Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)


Your symptoms seem to suggest something else…are you having a little tipple too of the hard stuff which is making you stagger and they do say heavy drinkers are red in the face…Mayb we ought to get you checked out by the Olympic committee…


Just slithered off the Feeling Sorry For Myself bench and have alighted on the It’ll be Fine bench. Yesterdays poison made me unwell again and this morning finds me a bit washed out. Seaside on Monday so that’s something to look forward to. Norfolk here we come!
X Sarah

Clare, noooooooooooooooooooo!! I’m not being tested by anyone. After I posted I thought it did sound like I had an alcohol problem that’s why it’s embarrassing!! I don’t think you will ever be off that “naughty” bench. hic… I’m on the “goody two shoes” bench today.

Sarah enjoy the seaside and hope you feel better soon xx

OK…Lasted all of 15mins on the “goody two shoes” bench am off to the FF bench just spilt a whole jar of coffee all over the place aaaargh, what a mess xx

Oooh dear, Katy. Does that mean we have to get our hoovers out AGAIN?!

Have just baked two batches of cupcakes for this evening’s ceilidh - carrot cake cup cakes and blueberry cheesecake cup cakes. Why have cupcakes suddenly got double barreled names?! My kitchen looks like something out of how clean is your house in the ‘before’ pictures. Joints are sore today, so doubt I’ll be dashing-white-sargeant-ing but hopefully the event will be fun and raise lots of money for health projects in Malawi.

Anyone who wants a sample they’re over there …>

Ooh …cupcakes sound good but don’t think I’d be up for dancing tonight. Can’t put off a shower & some clothes any longer!

Twinky x

RevCat, had already hoovered that’s why I was soooo mad !! Good luck with your night out, I love the dashing white sargeant, always was good for a laugh. Your cupcakes are yummy.
Twinky off that smelly bench xx

Katy - Put me on the list for the Staggering Event - altho’ now I’ve got the All Clear on the MS thingy, maybe I won’t stagger quite so much. It’s still a bit of a b##### when I stagger at 9 am going to the shops and round the park with the Girls but there you go - life is full of surprises isn’t it?

Rev - the boingy sofa is SUPERB, and I am so enjoying it… tomorrow is painting walls in our local museum, so no doubt I shall be using the boingy sofa tomorrow evening. When are you doing your Big Walk? I always enjoy camping hols in Scotland and it would be nice to join you to be supportive (excuse phsyco-speak). The Girls enjoy their walks altho at 15 yrs old aren’t very good at UP unless bribed with dog treats. And of course DOWN is a doddle!

I’ve ordered a few cupcakes for the Boingy Sofa Bench tomorrow - does anyone else remember when they were called Fairy Buns?

On the slightly confused and weary bench… due to intake of north of the border liquid - Grouse…

Grumpy but cheerful - thank you ladies

Off the smelly bench…I washed & dressed & eventually made it to Tesco. Made hubby cook & put shopping away whilst I flopped on the sofa…still there now! Looking forward to more sleep though.

Twinky x

Just found this thread and laughed out loud for first time since dx. I’ve spent the last half hour visiting all the benches. Not spotted a confused one - but I haven’t read all 90 pages! - Haven’t had time, because I keep going back to the guilty bench! Guilty that I’m considering declining chemo when others who want it can’t have it. Guilty that I’m bothering my family with my ditherings about whether to have chemo or not. Guilty that if I don’t have it and I get cancer again it’ll be my fault. Guilty that if I do have it and I’m ill and/or miserable for months and then it comes back anyway, (and what’s 5% anyway? - just a number!), I’ll have wasted months when I could have been well, and it was MY CHOICE!

Now I have to scamper (carefully, WLE and SNB site still sore and boob feels like it has a cricket ball inside!) over to the F****** Furious bench that I’ve been made to make the decision. Oh! scampered too fast is there a F*** THAT HURT bench??

BTW, I bought a picnic and a flask of tea, anyone care to join me :slight_smile:


I was going to opt out of chemo this second time if the improvement factor was only 5% but it was much higher this time around so I didn’t have much of a choice! Had juicing no. 2 already, four more to go followed by rads.

Great to be able to laugh here as well as rant & cry. So glad I have this outlet & support of some lovely ladies.

Tea & a picnic…yummy…hope you have some egg sandwiches in there & slabs of choclate cake…

Twinky x

In reality I’m sitting as upright as I can in bed with bad indigestion. Took a laprozole tablet but that’s not helping & no indigestion remedies allowed for another two hours :frowning:

JCJ, I have some spare, clean, freshly laundered padded knickers to help counteract the rusty nails and splinters on the guilty bench. Sadly there’s plenty of room on the Guilty bench, and lots of hooks for bungee cords to be attached to. We do have to be careful that our bungee cords don’t get too tangled or we’ll end up looking like a horizontal maypole or some bizarre form of knitting.

That cricket ball could be a seroma, so do have a word with your BCN and see what she says.

