Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

oh dear Twinky - you ARE on the naughty bench! Hope all goes well, and that you improve dramatically overnight! love Jane (DUCK!!!)

Twinky you can come off the ā€œnaughtyā€ bench if you participate in the BENCHLAND Games.
Iā€™m in team Pizza Frisbee, have been practising all morning and seem to have required the knack at last.
Itā€™s all in the wrist action.
Aim is so good now have been whacking roaming alligators.xx

Canā€™t do team Puzza Frisbee - wrists wonā€™t stand it :frowning:
Canā€™t do boob volley ball as have been reconstructed, hence disqualified!!
Think Iā€™ll take up alligator thwacking with my big ladle thenā€¦
Itā€™s either that or synchronised Hot Flushesā€¦

Ah, team games using ruined cooking - my speciality! So to go with the frisbeed pizza, I have been known to make carrot tiddlywinks (let 'em boil dry, youā€™ll see what I mean) and I have provided the shot for the alligator guns by boiling dry pans full of peas.

Well that is very interesting RevCat, think I will apply for Synchronised Hot Flushes, training maybe tough and skill of synchronising a challenge,but Iā€™m up for it.
Busy gathering Chocciemuffinā€™s shot xx

Hi all,

Iā€™m not up to all your energetic teams games, I donā€™t even flush, so I would be disqualified from that event. I though i would join Twinky on the fat piggy benchā€¦just because I am. Maybe it ought to be reenforced before my bum sits downā€¦especially after my lunch today!!!

iā€™ll scatter some seeds that I have left over all round the benchland area, so we will have lovely bright colours all summer roundā€¦

I think my birds outside can join the fat piggy bench too, they have done nothing but feast on the fat balls todayā€¦

Happy benching

Clare xxx

How about marathon Herceptin? I feel like Iā€™ve been doing this FOREVA!!! and those ladies who have secondaries successfully kept at bay with Herceptin can go on having it for years!

Those unable to participate actively can fill bottles with glitterberry juice for sustenance and such like.
Be careful Clare, when scattering seeds, those frisbees are really flying now!
Iā€™m flushing at the moment anyone joining me, synchronising begins xx

I have been practising pizza frisbee for a bit. I shall aim one at my RT bloke who I have to see this afternoon. Not sure why really. Seeing proff on Thursday for more poison. Now THAT is a necessary appt. I shall move the craft bench into the clinic as I will take along my knitting.
I havenā€™t got my rubber boob yet so am disqualified from that event since the softee doesnā€™t have a very good range.
Anyone know what happens at six week post rt appt?

Oh Twinky, you are having a naff time. Hope your portocath looks worse than it actually is.

I will enter for the marathon chemo event. I have been on various sorts since sept 2010 with a break for mx and rads

X Sarah .

Sitting on the waiting patiently bench. Canā€™t have my x ray until 3:30 ( someone is coming in to do it for me). Too tired to go out shopping so resting here at the hospital. Theyā€™ve just taken my lunch order ( Thai chicken curry).

Twinky x

Six week post rad appointmentā€¦ well I had mine eight or nine weeks post rads as I asked why I hadnā€™t heardā€¦ (notoriously long waits in this part of the world) and it involved checking my skin, examining my breast and recon, clavicle and neck, tellingme my back pain was the ā€˜wrong sortā€™ and then saying ā€˜thatā€™s it weā€™re handing you back to the breast clinic nowā€™. Had expected something more but not really sure what! Anyways, I have six-monthly checks at breast clinic for five years so long as I stay NED.

Hope your lot offer something reassuring and useful.

Hope allā€™s well Twinky.

Back to our various sporting events - itā€™s starting to feel like an Alternative Olympics - so we need a mascot and people to take part in the opening ceremonyā€¦


Iā€™ve actually held one of the Olympic torches. I visited the company who is making them.

Twinky x

I canā€™t look at the olympic logo without thinking that Lisa Simpson is doing something really rude to a headless man. Sorry.

Perhaps we need a bright red syringe as our logo?

Nooooooo CMā€¦i gag at even the thought of seeing a red syringeā€¦how about a floral emblemā€¦Clare Drops

Have escaped from hospital. Injected due under x ray & port is fine. No idea whatā€™s causing the shoulder discomfort but better safe than sorry! Got a friend bringing a Chinese take away tonight so no cooking, just eating & flopping on the sofa.

Twinky x

Fair dos, Twinks, very good point. A bunch of Claredrops sounds like a good thing.

Glad everythingā€™s where itā€™s supposed to be. And very sensible of you to get it checked. At least you know that things are ok. The sore shoulder could be you holding yourself differently to protect the wound in your chest, and chemo makes things ache at the drop of a hat, so could be something as simple as that.

Evening Ultimate Frisbee girls. I canā€™t play but could be team cook. My son asked if he could bring some friends for the weekend because they were playing Ultimate Frisbee in Oxford . I said yes not realising he meant eighteen HUNGREY university starved beasts. There were sleeping bags on every bit if floor!! The poor Aga was fading with overuse.
Twinky my Hickman area seemed hot and sore etc for quite a few weeks. It might just be the body reacting to a foreign body. Did you have a chest X-ray? good on you for celebrating but you know you should be on the bad girl bench. In Fact you are rarely off it!!!
Sarah you can borrow one of my rubber blobs. I have a bilateral so have two. A Marathon treatment is a good way of describing it . You have really had a yuck time. That qualifies you for a big handicap allowance in all games as long as you are on the same side. C M you can have a handicap too for Hercepin as long as you post that super Bol recipe.
Clare you can tell the groundsman what to do.
Katy and RevCat are you providing your own pool drip by drip for the Synchronised Hot flushes? Chillows on hand rather than space blankets. You could both be of use during the hosepipe ban to water Clareā€™s seeds.
I am on the up all night bench tonight. Blasted pain from truncal lymphoedema. I not only look like a Coopers barrel but the metal band is sticking in!
Cackles xx

Just to put your mind at rest Cacklesā€¦the barrel look is in this year, so I have been toldā€¦Its the ultimate in body shape, women are united in there endevour to achieve such a shape, even resorting to lyposuction to pump into the stomach area, we certainly are ones of the lucky ones to achieve this goal already. Catwalk 2013 here we go :o) we would put the skinny sticks to shame with ā€˜the new lookā€™ā€¦

I think I would like to take up the offer of grounds person for the Olympic games, I would require at least 4 big strong, male, six pac workers to help, of course. I would settle for your 18 strapping lads after you have fed and watered them Cackles :o)

Glad all went well for you Rev at your check up, hope the pain can be sorted in a simple manner and you will be NED Iā€™m convinced :o)

Take care all, perhaps some protective hats ought to be issued as I have just receive a rather soggy pizza to my left templeā€¦please work on the directional implication of said pizza and keep up thee practiceā€¦perhaps a horn or siren ought to be blasted before launchā€¦

Luv u lots

Clare xxx

From the thread on wind I gather some of the ladies could easily provide a warning blast before the pizza frisbee launchā€¦

These Olympics are coming together brilliantly, so exciting, never thought Iā€™d be an olympian, and now, wow, synchronised drowning with Katy. Cackles we will try to catch the drips and send them south to places where it does not rain but some round, yellow thing adorns the sky, so I am told. Of course, up here we have rain aplenty.

I am off to get some medals struck now - shaped like little spoons of course, and engraved with a Claredrop design. Can someone tell me what logo we need, and what colour ribbons and so forthā€¦ how about peacock green with fuschia stripes?!