Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Gay Gordons, my favourite of all the Scottish dances, I don’t think grumpy and I could be partners for this one, it would end up very messy!
I’m up for going clockwise in the staggering event because I usually stagger to the right, grumpy if you always stagger to the left we’ll be fine, might have a problem going round and round in circles though.
Not sure either Waves of Tory, doesn’t sound quite right, but if Jane is knitting a flag, well so be it!
Ok so we now have a ceilidh bench and horizontal maypoling bench, things are looking up girls xx

Waves of Tory - here:

Maybe it’s NZ Scots who dance it? That or English ones!!

Wondered if it was Torey, but no.

RevCat it’s Irish, so Waves of Tory bench now installed xx

Ah! Apologies to everyone for my utter ignorance. But then as on Friday we did a lot of the same dances that I’d do at a barn dance or a square dance or even that I learned as playground games I don’t really know the origins of them. Pat-a-cake polka anyone?!

Hope you all remembered to alter your clocks… as ever we had someone wander in near the end of the service who’d forgotten. He he he he he, always makes me chuckle, I am a B_A_D minister-type person.

Wonderful weather here today, hope it is where you are too.

OK, off to jig round the benches, picking up the dropped hankies and used spoons and checking everything is available that should be so that all isready for everyone again tomorrow. Do-du-dah skippity-hop…

RevCat we had Scottish Country Dancing, instead of gym for about 6 weeks, we were in our shorts and artex oops again airtex blouses, I can honestly say it was one of the most cringy and embarrassing things ever! We were all mortified.
Loving your Do-du-dah skippity-hop, am just going to do the same on the way to pick up my grandaughter from a birthday party. Lots of skipping etc. Off to the “naughty” bench for you laughing at the late one.

Am off to hospital tomorrow to have my good boob checked, feeling ok at the moment so later tonight I may pop onto the “what’ll be will be” bench.

For now zippidy do-dah, skippity hop lalalalala, gorgeous sunny day! xx

Teehee. We had country dancing every week at jnr school. Old crackly records, and the scariest teacher in the school, but I loved it! The boys, to a man, loathed it. Don’t think I discovered artex blouses until secondary school though…
Take you partner, doh-see-doh, SWING your partner, round we go! Anyone can join in…Jane x

Oh there’s a what will be, will be bench? See you there. I’ve got off the self pity bench - used up all the tissues! Decision is made - I think. Weight lifted. Managed to actually have other, non-cancer related thoughts today - so I expect the guilty bench will be beckoning again soon.

Clocks going on surely means MORE time on the garden as it gets darker later - unless you garden insanely early??

Jane, this was at Secondary School !!!

JCJ, glad you have come to a decision.

Still lalalalala ing xx

Definitely on the CBA bench today. No get up & go although I will go peal the veg for the roast chicken to help hubby out. Was briefly in the garden but the air was so cold!

Twinky x

Ah, not been here for a while. How lovely you have the place looking girls. Have ordered a pair of CM’s lovely padded knickers in large whilst I cosy in on the guilt bench for a wee while. Not doing as well as I would like to at work, but not having the energy to do a great deal about it, you know the one? Hummppph.

Well I just about wet myself at Revcats verbal gymnastics again. I loved the SCD instructions. The kids where I work love it because we keep the emphasis on it being social dancing i.e. mistakes and laughter are part of the package.

I hated it at High School though, too many social issues, boys, ungainly adolescence and body issues. My those were the days (not). take care all.


Katy, yes I stagger to the left so we should be OK, and someone has promised to knit a banner. Gay Gordons - definately NOT…

On the Overdone it in the Garden bench today, due to lots of tidying up yesterday - when will I learn to take it steady.

enjoy the lovely weather, ladies, somehow I don’t need to rant too much when the sun is out!

grumpy (but smiley)

Hi crabby here. Would love to know where those t shirts are Jane.
Just arrived in Norfolk to a blazingly sunny day. Am sprawled out on our 4 seater sofa playing on my iPad. On the craft bench a bit later. I think that gardening should be included here. I will prepare my pots when I get back to Coventry although still need to have words with the next door neighbour whose lack of fencing affords me a good look at a wide variety of broken paving slabs, random lengths of wood, weeds and brambles. we will pay half of the cost but no movement since last summer when the fence actually collapsed onto my sweet peas 8-@.
Rant over. OH lounging on other sofa having earnt a well deserved rest. Tomorrow is the visit to the farm shop, which always has the most incredible array of seasonal fruit and veg( is there a Market garden bench where we can hand over surplus fruit and veg from our gardening endeavours?)and the on to the Red Lion for a spot of lunch followed by an amble along the beach. Bliss…

X a not very crabby crabby and as they’re a Norfolk company, you migth like some of the others - they’re not Artex!!! J

Thanks very much. The site looks great. I already have a hoody, gone crabbing, bought a while ago in Cromer.

Good site Jane; love the new piccy.

Crabby I bet you look fab in your sweatshirt. Did not realise you live in Coventry, I used to pop over there from time to time when I lived in Leicestershire as I love the old cathedral.

Yesterday Glasgow was bathed in golden sunshine and I met another wonderful BCC lady for the first time in the real world. Two in as many weeks! Wow, what a privilege.

Am on the ‘my cat thinks I’m mean’ becnh as she had to have four teeth out yesterday and is now on mushed up food with a sprinkling of cruched up pills. Suffice to say she gives me some VERY meaningful looks.

Plenty of spoons in the dispensers… 3 for 2 offer at the spoon shop, but that said they seem a mite smaller so probably the same overall value…

0 0 ~~0
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Lace hankies all freshly ironed

Alligators have been returned to the lake, with strict instructions not to swim anywhere near anyone, and especially to STAY AWAY FROM CHOCCIE.

Off to plan Palm Sunday… as one does!

Rev I’ve been on the cat thinks I’m mean bench a while back. Was your cat spaced out afterwards? Mine looked completely stoned when I brought him home and he’d been a total tart with all the vet staff while recovering. He was very funny!

CM Are you on the Padded Bench after your “encounter”? Think you need to visit the “something nice HAS to happen to me” bench!!! Time for the work bench for me… ttfn Jane xx

Jane, I have absolutely NO IDEA where that particular bench is… but I’m off to Bath for the weekend with assorted fellow BCCers, so I expect to spend a lot of time giggling and being very silly. Maybe then I can sit on that particular bench for a while. (As long as there aren’t any more little old ladies with a death wish - sometimes I feel like I have a target on my back!)

Very glad to see the grumpy and crabby amongst us are more cheerful and happy!

Chocciemuffin, You have been slapped with the lucky white heather, not!

RevCat, thank you as always for the replenishment.

Gorgeous day again here off to sit on the “pondering” bench. xx

I’m afraid there are tears here so am on the CSL bench. I only just managed to go make some breakfast after a very bad night. I can’t do this week following juicing on my own anymore. I just feel too rough & in need of regular meals & some TLC. It’s hard that all the family are down south, including hubby who works for my brother & I’m home alone trying to cope with treatment. I’m not bloody superhuman & maybe I need more help at the moment.