Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

J, are you taking tamoxifen??? x

Not yet got mx/recon oct 3rd, will have to have tamoxifen but oncy said to wait til after my hols!!! maybe its post chemo blues??? pre op blues??? Who knows??
XXXX Jeanette

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Which bench can we play ‘firework’ by katy perry for? Makes me feel better for a bit

norberte - maybe your right, though Im not sure 2 weeks with 2 kids to walt disney in florida will allow for much rest!!! Im sure I be ok when we get there
perhaps it’s abit of ity’s been hanging on a string for so long that I don’t really believe it will happen???

Yes please ask Choccie to keep the guilty bench warm Im sure I will need it when I come back and disrupt the kids again with more treatment
 they have found chemo tuff!!!

 soon be firework season

Not too sure if this is music for the ‘feeling guilty’ bench, or the’f*****g furious’ bench - but Alanis Morissette does a good line in angst!

Or perhaps the “thanks a f***ing bunch” bench?!

Thank you DaisyGirl for making me laugh out loud, good bench!!

OH was off last week and so just caught up with this today and couldn’t stop laughing, best thread we have had for ages! Good to lighten the mood! In fact I think it would make a good sitcom!

DaisyGirl xx

In which case we should have a REALLY BIG bench paint it bright colours and call it ‘the really silly’ bench or perhaps ‘the especially cheerful today’ bench??? mind you we had better keep it away from the furious/sad/guilty benches dont you think???

I agree DG gotta have lighter moments!!!

this bench idea is sounding so much better than Big Brother 
 can you imagine what great tv it would make 
 just waiting to go in and the chat on the catwalk 
 us all fat and bald 
 then going in and nobody having any appetite and days when some of us couldn’t do the challenges cos we felt like s**t
 oh the visuals are fantastic
 all of us on our relative benches each day 
though doubt nobody would watch it!

Angielav, I think this is a great idea! Can you imagine the scene when we all go to bed and take off our wigs, pressure sleeves and prostheses? Or someone crawling to the toilet after their second TAX?

And would certainly give the general public a more realist view of breast cancer treatment and how we are all “beating” it. The article in this months Good Housekeeping has really made my blood boil, I think I need to go and sit on the “absolutely f***ing furious bench” until I calm down!

DaisyGirl xx

Oh dear seems like I need to spend a while on the guilty bench for even considering joining the “my OH is an a***” bench, because of course it is all my fault that we are not going on the holiday that I wanted - - I “misunderstood” him, and he thought I didn’t really want to go
No stuff that, will be joining the appropriate bench after all. And then will be jumping to the “absolutely f**king furious” bench until I calm down.

But then
actually the guilty bench is oddly where I feel I belong just now having finally finished chemo.

DaisyGirl,my curiosity is getting the better of me, when you feel calmer and less ****ing furious can you please let me know what is in the article???

Maybe it was this article katytc. Nothing new there then!!

Well, well Bobbin2 now we all know what our problem is??? Everyone leave your current benches and take up residence on the ‘It’s my fault’ or ‘Guilty’ benches
So have you got that girls 
cure for breast cancer
lose weight, stop drinking and eat cauliflower!!! Now I understand the point on diet and health and weight etc
but really how patronising for a good many of us
I for one rarely drink eat loads of veggies and certainly wasn’t overweight when BC struck for the 1st time!! ( am now, 2 kids 14 years and one round of BC later)Not to mention the BRCA 1/2 gene carriers??? What next!!!.. I’m off on me hols feeling better knowing that!!! Choccie keep that bench warm,!!! Jeanette XX

I have just received my copy of the latest GH mag, it has a nine page spread on the “Good News (that) We’re beating cancer together” and “how the experience can be surprisingly positive”. All under the pink ribbon banner.

I actually had to stop reading it, it p****d me off so much!

Don’t buy the mag unless you would normally, it is not worth the money just to read the spread. Nothing new but gives the impression that once treatment is over you are OK and specifically advises to get plenty of plant (phyto) oestrogens, even though the evidence as to whether this is beneficial or not is still inconclusive.

I am still spitting feathers!


DaisyGirl xx

Ha ha if I was as thin as I was when I was “high school” age people would think I was anorexic (around 8stone then and I am 5ft 8"), so it is definately therefore my fault that I have breast cancer as I was 10.5 stones before diagnosis 
 somehow think I won’t bother buying GH this month!

Thank you Bobbin2, J, think we should have another bench “feeling really confused and don’t know where to sit bench” as “guilty” and “it’s my fault” are equally relevant here. So here’s to the fat, alcoholic, non cauliflower eaters, perhaps we should tell GH about the yellow wellies too! X

I’m putting water in my wine nowadays so can i sit on the smug b**tard bench or is it just way, way too late?