Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

I echo that CM. It’s also a year to the day when I had mx.

Just discovered this thread and I’ve been laughing out loud at some of the benches. Can someone direct me to the “Is it wrong to be making a fuss about my hair falling out on Letrozole when I should be grateful I didn’t have chemo” bench, or is that the feeling guilty bench? I need to get off the “f****** angry” bench as my bum is hurting (along with all my joints, of course).

Hi Foxy,

I think that would be the “guilty” bench, there is always a queue but you can have a bungee rope attached for frequent visits, just watch out for the alligators! xx

Hi Foxy,

I think that would be the “guilty” bench, there is always a queue but you can have a bungee rope attached for frequent visits, just watch out for the alligators! xx

Hi all.
I am occupying the craft bench this evening as I want to finish knitting my gilet. Also I want to begin my socks as I have some lovely hand dyed wool to use. Anyone who would like to join me? I think it must be Spring in the air as I quite fancy getting my sketchbook out too

X Sarah

I ll join you Cromecrab. I am just back from my upholstery class. I might not stay long as I need to go and camp on the Shattered bench. I need to be more picky on the next projects I undertake as my bad arm is now killing me. Hopefully, lymphoedema won’t flare up.

Thanks for the welcome, it’s very reassuring that there is a queue for the guilty bench as it means it’s not just me! It’s also reassuring that there is a sobbing heap bench as I really didn’t mean to lose my dignity with my onc.


Foxy, do you KNOW how difficult it is to type when outside more wine than is healthy and everyone’s gone to bed and turned the lights off? You can please vacate the guilty bench, you make it much too comfy.

Crazy sobbing lady bench is fine. Nobody on that bench ever notices that there’s anyone else there. I’ve shuffled off to assorted other benches (no idea where, think I dropped my compass on my last bungee-induced flypast) but there’s always room (and beautifully embroidered hankies courtesy of RevCat on the CSL bench) so you just shuffle up and make yourself damply comfortable. Hugs will follow shortly.

Seriously, folks, if anyone’s interested in hand-dyed wool, another poster on BCC does that sort of thing for a living. I’ve seen her wool so please post if you want further introductions.

Ooooo yes please CM I’m a sucker for interesting yarn x

How are you feeling? Are you out of hospital yet?

Crabbie (inhales deeply and thinks of ginger loveliness)

I’m fine. Majorly peeved for walking into the coffee table (like I said, everyone had gone to bed and turned the lights off) and knocked my glass of very smooth whatever it was all over the cream carpet. Suspect there might be the odd “look” tomorrow. He’s a total lovely, and I doubt I’ll have major discussions with him, just my apologies for spilling red wine on his cream carpet. (Truth be told, I’m more upset about losing the last drop of wine, it was really nice!!!)

And before anyone wants to make me feel guilty about enjoying a glass of wine or two, after the last couple of days… sod it, I just can’t be bothered trying to justify it. I’m human, and non-BC life’s been a bit s**t recently. (Does the last 8 years count as “recently”?)


I’m fine. Genuinely. I managed to ask for a cuddle (without any witticisms though I had to put in the “I’m serious” bit 12 hours in advance), and felt better for that. Most significantly, I know there are people on this site who care. WTF would we have done 20 years ago… but Im know you lovely people are there. Scratch that. yYou’re HERE. Inside my head. And I know you know the inside of my head (sorry!). Except for the half glass of red on OH’s cream carpet. But that’s ok, he’s up in bed snoring and hasn’t discovered it yet. I’d like to be able to set you up for a potential drama, but he’s incredibly cool and laid back, and will probably mourn the loss of a glass of rather nice wine rather than have a go.

DD is in her foster placement (CM is such a dreadful mother she can’t keep her daughter safe - but that’s the top of the iceberg and I couldn’t even start) but things are looking a bit less black than Wednesday.

Clare, and all the other Claredrops, please can each one of you grasp a handful of that ray of sunshine you have all helped to deliver. And a fistful of my most sincere thanks.

Clare, I’ll send you an email or message or summink, but your support recently has been invaluable.

kisses (0hhh dear, CM must be plastered, people only ever kiss strangers when they’re p***sed!)


I wish I was half a stone overweight , I am more like half a boulder instead. It all started with chemo and St Eroid and like the treatment has gone from bad to worse. I don’t think any Bench would hold my weight after this week. It started with trip to see Potmaid out dear Clare and since then I have scoffed a meal out every day. Ok tonight’s meal was fish and Chips at a Rotary Quiz night. The pre bits eg yum Yums chocolate tart , butterflied Prawns, cheese wafers, Dips, chilli and garlic prawn s, fruit platter donuts eclairs all eaten as if I had not been out for a year when in fact we has a lovely lunch on a Dutch barge in Marlow. Out again for lunch tomorrow …will it ever enc. everybody eants to feed you after treatment ends. So take me in hand and put me on tne Strongest bench and leave me there with no sustenance until my teeth are wired to the fat greedy old lump of lard benchwired.
The yarn sounds interesting. Pity I can’t knit fast. But I do like sewing.
Sleep easy girls
CM I have just seen your post …go straight to the “I need lots of love support and comfort bench…” We will I unchain our shackles and come and join you. Big Hug and cuddle waiting for you. I will bring wine, GT pancakes with Cointreau a few old woodies.
Twinky are you feeling well enough for an outing! join.
Us in the CM cheer up gang. Vecors Alesta and Raggamuffin might come too. Where shall we go? Any suggestions?

