Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Oh Twinky - good thought! the Wiiiiind Section could also play the anthems/theme tunes of those on the podiums.

No need to make any podiums - we can stand on the benches.

Look! - the whole community is pulling together for the Olympic ideal. At this rate, if we’ll have enough support to start a regeneration project in the Woods!

Enough of my silly flights of fancy - I am meant to be at work. I’ll go and sit with one cheek on the guilty bench and the other is still glued to the CBA bench (still no hoovering in my house!).

Have a good day all.

Hey, that’s another great sport we can have… the ‘not hoovering for the longest time’ Brill. Count me in.

I slope off to work and what happens? The Olympics start without me!!
I’ll join in the synchronised flushing, as long as it’s at night… and the boob-volley-ball… Claredrop logo sounds brill…



It’s been eight days since I last hoovered…think I qualify.

Ladies we now have
Pizza Frisbee
Synchronised Hot Flushing
Barrel Bobbing (lake full of drips)
Boob Volleyball
Herceptin Marathon
Pea Shooting

And old favourites bungee jumping and trampoline diving.

Clare Drop emblems, flags and spoon medals.
Wind ladies in charge of announcements, starting races, musical interludes and warnings.
BENCHLAND official uniform peacock green with fuschia stripes ARTEX, (sorry) airtex blouse, navy shorts and sandshoes.
Medal podium required.
Food and glitterberry juice available any time.

Let the training commence xx

Just had to tell everyone think I have broken my own record…
I have just ironed, yes, ironed 5 items of clothing yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!xx

you’re creating a queue at the guilty bench, and another one at the “areyoumad” bench!!!

DD thinks we need to add “put the squishy boob” (as in shot putting) and catapulting (with mastectomy bras)…

Husband thinks we’re COMPLETELY mad!!!

I’m going to the lymphoedema clinic tomorrw so I will get some bandages for the finishing lines and measuring tapes for photo finishes. Are we having a bed push and pill swallowing comp?
Katy what an athletic record , I have been slogging with the smoothing iron all morning. The blasted birds sh …t all over half the washing and I had to redo it.

Massive competition for the Herceptin marathon!!!

New Entries==
Myself aka truddles

Going For Gold

I think I’ve got a phobia… I’ll happily mow the lawn, muck out a horse, poo pick a paddock - but hoovering I hate. Katy you are still in the novice category I’m afraid - 8 days? Try 8 weeks!

In my defence, I have washed the kitchen floor at least twice in that time, the bathroom is sparkling and the washing pile doesn’t exist.

An iron? I think I’ve got one somewhere - can you describe it and it might ring a bell?

A relay race of some description might be nice - what can we use as a baton?


DJ, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s forgotten where the Hoover is. my excuse is that it’s a big brown tirug and I have a ginger and white cat so there’s just no point as it ends up covered again within. 5 minutes. And the Hoover is rubbish at picking up cat fur anyhow.

Isn’t ironing something to do with golf ?

I’m afraid I don’t have the housekeeping gene. I roughly remember where the Hoover is and have a vague recollection of the iron. I do know where he washing machine is…

I would also like to participate in the pill swallowing competition, think I would do fairly well, may even be a medal contender.

I was obviously showing off earlier regarding ironing, sorry for any upset.
Just running off to practice blowing my own trumpet xx

Back on the CSL bench. Can I please just have the endurance medal? And another one for single-handedly filling some swamp or other.

Have a hanky CM and I have placed a bottle of Crabbies next to you alongside ginger bickies x

How about an orienteering event through the Wild Wid Wood!!! We could See how many people can navigate the paths with ease!’

Crabbie, thanks for the Crabbies, but I’ll pass on the ginger biscuits. Really don’t like them after eating them during assorted pregnancies - the mind plays silly games.

Lace hankies gratefully received and now completely sodden. Anyone direct me to the washing machine?

Orienteering in the woods sounds like a great plan. Should be pretty easy, there are lots of bottles to follow (don’t think anybody sorted out the recycling) and the two-fingered salute flag marking the way.

I think someone needs to find the woods thread and bump it!

please can I join in if we have deep sea diving, oops sorry i mean deep sighing. I’m also pretty good (if I say so myself) at mardy meltdowns but i think thats just an element of pantsathalon.

orienteering sounds a bit healthy - all that outdoors stuff

can i be event photographer instead?

kaytc…I think I would be a contender for the pill swallowing competition too. Are you the only contender so far. I manage to swallow in one go, chemo tablets, MST, Diclophenac, gabapentin (huge tablets!), omeprazole and jst swallow them in a one-er!
I used to irn much more than I do now. But I find the tumble drier great for less ironing provided you remove the cloths ASSP.
sky2sea, I like the idea of “deep sighing”. Think I have been doing a lot of that recently. Have fractured bones in my lower back, 2 on the right and one on the left. Have a fracture at the top of my femur too! Just sigh a lot throughout the day when I realise I am forbidden from doing any heavy lifting and my head wants to do it on my own. So frustrating for an independent lady like myself. I have to remember to ask for help now.
Love to all in Benchland. Val

Think I am on The Sleepless In Seattle bench again. Who was that lovely man in that film? Are we allowed him in Benchland?
I would enter the sleepless triathlon but Lulu and Alesta are as bad if not worse than me. I don’t want a bronze but I am too tired to try for silver or gold. Thank goodness no cat or bunny alarms about.
Night night

Tom Hanks!