Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Sarah, nice to see you off the “feeling sorry for myself bench” . When you start knitting don’t do Mavis’s pattern she uses fish skins. The cats might like the resulting Merkin too much and those fleas might jump!
Twinky did Masterchef give you the idea for roast cling film…must try it!!!
Vecors well done I had no idea what it meant!!

I’m permanently on the guilty bench- have been here two years and have had the iron out only three times. That was to iron pillow cases when I had friends coming to stay. I thought CSL was Crying Sobbing Lady but I like Can’t Stop Laughing much better (unless it is of the maniacal kind) might be tempted in that direction for a sit down.

ragamuffin, you are a medal contender may even be the overall gold medalist, 2 years on the “guilty” bench your bottom must be sore cause of all those splinters!

I have decided to hit the “can’t stop laughing” maniacal bench, for a glass half full person, there’s only dregs left at the bottom today, hopefully tomorrow will be better, there’s only so much bad news a person can take xx

Not stopping long - just coming out of the Woods (with a virtual hangover) and waving as I <roll of=“” drums much=“” gasping=“” breath the=“” cat=“” fainting=“” with=“” fright=“”> get the hoover out.</roll>

Haven’t said I’ll use it - I need to start gently, so getting it out and then looking at it while having a cup of coffee might be enough for today!


Ah yes, I got the hoover out yesterday. It’s still sat there in the corner, looking at me guiltily. Ragamuffin, I have a further 48 years on you with the guilty bench. My upbringing resulted in permanent feelings of guilt about absolutely everything it’s possible to feel guilty about, and a few it really should be impossible to feel guilty about. I claim the gold medal! Unfortunately…

I, ah (ahem) did the ironing yesterday… so I’m heading towards the smug bench!!! No guilt imputed to anyone else… OH just likes clean, ironed sheets… which I promptly screwed up practising the synchronised flushing for our Olympics! I had to get out and untangle the nightie at one point, it was so twisted round me! Jane x

I moved the hoover today … I dusted it and put it in the small bedroom because nephew coming to stay for a few days and needed space clearing in the spare bedroom. That’s enough hoovering I feel. Is there a grubby bench?

I got the hoover out, looked at it, had a coffee, went shopping and to the dump, had a cup of tea, mowed the lawn, clipped the edges, swept the path, weeded, more tea - then I started the hoover!

Now feeling a bit smug - even took the cushions off the sofas and moved all the furniture, got the attachments out and did the corners.

Well that’s one room done! I decided it was time to stop and have a well-earned G&T. Just got the rest of the house to tackle now.

Can anyone guess that I’ve got people coming to stay next weekend?!


Can we have a bench for those of us who have friends who know MORE about our bc than us, oncologists, surgeons, radiologist, mac nurses etc?
I’m hacked off with folk who tell me stuff that’s complete rubbish!!!

We could call it the Ignoring Amateurs Bench IAB

Grumpy (very grumpy at the moment…)

Forgot to say what triggered this off - a ‘friend’ told me that everyone she knows who has had WLE has had a recurrence and died!!!

Poor Grumpy it is hard to stay zipped when the wisdom of the "know all " is imparted. I have been on the position of working in "cancer " as well as having it and yet they still impart their opiniated wisdom. Such is life. Grrrrrr!! Move over I am joining you.

Grumpy that needs yo go on the annoying things thread. I had someone who used to insist “you’ll be fine” and even when I asked him where he studied oncology he just continued insisting.

D, I feel as though you should be on the “show-off” bench, it’s pretty near the “smug” bench. Wandering around with a hoover, lift you feet up girls, D is having a spring clean.

Grumpy, you can have any bench you like in Benchland.

I’m on the “stop hitting me with bad things” bench, need a rest from it all only good things allowed. Fingers are now in ears lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala, don’t want to hear it! xx

I’m with you on that one. I am singing tra la la la very very loudly. Part of my ostrich campaign is to have a massage booked for tomorrow. Nails done Wednesday. Seaside following Monday. So there! Sun is shining. Oh, and have booked to go to Morston Hall, Norfolk next Thursday. Saturday kitchen chef. Just hope my appetite is up to it. Very very excited. So, erecting the’ I’m going to have fun on purpose’ bench and hope all you guys will join me. Rules are that you must plan one nice thing a week. Anything from sitting in the garden around the fire pit to being pampered. Basically whatever makes you happy.
Hurrah. Lashings of ginger beer, Crabbies , and lots and lots of scones jam and cream for all.

X Sarah

Still lalalalalala ing and fingers still firmly in ears but took your advice Sarah and just had a lovely bacon roll, big cup of coffee and a packet of crisps, sure beats the rabbit food! No offence Twinky. xx

I’m sure Twinky won’t mind, it means there’s more for her bunnies if you’re not eating it.

Just had a delicious lunch of fresh french bread (still warm!) with boursin, a couple of Barry Norman pickled onions to bring on a few tears, some more bread with home-made apple and sloe jelly, followed by a jam doughnut and a cup of coffee. Hardly any V at all in that lot, but sometimes it just has to be done. Home-made chicken and veg soup for me this evening, so that’ll boost my numbers a bit closer to 5 for today.

Not quite sure what bench I’m lazing on. By the feel of the comfy cushions it’s the over-stuffed sofa - as in, sofa for people who are over-stuffed, rather than it being overstuffed itself.


yes you’re correct - will post it immediately!!!

Many moons ago when I first got dx, a friend told me lots of ‘useful’ information. My response - oh I must tell my oncologist all this, I don’t think he’s been taught that in his extensive training - produced an embarrassed silence, and a few giggles from other folk sat around.

I just LOVE this thread, means I don’t have to rant at the dogs who haven’t got a clue what’s going on, just Mammy is having a strop…

I am now off the ‘leaving the hoovering the longest’ bench, as I had a fit of energy and did the sitting-room. I even washed the windows cos the sun was showing all the smears. Is it time to move to the smug and smart a#### bench?

xxx to all

YUP grumpy, that’s where you are, near the “show off” bench.
Laughed at your posting, how do you answer that??? xx

Thanks ladies for all your cheery comments.

By the way, are dogs allowed on the Benches? Millie is on the Greta Garbo bench, and not speaking to me (wrong food, no gravy) and Barley is on the Scattering Mud Everywhere bench - just after I’ve done the hoovering. I’m now on the Grovelling bench trying to buy love with tasty dog treats!!!

isn’t life wonderful…

Grumpy, dogs are most certainly welcome. I took OH’s border collie out for a walk today. She found the puddles, paddled in the lake, and tried to EAT my cat when I called into my own house with the dog in tow. Cat thinks he owns the place - which I suppose he does - and wasn’t moving for ANYTHING, not even a collie with big teeth and an even bigger attitude! Most cats would run for the hills but no, Tigger stands his ground and was just staying put on the doorstep. Ended up having to put the dog back in the car while I went in to feed the cat, because cat had claimed the front doorstep and just had a “you and whose army?!” expression on his furry face. Very funny to see.

Back on the over-stuffed bench. I did have the chicken and veg soup (delish!) but followed it with spag bol cooked by OH, which was very yummy.

Dogs are welcome but please be careful, there are roaming alligators.
Fingers are out of ears hurrah, some GOOD news at last, so am on the “scared to feel too happy in case I jinx it” bench. It’s near the “guilty” bench and is bumpy splintery and fairly delapidated, ouchy ouch! xx