Lol…CM the red wine has your postings flowing tonight! At this rate BCC will bed extra storage space on their servers! I’m tucked up in bed & looking forward to my parents travelling up in the morning ( mustn’t forget to stumble out of bed & put the joint in the oven in the morning). Going to play a bit of Scrabble to settle myself down for the night. Didn’t really sleep the previous night with hideous indigestion. Enjoyed a walk around the market today but was shattered when I got home! Need to save some spoons for Weds as a friend is taking me to a gig and it’s not seated!

Hope the wine fog will soon have you sleeping…

Twinky x

Cackles, you clearly haven’t read the title of this thread.


Yeah, the guilt bench still has a queue waiting for places (reckon that’s a female thing) but no need for any other reinforcements.

Wanna lose weight? Sod it! At least half a pound from whipping off Wiggy, and at least several more from launching prosthesis across the room! (Might also make for an entertaining floor show, depending on who ends up on the receiving end of flying boob. I’ve heard a bra can turn something innocuous (sp, CM is plastered and has lost control of dictionary) into a lethal weapon.

Oh dear, I KNOW I’m going to regret this little flight of fancy in the morning. More that I didn’t manage to clear up the mess from knocking over said glass of wine.

sweet dreams, adn can nobody please remind me of this…?

Oh, alright, tease away.


special harry potter “forget-all-about-it” spell whipped up. Reckon flying wine glass broke wand…

Love you all


When I was young (!) I heard that spilling white wine on a red wine stain removed iit…

Hope you found the love and hugs bench CM!

The image of a flying boobie is entertaining… hope we don’t need to duck as we come into Benchland! Talking of which, haven’t seen Ducky for a while - must be happy on the lake in The Woods…

Got some sunshine to spare today - beaming on me as I write, so I’m reflecting it into Benchland…

Have a great day girls, and remember to whisper when near any who look hung over!!! Me and my ‘softer’ brillo pad are going to work…Jane

Must be working Jane cause the sun is shining here and I have all the windows open.
Today I’m on the “brain working fine but body doesn’t want to” bench.
I think its similar to the “I can’t be bothered” bench. So trying to get over to the “motivation” bench.
We have a problem in BENCHLAND lots of things are flying through the air boobs, marbles and keys, what happened to the nets? xx

bang bang thud bang bang thwack…

Just knocking up a ‘rattling like maracca’ bench to sit on after my trip to the GP today who has prescribed pills-for-my-side-effects, and pills-for-the-side-effects-of-the-pill-for-the-side-effects.

Have to say it’s getting downright treacherous what with flying boobs and lost marbles rolling all over the place, to say nothing of keys. A girl could get some serious injuries! Soooooo, I’m inviting that machine thing from Wallace and Grommit and the Grand Day Out (the one that lived on the moon) to come and do some tidying up. I have put a 10p coin in, so hopefully that’ll do the trick.

Just wondered… do you think pizza frisbee and boob volleyball could be new olympic sports?!

Maybe we should revive the Enid Blyton theme and form a lacrosse team to catch the flying boobs, marbles, wigs, keys, bungeying benchlanders?

Everyone stays safe and has lots of fresh air, exercise and jolly good fun!

Hugs for CM as I catch her and set her gently on her feet.


Crawling onto the fat piggy bench after a pub lunch & lashings of a very rich birthday cake! Leave me to snooze for a while…

Twinky x

Oops…might be on the naughty girl bench tomorrow. I’ve been suffering from an aching shoulder since yesterday on the side of my portacath. I should really have gone to the hospital for the oncology nurses to take a look at me but of course I was birthday girl today so went out & celebrated instead. Anyway it’s now a lot more painful, I’m quite tired & my temp is up a bit. Rang the nurse & have been summoned to the hospital in the morning ( unless I get worse tonight). She told me off for not calling earlier & she won’t be amused when she sees my chest tomorrow because the wound hasn’t healed well & the surrounding skin still red & bubbled after reacting to the waterproof dressing so looks pretty horrible. She was also concerned I have developed a funny dry cough over the last couple of days too. Admittedly when I put it all together & with the elevated temp it doesn’t sound so good. I just assumed I had overdone it with the partying. Have to see what they say in the morning.

Twinky x