Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Pssssst girls, I am on the “truly, giddy with excitement” bench, today I met one of our glorious members, who I can hear you all say? well, with bated breath it was …
Oh blink the laptops gone all funny xx

Noooo…don’t leave us in suspense!

Ooooh Katy, you’ll never guess what… I met one of our amazing members too… and strangely my computer is also acting up. Must be a very strange force-field in Benchland.

Budge over and I’ll join you on that bench, if nothing else we can the flushes better in synch ready for the games, says she wiping beads of perpsiration from her brow.

Twinky. How is the ejector seat testing going? Please don’t sit CM on one as her bungee will only pull her back towards some nasty spikey bench and we really don’t want that.

Rev, I’m wearing reinforced knickers today so the splinters on the guilty bench don’t dig in so much. I got said reinforced knickers from my counsellor, who always has a very big box of tissues so I can get all snotty and soggy but at least I clear up after myself, and feel much better after I’ve seen her. (Still very pants, but at least the pants are reinforced weekly.)

Is there a panic bench available for those that can’t cope with waiting for results? Had an x-ray on Monday and was told 10 days for results! WTF!!!
Oh and in the real world of normal life I would like a to sit on the slightly irritated bench as I had to work at home today and miss a meeting due to a flat tyre… But of course that gave me more time for worrying!

DJ & Twinky - yes I found the whole thing easier to cope with on my own, and anyhow I’ve got 2 little jack russells to cuddle. And they don’t produce mounds of laundry, demands for big meals, or social exchange when I’m feeling grim!!!

Answer to why aren’t you married? when I feel kind I say dunno really, never met anyone I would give up independence for, but when I feel grumpy I say well, my partner died when we were planning our wedding. Silence generally follows.

Think I’m on the tired out, tried to do too much, cocky s## bench now after walk and CAKE

tomorrow is another day…

grumpy (but getting less so due to lovely pals in Benchland)

RevCat, synchronising whew! it is going well, only have to learn how to stop my face going so red, really don’t want to spoil the overall look of the team.
Chocciemuffin, for the games you will be allowed to wear the reinforced knickers as long as they are navy.
Projectwoman, we now have a spa bench it may take those worries away for a short while.
grumpy, you are on the “naughty” bench hahaha!
Twinky sssssssssssssh don’t tell anyone ok xx

Good evening fellow benchees

I overdid it a bit today trying to cram everything in before my poisoning tomorrow. Blood test, then off to knit camp where I taught a friend how to make socks. There until late afternoon when I went to get my nails done. Home by 5 then made a chicken dinner for the troops. Now settled on my oversized chair with one of my cats,Chloe, all comfy cosy and listening to Planet Rock. Bliss.

It’s a bit much when people feel it’s ok to ask such personal questions as why aren’t you married. It’s in the same vein as why haven’t you had children, or in my case why did you only have one. Grrrrrrrrrr

X to grumpy


Definately likethe sound of the Spa bench - a nice long visit there would do the trick I think !

Projectwoman, you’re not on a specific bench, you’re in The Waiting Room (note the capitals) which has to be THE WORST place to be. Unfortunately we all have far too many trips there, and it never gets easier. Good luck for your results, but in the meantime the Spa bench (or the spa yurt in the Woods) is the place for you.

Grumpy, that’s a helluva way to shut 'em up! I get the same thing when people ask why I’m a single parent. “Because my partner died” I reply. “Oh yes? How?” they nosily ask. “He killed himself” I reply, deadpan. Again, either silence or blushing apologies as they head backwards at a rate of knots. Cruel it may be, but they DID ask!

Katyc, no navy knickers. I went to both junior and senior schools with BROWN uniforms. PE teacher used to get us to do headstands so she could check we were wearing big brown knickers. Ugh!

Crabbie, your answer could be something outrageous like, [[[self-censored, but I’m sure you can think of something…]]]

Off to bed, get those duvets on the benches and sofas.


Oh Chocciemuffin you too are on the “naughty” bench beside grumpy (who is actually now cheery).
If we ask Sarah very nicely I think she would knit you a pair of navy knickers.

Hope things go well for you today Sarah xx

Lol CM my school uniform was brown & gold so I had the brown gym knickers too! Brown just wasn’t in as a fashionable colour when I was there.

Am sitting on the smug bench today as I have minimal SE’s today after juicing no.2 ( dies a victory dance before planting big bottom on the seat). Think my body was just shattered first time around after the MX swiftly followed by the virus that knocked me off my feet. Glad to report I am back to normal. My body coped well with the chemo on my first diagnosis so was a bit shocked at my reaction this time around, especially as I worked for the first three months until I got too tired to work & go out & socialise so work had to stop!

If the sun is out I will venture into the garden today. Left the bunnies downstairs as I wanted a bit of peace & quiet last night & hubby is back tonight. He’ll be surprised to see a perkier wife this time but don’t worry, I won’t overdo it. I’m getting to be an expert at being lazy…

Twinky x

P. S a good friend dropped off some Guiness & some chocolate in my porch this morning bless her x


The man has just been to replace the webbing thingys on my sofa, so now I’ve got my own REAL comfy blobbing-out bench!!!

Will be making good use of it this evening after what promises to be a day spent on the Ignoring Amateurs/Pitying Idiots bench.

Is there a Bencholympic event for falling over? Had the wobblies this morning, it’s the anastrozole making my joints ache.

grumpy - becoming cheerier every day, folk will notice soon!!!

Chcciemuffin I have PM’s you. Love V

Oooh Grumpy, you have a boingy settee, how fab is that!

It’s worrying about these brown school uniforms… the one primary (of three, we moved house a lot) where I had to wear uniform was brown and gold, and yes, ugh brown knickers. Thankfully no handstands to check though… Our secondary uniform was navy blue and by then we wore shorts for PE, phew.

Twinky glad you’re feeling OK so far, that’s good news.

Projectwoman, thinking of you and hoping you waiting bench has plenty of magazines to keep you occupied. There is a big box of lace hankies if needed, and of course a spoon dispenser in case your energy levles get a bit low.

CM… thinking of you.

Katy, did your laptop recover from yesterday’s glitchingtons?!

Rev, so long as you’re not thinking of me wearing either navy or brown gym knickers, that’s ok.

Crawled off the smug bench onto the totally lazy one & spent the afternoon on the bed! Have showered & dressed now. Just stuffing my face on the sofa before I tackle the washing up mountain (does it multiply when I leave the room) and organise a meal for hubby! Have removed all the snacking items from his half of the bed so there’s room for him tonight. Last steroids are extremely late as I slept through lunch so could be UAN!

Trying to banish all thoughts of gym knickers! The post brought a long overdue bill from the vet for Snowy (£250) & the annual bill for my eggs in the deep freeze (£170) so will be out busking tomorrow ha ha ha.

Twinky x

CM… so not. I’m not a gym teacher!

Twinky, youch that’s a lot of money. My car insurance bill just arrived… hey ho.

Grumpy (now relatively cheery type person) not sure about the falling event but staggering is a contender. I am brilliant at that in the most embarrassing places, so with my synchronised flushes and bright red face and staggering around, it’s a special place to be!
RevCat my laptop only seems to glitch when I try to name the glorious member don’t know what thats all about.
Twinky good you are fine.
Aaaaaaaaargh bills bills bills xx