This is my first comment, being new to the site, was wondering whether I should write anything, as having had mastect for grade 2 ductal ca I was given good news last month, that there is no involvement of lymph glands, and no after treatment except daily anastrozole for 5yrs, a check up in August and annual checks on other side, which is a weight of my mind and can look forward to enjoying life a bit now. I have been thru 4 mnths of hell when I could not see beyond surgery date, had so many tests and cancelled surgery once in that time, and have had problems with emotions of grief at losing a visible part of me, relief at good news and anti climax after appointments coming out of my ears. Also have had problems looking at my self and wondering what my husband would think or say. I have not been given option of recon probably due to age and having a leaky heart valve, so will be fitted with prosthesis in two weeks. Will have to get used to this and finding pocketed bras to wear. Any help or support would be appreciated. Lizanne

Welcome to JCJ and mardon, Benchland is the place to be!!
There is also a lake that you can throw the guilt into, it’s not for swimming in so be sure to wear a life jacket/belt just in case you accidently throw yourself in. Soooooooooo glad you were able to laugh!
Looking forward to the picnic don’t think we have a “picnic” bench yet so come off the “guilty” bench and open a “picnic” bench for us all.
Lizane you have gone through so much in such a short time, after all active treatment has ceased, you do feel lost for a while, it does take time to get used to the new you, you can phone the helpline on here, do keep posting you will be supported, sometimes it’s just easier to say things on here than to family etc, you feel a sense of freedom, big hugs to you xx

Forgot to say grumpy (really a cheery type), that’s great news that it is not MS, Hurrrah!!! Mine is due to nerve damage, so we will have to be real careful that we don’t ruin everything by banging into each other! You stagger one way, I’ll do the other way, we’ll have to stay co-ordinated.
Twinky you smell lovely.
Horizontal Maypole dancing, now that sounds very, very interesting chocciemuffin xx

Love the horizontal maypole dancing! Shove up on the guilty bench… been enjoying basking on the sun without the paranoia of sun-avoidance necessary last year. Just seen a fun range if hoodies/t-shirts…all have a crab on them & my favourite logo “love life! Don’t be crabby” didn’t have one my size, sadly. OH delighted - says there’s no room in my wardrobe - who’s he kidding? Bras for prostheses… M&S…John Lewis… Prettier ones from Eloise…I wear softie in sports camis. It’s not too bad - I seldom give it a 2nd thought now. Welcome to Benchland, by the way! The more the merrier. Revcat, can you hold your Ceidli here tonight pse? Jane x

Twinky: Egg butties (sandwiches to those who don’t know!)and chocolate cake would definitely be part of the picnic as they are my favourites! Also sausage rolls and cherry tomatoes and an enormous flask of hot water for making tea/coffee. Any other requests, anyone? I have plenty of Rennies as I already suffer with acid indigestion quite a lot!

It’s the “second time round” bit that scares the **** out of me and makes this decision all the worse. No guarantee it’ll make any bloody difference to the future anyway!

Choccie - I think cricket ball IS seroma (can’t think of that word without singing “My Seroma!” - as in “My Sharona”)but BC nurse said she doesn’t want to drain it any more as my body is dealing with it - which is why it’s gone harder and is more uncomfortable.

Love the bunjy chord knitting! - maybe we could go into production of knitted prostheses and sexy underwear? :slight_smile:

good evening Ladies
Katy - if I stagger anti clockwise, and you go clockwise, we should be OK except for once each circuit when we pass each other. Perhaps someone could knit us a Big Flag to hold up at this point, with a slogan on it - DON’T COLLIDE!!!

Been on the baby sitting bench this evening - this has brought home to me that I’m getting OLD - instead of being invited to the pub to celebrate the 30th birthday, I’m doing the babysitting!! Mind you the bairns will probably have been terrorised and will beg mummy and daddy not to leave them with that dreadful woman from next door ever again! (only joking…)

and now the damn clocks have gone forward so that’s an hour less for gardening tomorrow. Does gardening count for the Craft Bench? or shall I start a new one? it could be combined with the picnic bench, as gardening usually equates butties in the garden for lunch.

Is it 11.20 or 12.20 - can’t work it out…

Rev - enjoyed the cupcakes after painting walls in our museum ready for the new exhibition. We’ve got a Peter Blake on loan and we are very excited! Armitt Collection in Ambleside if anyone is interested, but the website is c### at the moment, new one being designed as we speak.

thank you Ladies for all your cheerfulness, I’m so glad I found this thread.

xxx from grumpy but cheerful

Ah Katy and Grumpy, you are staring the Benchland Cailidgh off with these permabulations in opposite directions… excellent

First couple separates goes out and round the room,
pass your partner going out and pass them coming in
Hhonour to your corner, promenade your own, sing
I wanna be near you
Your’re th eone the one the one
I wanna be near you
Your the one for me

(Tune au pret de ma blonde)

Well it’s either that or you’rr doing Brighton Camp which takes me back to primary school days, but as at least one of you is a Scot, probably not…

Next up… Gay Gordons followed by St Bernard’s Waltz, The after all that exertion defntiely time for cupcakes. The a dashing White Sargeant and Waves of Tory (which I cannot recall how to do but never mind)

Waves of Tory in Scottish dancing??? Are you SURE? New one to me! I’ll knit the flag… Starting now.