Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Millie is too thick to notice alligators, and Barley won’t attack anything unless it’s edible, so I think we should all be safe!!

I’m on the ‘lazy b*gger’ bench today because I went to bed too late last night after getting distracted with family tree research online. Got a friend from work coming for tea so need to get cleaning up & cooking rather than more online research & a quick snuggle back in bed to try & warm up ( sun might be shining but the air is cold isn’t it).

Just want to laze around & do nothing though…lol!

Twinky x

P.S this could be an Olympic event for me. I becoming very good at doing very little.

Not sure which bench I’m on at the moment - last night I ironed a vertitable moutain of ironing whilst enduring several hot flush drownings in the process (and I was only ironing for about an hour). I have also hoovered, taken my cat for her jabs (and she was SO good, not one yowl, not one scratch) and done some proper work too!! So smug &^%&* bench probably. Don’t know what &^%&* means but I’m sure its a rude word!!

Probably also explains why my wrists are on the ouchy ouchy bench… if wrists can sit on benches of course… oh dear, I seem to have lost my marbles once more, look out everyone.

Spa bench is open. I have perfected the art of doing nothing and being pampered at the same time. I can’t remember Where the vacumn cleaner is…
Just come back from my massage and am perched on the craft bench and may go visiting this afternoon

X Sarah

Then why have you got a broom in your hand!?

On the relieved bench; not She Wee relieved; relieved as major weight lifted off my shoulder.
Saw the onc today for results of my MRI and CT. All is fine. Rib has healed, the hip is showing sign of improvement. No new met.
Smile back on.

Excellent news vercors .

Brilliant news, vercors, are there she wees in Benchland???
Now that would be an interesting event.
I’m back on the Wockhardt and am flushing for Britain, synchronising going well though face is a bit red xx

Katyc, perhaps we can use you and your fellow flushers as the starting signals for the cycling. Don’t they have a red light followed by a green light (provided by those about to vomit, I suppose)? Or is that just motorised drag racing and Formula 1?

D the broom is supposed to fool people that I am capable of housework. I just don’t have the genes for it lol… I didn’t go visiting, don’t know where the afternoon went. It was a lovely sunny one

X Sarah

Vecors FANTASTIC. Life is for living again. Happy bench for you. We must meet and celebrate after Easter. I am on the exhausted bench ouch ouch ouch every step again. Perhaps I am not ready for a day of golf , shopping, washing and ironing. So in future ironing is out!!! Is there anybody else on a comfy bench walking is absolute agony after resting for at least thirty mtrs. I think it is because of Letrazole? my lovely GP has prescribed FEMARA again because side effects were minimal with it. I know the Generic should be the same but it isn’t in my chemical makeup.
How was your trip to darkest Oxfordshire Twinky?

Vercors, that’s wonderful news, so pleased for you.

Just practising more flushing!

Great news Vercors- so happy for you. D x

Fantastic Vercors xx

Someone tried to put me on the Billy No Mates bench today - ‘it must be SO hard for you coping with all this on your own!!!’

Actually no harder or easier for me than for everyone else, and no you aren’t being helpful. She’ll be asking what flowers I want for my funeral next!!! and I’m NED!!!

Obviously she hasn’t heard of proper friends or BENCHLAND.

Now trying to put myself on the Pitying Idiots bench - I guess we all sit on that one quite regularly.


grumpy, off that bench “Billy no mates” at once you have lots of friends here, we skip around bungee jumping, dodging alligators, bouncing on trampolines, have lifebelts, boingy stuff, comfy sofas, hard stools, hankies, the list goes on & on so always have something to do, there is even a bakery stall!!!

A few months ago I could have started the cycling on my own, now would only be good for red light part xx

Thanks everyone, I now need to go back on the work bench and actually do some work instead of staring at my screen which I have been doing for about a week.
hmm what time is it exactly? Am I not supposed to be working at this time of the morning?

katy, thanks for that - you’re absolutely right, there are lots of friends in benchland, and my REAL friends don’t say such stupid things.

I didn’t think folk equated ‘living on your own’ with lonely, isolated etc any more these days - very out of date attitude.

on the smug bench today - doing the laundry, and giving the doggies a nice walk WITH A TEA-SHOP VISIT. …homemade cakies…

grumpy (cheery ???)

Grumpy - I live by myself and I think chemo was probably easier for me than for many because of it.

No having to put a brave face on when you feel rubbish. No one else to disturb when the steroids are keeping you up. Eat what you want, when you want. Don’t have to worry about anyone else.

OK, occasionally a cup of tea in bed would have been nice, but I had friends with front door keys and I’m sure that if I’d called, they would have obliged!

Almost as annoying as 'why aren’t you married? (My standard answer to that one is ‘because I haven’t met my husband’ - nicer than some of the other responses that nearly trip off my tongue).

Hey ho - back to work.

Wandering in to bench land with my DIY kit to fit an ejector seat to one of the benches to help Clare get back on her feet after a rest . Have recruited a couple of well muscled topless men to help her if the ejection fails.

Yes DJ007 it is easier being on your own & doing what you want when you want! I do get lonely sometimes but reckon I have it easy without demanding children as I can eat/sleep/ be generally lazy whenever I want!

Hugs to all

Twinky x