Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)


Firstly I would like to enter pill swallowing comp, I have it down to a fine art, all down together…10 in the morning including 2 enormous potassiam tablets. Also I would like to enter the biggest selection of drugs to take…each one for the side effects of the others, sweet LOL

Not sure which bench to place my rather heavy bottom on today…totally fed up bench or trying to be optomistic bench but failing miserably.

Hoover and ironing have aalmost slipped off the edge of my remit…it does frustrate me but I cheat and gwet the kids to do it, especially when the queen is due to arrive :o)so they are not totally redundant as I would have to join the guilty bench if it wasn’t done :o)

Hope we all have a good day, misty and murky here, hoping it will burn off soon.

Clare xxx

Definitely a bit moggy here (cross between misty and foggy). Curled up on the knackered sofa covered with a duvet. Got a pile of washing up to do, but that can wait. It’s nice and comfy and warm here.

Grey here. We do grey rather well I feel!

If there’s a tendon clicking event can I sign up please?

Fear I may fail to qualify for the anti-hoovering as a long haired cat means even I give after a week…

Oh, yes, and a gurning competition for when I swallow my daily fish oil, that’d be good too.

Gurning! What a fab idea!

When almost bald, with some wispy bits on the top, no eyebrows or eyelashes, if I wasn’t wearing any make-up and I stuck my wispy bits up, I could do a fair impression of a baby orangutan! On other days, particularly when suffering from lack of sleep, it was more like Dopey (one of the 7 Dwarves) without his hat on. I can’t get nearly such a good effects now I’ve got hair again!


Morning Ladies

How about wig tossing…satisfy that urge to rip it off and throw it across the room when you’re hot & bothered! I’m sure we could fling it some distance! There’s also the 100m sprint to the fridge for food to keep us fit.

Twinky x

P.S Am seeing the site on a big screen this morning as I’m using my computer rather than slobbing around in bed on my iPhone! Wow it’s all so big & clear. Also decided to have a new picture today

Twinks, I think I’m definitely in the running for that one. The only time I wore mine I was fidgeting and fiddling with it when we were out in our local. OH told me to stop faffing around with it, so I just dragged it off my head and never wore it again!

Sooooooooooo many wonderful events for the BENCHLAND GAMES.
Sooooooooooo excited, really feel as though I am in with a great chance for at least a silver spoon medal. Val I swallow all of my morning tabs at once too, so facing stiff competition here. Don’t think gold is in sight because Clare seems to be a clear winner.
Vitamins are excluded from this category.
Going for a nap race will be included (see who can sleep the longest)
Finding great difficulty in synchronising those hot flushes, seem to be all over the place at the moment but the lake is filling up nicely.
It is a lovely idea to have a endurance spoon/medal for Chocciemuffin as she has been a constant stalwart of the “guilty” and “crazy sobbing ladies” benches.
Votes please xx

PS It’s been 9 days since I last hoovered…(have no carpets but do sweep daily so I’m not a dirty monkey)

Would also like to be a contender for the deep sighing, have been doing this often as my YD pointed out to me yesterday, I have obviously been getting on her nerves for a while now xx

oops double posting xx

Oh dear…sneaking onto the ‘I overdid it’ bench. Trouble is when you’re feeling better you want to dirt everything that you let slip before all in one go. Have just done a big shop at Tesco to meet my culinary needs for juicing no.2 next week. An currently drinking cold Guiness…what a lovely drink that is straight from the fridge. Will see Monday if it has helped my blood count at all ( Chemo nurses told me to drink it).

Trying to get myself organised to take down clean bedding & clothes for hubby, birthday stuff for brother, Morher’s Day stuff for Mum. Got a couple of things that must get in the post tomorrow too but definitely going to lie around & not do a lot for an hour or two because I’m shattered. Maybe I could enter the snooze marathon…

Twinky x

I spent a few hours on the CSL bench this afternoon. Crawled away from there long enough to give myself my poison and have been playing on my iPad ever since.

Not a happy bunny 8-(

Crabbie, I wondered who’d shoved me off it back to the guilty bench. I didn’t use ALL the lacy hankies, there are few stuffed down the back and I’m sure Rev will be along to restock.

I’m teetering between the guilty bench and the poor corner. The Squirrel Murderer had a little trip out in the car today, to see the vet. Who explained that his over-zealous cleaning where he’s pulled out his fur is indeed caused by (guilt, shame, what a dreadful pet owner I am!) fleas. So after a steroid injection to calm the itch, and some different flea treatments, I left the vet £75 poorer… Ho hum.

Poor cat. Fleas can be a bu**er.
I spent the evening in bed feeling sorry for myself. Navelbine made me sick, but it’s worth it. Feeling a little better now. Shall stay up for a bit. Tomorrow is another country as they say

I found the hankies thanks. I can see the craft bench in the distance and I might hobble over to it tomorrow. Pj day and chick flicks are in order I think.

CSL stands for can’t stop laughing, right?

Pats Vercors on the head…

Big hugs to you Sarah, hope you’ll be feeling better tomorrow. I seem to have chemo brain big time today. Put oven on but had to go back to make sure I’d put my cottage pie in it as opposed to leaving it there on the side. I had put it in the oven but when I went to get it out realised I’d forgotten to remove the cling film from when it was in the fridge. There wasnt a lot of it left at the end of the cooking time! It was very nice though. A bit late to be eating but I fell asleep for two hours this evening, waking just in time to see the Masterchef final. Still feel like I want to go straight back to bed though. Serves me right for going out to a gig last night…lol. Growing old disgracefully!

Seem to spend loads today stocking up on stuff that I might like to eat or drink after juicing no.2 next Weds. Comes around quickly doesn’t it!

Twinky x

Good morning benchees
Um. I was firmly lodged on the feeling sorry for myself bench all of last night. However this morning dawned nausea free…so far. I have put my face on and got dressed. Craft bench here I come!

X Sarah

Glad you feel better now Sarah, because you have craft skills perhaps you can make the flags etc for the GAMES.

I have hoovered so off the guilty bench for me, and onto the “kn******d” bench, have loads to do today but I’ll have a little quiet time before I go xx

I have been knitting flag garlands for our games. Not feeling particularly energetic. But have a knit club to go to tomorrow. All the folks are working on incredibly complicated things. Last time I was sitting between a lady who dyed yarn, edited knitting patterns and made up garments as she went along, and a lady who was knitting the most beautiful over the knee socks with tiny cables and ribbon at the too to fasten them. I went with a very plain thing. Tomorrow I shall take a project more in line with the others x

Crabbie, sounds to me like you need to start knitting merkins… I’m sure there’s a pattern on here somewhere.

Actually there is a pattern CM. I shall knit a few to hand out as freebies at the JM. Keeps the frost off …