 4 hours) proactively on days 4-7. We are all unique as this demonstrates.

Have a good Sunday one and all.

Sarah I see you got a sleep last night…wonderful. Poor you jangling nerves are not good. A nice bath with soothing oils and a glass of wine is needed. if you are going into the Wild Wild Wood could you see if you can find Soddit , he might like a trip to Clare’s tomorrow. I
I am back on the stupid greedy old bat bench having scoffed a packet of Jaffa Cakes last night. …I don’t even like them!!!

I saw Soddit in the distance when I grabbed the sleep fairy. I slept until 10.30 this morning. How decadent. I am going to have a word with the foreman tomorrow about Saturday working to see if they can start at nine instead.
It’s raining here and pretty drab. I am off to a new knit camp later this afternoon at a local hotel.
I shall send Soddit ahead to Clares to wait for the other ladies.
I like Jaffa cakes cackles. Chuck us over a packet. My OH,in his role as hunter gatherer brought home a very yummy apricot Danish pastry which I had to eat cos it would have been rude not to.
Am already musing about chocolate muffin and cappuccino at said hotel …

JAFFA cakes, Danish pastries, what’s going on girls???
As I always say why eat one jaffa cake when you can eat the pack??
I’m going to be weighed today, so will find out if I have been good or not, kinda slipped at the weekend, cadburys cream eggs seem to be my downfall and lashings of fizzy drinks.
All the girls who are going to Clare’s HOUSE PARTY, have a great day and remember and give us all the news. Will be sitting on the “gossip” bench in anticipation xx

Hiya all…

I personally think with all this eating and scoffing…we need a very large and very strong FAT bench, or trying to be fat bench lol. Better make it a long one too :o) I’ll be there… Bring your Jaffas Cromer :o)

Clare xxx

We’ve got one. I think norberte was the first one to mention the fat b*****ds bench. And after today’s feast I think it’ll have six more inhabitants!

I wondered where Soddit had gone! Bless him, must be trying to catch me a sleep fairy, but I expect he chases them off really…

Soddit - HEEL!!!

Putting reinforcements on the Fat B**** bench incase it breaks…

And putting spoons within reaching distance for those who can’t get up…


Thank you Jane, lost 4lbs yipeeeeeeee! only 7 more to go, so celebrated the only way I know how by having lemon drizzle cake for breakfast. Yum yum.
So back on the brown bread and water bench for me, have been on a lot of benches over the last week and am actually glad to be chained up again.

Grrrr…creeping onto the ‘give me a break’ bench. One week from first chemo & tucked up in bed with upset stomach & the left hand side of my throat is very painful. My temp did start to climb during the night but was back down by morning. Expected to be back on my feet by now but concerned about the throat. Trying to rest lots but probably not drinking enough. Had to cancel my friend’s visit with Chinese food last night which was a shame but realise I need to be careful if I’m feeling unwell. Hubby will be back tomorrow night so TLC after that. Just hope the throat isn’t going to be a problem & pray my temp remains low…sigh

Twinky x

P.s Silly bunnies are in the garden somewhere. The hail storm earlier didn’t chase them back indoors. I’m missing their chaotic presence in the bedroom…lol

It’s quiet over here! I’m hoping that’s a good sign - that we are all busy in other places. Anyway, as it’s Friday I thought I ought to pop in and check the spoons are in for the weekend, empty the alligator traps, make sure the spiders are behaving (they seem to be… no yelps from Twinky recently), brush up the crumbs from the various munchies, put the life belts back that have been used and iron a few hankies…

Twinky, take good care of yourself. Katy I’m envious of the weight loss, mine is slowly creepy upwards despite sensible eating and lots of exercise (not had a cake, buscuit or pud since Lent began…).

Hope everyone has a great weekend, whatever you have planned - I’m out hill walking tomorrow, part hobby, part training for BCC Ben Nevis Challenge in September.

Is there a procrastination or self-delusion bench?

I keep kidding myself that I’m on the ‘got no energy’ bench, but in reality I’m on the ‘can’t be a**ed’ bench.

It’s the only sensible explanation - I managed an hour of quite energetic zumba on Wednesday, but have totally failed in the hoovering that I said I was going to do two weeks ago.

Luckily the cat doesn’t seem to mind!

I’ll grab an extra spoon just in case the mood takes me this weekend.
Hope you’ve got enough for yourself RevCat.
