Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Hi all,

Thank you RevCat for the replenishment, you are such a whirlwind dashing around, I think you passed my bench this morning but you were so speedy everything was just a blur.
Twinky hope you are better now.
I have new painkillers and they are totally knocking me out, which is great because my XOH had a suspected heart attack this week, we will find out more today so am truly sitting on the “shattered/tired/worried” bench. Should find out late this afternoon.
RevCat from the pic and the video you certainly do not look as though you need to watch your weight. Did you know that cameras make you look a stone heavier?? Well that’s what I’ve always been told! (old wives tale or what)

Laughed at the new benches DJ007 you have really cheered me up xx

DJ - life is too short for housework. Anyway, will your cat care? Nope.

Katy - thank you, that’s kind. I am just over half a stone overweight but no one ever believes me! Just don’t want it to get any more than that. Hope it is positive news for/about your XOH and that the worry is releived. Are the new painkillers working?

RevCat thank you too!!
Painkillers are good, can sleep for Britain, pain is in the background so am able to get out and about which is fantastic. Just hobble about more than usual xx

CBA bench alive and well. I’ll move over, DJ.

on phone and CBA with typing on it. Have come over here from the F…g furious bench for a rest, will get back there when I CAN BA…

Is there room for me on the CBA bench? I love this thread!

Moya xx

Lol…appears to be a queue for the CBA bench. I’m much better but got too used to lazing around. Need to go buy some stuff to de-bug the bunnies & some food shopping would also be in order but I’ve yet to hit the shower & am peering at Tim & his bow tie from under my duvet (Bargain Hunt on tv…he’s not in my bedroom). Confess I was on the sobbing lady bench during the night much to hubby’s distress. I’ve been finding it hard coping with the disappearing friends routine when I need them most & got myself into a state feeling I obviously wasn’t a very nice person with them doing that to me. He did manage to calm me down & in the light of day I now feel a little foolish for my outburst but it is tough without family nearby & friends working full time plus hubby working away. Anyway at least I’m feeling much better. Can even stomach water again ( didn’t drink enough after my first juicing) so ready to party with my visiting family this weekend as my birthday is Monday!

Hugs to everyone hogging this bench…sometimes it’s nice to do nothing & with all we have to ensure treatment wise I reckon we deserve lazy sod time!

Twinky x

Bungeeing between CBA, FF and CSL benches with frequent visits to the guilty bench. I’m knackered with all this flying between benches, I get sick on merry-go-rounds so the white knuckle ride from this bungee trip is not fun. I tried to empty my pockets of anything heavy or sharp so I wouldn’t drop stuff on people’s heads but as a consequence I’ve lost both my keys and my marbles. if any of you find them please put them back on the guilty bench and I’ll collect them on my next fly-past.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUCH, It’s the marbles chocciemuffin raining down on my poor head, hope I don’t get them mixed up, Jane lost hers recently!
Now heading towards the “guilty” bench for laughing when everything is so serious, so I’ve put them in a bucket and will rattle my way over I’m the one with all the bumps and plasters on my head xx

Nooooo, I took them out of my pockets before my last takeoff. Must have overcooked the hugs. Not a surprise from me. I’ve been known to overcook pizzas and turn them into frisbees. My kids thought it was so funny they kept one on top of the cupboard for a year and would get it down and throw it around to tease me!

Twinks we all know that soggy wet sobbing feeling. I’ll cook up another batch of hugs and will make sure they’re more like marshmallows than marbles this time.


Watch out…incoming on the ‘overdid it’ bench. Raced off to Tesco…staggered home & left hubby to unpack whilst I had some restorative chocolate on the sofa! Now munching Minstrels & watching Pointless. With Countdown, Pointless & Eggheads I will have an overdeveloped brain by the time I get back to work.

No eight legged visitors for a while RevCat hence the lack of squealing in bench land. Need some hankies though as I think my nose hair has disappeared & seem to have a permanent sniff & slight cough. Must get out for a walk regularly. Amazing how quickly you become unfit if you take to your bed for a while.

Twinky x

Greetings fellow benchees
I am on my week off from poison and feel like a woman liberated. Appetite is now full on. I must admit to having a little indigestion today due to the fact that I polished off the entire pack of waitrose seriously gingery chocolate biscuits. Um. No self control But in my defense they had those chewy bits of ginger in them… Ok ok I can hear the chains rattling. Ready to be shackled up now…

X Sarah

Sarah, that’s what I love to hear, you seem to eat the yummiest of things. I’m still having brown bread and water, have booked a holiday yipeeeeeee!!! So don’t want to be the bulgy, lumpy one in the pool.
XOH is fine had his op everything ok so am off the “worried” bench, whew!
Just going to settle down on the “so relieved” bench before the shackles appear. I can hear those chains rattling or is it chocciemuffin bungeeing around the place?? xx

I didn’t nail the Jaffa cakes down well enough… However I did have a healthy dinner and some fruit for afters.

Mmm…onion ring crisps…

Does anyone want to liberate my youngest bunny Pebbles from the naughty bench for wallpaper stripping on the landing? Bad bunny…actually they’re both a bit lively tonight so we’re not in for a quiet night. Hoping to stroll around a big open air market tomorrow. Walk off the onion rings!

Hope the sleep fairy is generous to everyone tonight.

Twinky x x

Just left the cinema seats, in the corner in front of that big flat screen. Watched Transformers 2with my daughter. Escapism rocks!!!

The chains haven’t worked. I have finally booked to go to Morston Hall to have a very nice meal on my next week off poison. It’s got a Michelin star and the chef is regularly on Saturday Kitchen. Oh the decadence!
Perhaps I shouldn’t eat until then, or should I get into training. It’s a fixed menu and only one sitting each evening. I am so so excited and have to wait 3 weeks for it. I shall be absolutely hyper by the time the date comes. Verifying will be in season so I am hoping for duck, spring greens and perhaps some rhubarb. Oh the anticipation

X Sarah
I know it’s so unlike me to talk about food …

That sounds like a good plan Sarah! Which chef is it? I’m a regular viewer of Saturday kitchen.

Just off out for some fresh air & some food too I hope.


Twinky x

It’s Galton Blackiston.

One year ago to the day I had my first chemo. Very odd looking back at this past year. NEVER want to go through that again.Fingers crossed, eh.