Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

LOL, Thats fantastic Jane :o) Made me laugh as we had a cat for 17 yrs, half ferral, so was a law unto herself…By the time she had reached about 16 she had lost much of her fight and would take pills but prieviously she would put up a fight like her whole life depended on it. Even to the most seasoned vet she was trouble!!! They always manage to hide the wretched pill somewhere in their mouth, just when you’re celebrating your victory, you find it spat out on the carpet!

Hope everyone is waking up to bright sunshine, bit nippy though but I’m sure it will burn off once I bave been to my scan.

Sitting on the achy bench this morning, with lots of support cushions, hopefully progressing to the ladies that lunch bench early this afternoon after I have been in a giant white POLO.

Clare xxx

guess we need a big giggly bench today!!! Jane

Hi all,

i hope you don’t mind me intruding on this bench but i’m just sneakily having a look at the posts (am at work) after my 6 monthly check up today. Just wanted to say Jane’s post re the Cat has had me in tears of laughter. I have a cat too and know what awkward little so and so’s they can be - but lovable with it.

Thanks for cheering me up.

Best wishes to all


Elvi all are welcome in this place… come and join us.

Thanks Jane. Of course the canine is equivalent is

1.Wrap pill in a slice of ham. Give to dog.

Vet was pleased with cat today, so apart from the next thrilling task of getting a feline urine sample (!) all is well.

Hi all you lovely ladies,
Another lurker here who pops along usually when a little down and needs cheering, your posts are usually just the job…

Now sitting with tears streaming down face with laughter :slight_smile: omg the cat pill giving … so know where your coming from… and Revcat exactly what I do with the dog, implant in ham or cheese and it dosent touch the sides

Love to all you marvelous ladies- big thank you from a relatively newbie ( ist fec was tuesday ) for keeping spirits up

Janice xx

Janice and Linda, a big welcome to Benchland!!
Please join in, glad this thread has brought smiles to your faces, still on the “giggling” bench after reading Jane’s cat story, very funny. xx

I have been sat on the absolutely fuming bench all afternoon, so a giggle was just what the doctor ordered!
But talking about Doctors…I called the surgery again this morning to see if x-ray results have arrived (been calling everyday this week as I didn’t beleive it would really be 10 days for results - I was right - it was 11…). Well they have the results, but the Doc hasn’t looked at them yet. I asked if they could call me when he has looked at them, but was told no, they don’t make any calls in the afternoon, and I will have to phone again.Meanwhile I am in considerable pain, getting little sleep, and very worried… Sorry, I am now back in orbit!!
Someone point me in the direction of that Spa bench again - I think I need a massage to help me calm down!

Projectwoman, you have been beamed towards the spa bench, hopefully you will know today, best of everything to you xx

ooh Katy, a transmat beam to move between benches - that sounds brill… and so much safer than bungy jumping or wandering in ever decreasing circles. Or is it just for the spa bench? That might be good, we wouldn’t want the kind of Dr Who TARDIS thing where you set co-ordinates for one bench and end up on another!

No swimming in the Guilt Lake though, the alligators bite!

Yep RevCat, we are going to be beaming, great suggestion about the beam mat, I think we can have one each, supplies in the shed as from midday today! I’m gonna be beaming everywhere xx

Excellent beaming Katytc, right on target and that did the trick!
Much calmer this morning - came home last night to find an answerphone message from the Doc (yes the call that the receptionist said would be impossible!). X-Ray was clear (good) but need to have a bone scan, so some more waiting to do - and as you have gathered I’m not very good at that!
Oh well, I may have to do some beaming between benches to take up the waiting time!

Hi all
Iam sitting on the could not give a dam bench, letting everything go and feeling free. Not going to take any meds today either, having a day off. naughty but nice. xxx maybe not nice.

Great news Projectwoman, sorry you will have another wait, very hard times.
Gardenparty, is that the same bench as the CBA bench? Enjoy!

There is a huge queue at the shed xx

Just sneaking onto the lazy bench for a bit. Am at the inlaws & was tired of keeping the conversation going whilst hubby craftily fiddled about on his phone so have escaped for a lie down before going out for food. I do actually need one as I’m tired & it’s nice to lie down for a bit.

Popped into the hospital to pick up my proper sized prosthesis today & caught up with all the nurses & staff that I know including a chat with the chemo nurse. Appears my niggling cough is just an irritation side effect from treatment & nothing to be alarmed at. They all thought I looked well & I said I felt about 90! I reckon I’m doing ok though seeing as it’s the second time round for me. I did have it very easy last time…minimal SEs, worked for the first three months (although part time & a desk job rather than my actual job) & partied lots…and dated! Am of course six years older now & treatment has been stepped up & condensed into a shorter period so of course it’s a rougher ride. I do know that I’m very lucky given the ladies that are having to cope with secondary cancer. Four out of the last five funerals I have attended were for friends & relations with breast cancer so I am grateful to be here…even if I’m moaning about SEs this time around! Am definitely streaking into my good week. Shame the good weather is to end as I missed so much of it hibernating in my bed

Twinky x

Shove up girls room for a newby on the bench! You go girls :wink: i totally agree. i’ve only just been told I have a new addition to the rest of my life, my silent partner named “c” whom I feel we’re in for a love/hate relationship on a very long emotional rollercoaster, so many feelings/ emotions going through my head at moment so joined you all to try help me through reading your very helpful, varied & supportive posts & info on this site. Look forward to a long, happy supportive cheerful future with you all, love Sally age 46 just diagnosed invasive breast cancer xx :…
Why does today seem more beautiful than yesterday, I know why, cancer joined my life & made me appreciate even the smallest of things in life I took for granted yesterday, I never ever thought I would be thanking cancer for anything ;0)

Hi Salster… welcome to Benchland, a magical place where you can let your imagination run free - so long as what you share is fit for public consumption! All our cakes are calorie free, and there is room on whichever bench or sofa you fancy/need. If you can’t find the right one, no worries, just make one (Katy is pretty darned good at woodwork). There is boingy stuff under the benches (as per kiddy playgrounds) in case you fall off. Beware lost marbles, alligators and people either wandering in circles or whizzing overhead on bungees… it’s a strange world! Feel free to have a Blyton-esque adventure, discover new creatures or just chill out on one of the benches. There are lace hankies if needed and energy spoon arrive daily (but like cinderella’s coach they vanish at midnight). And newly installed we have a transmat beam shed which will beam you instantly to the bench of your choice

I’m sure other Benclanders will be along soon… if they haven’t nipped off the Dark, Dark Woods or Surreal Place, each of which is quite near here.

Mad, me? You betcha!

And I fully get what you’re saying about how precious everything suddenly becomes after discovering that we have cancer as an unchosen companion.

Take care and hope all goes well for you.

Hehe! :slight_smile: thanks Revcat I’m sure on that note I’m going to settle in mighty fine, a little strange & daunting moving into my new world & enviroment & it’s rollercoaster of emotions I suppose the biggest longest ride I’ll ever experience with all the fears, worries, anxiety, smiles, laughter rants & tears thrown in for free, o well hear goes to the first day of a very long chapter in my life & many more to come ;0) Stay positvive girls & boys :o)

i am just a new comer here but i say well said xx

Good evening Ladies all

Today has been the set-up for our local Daffodil and Spring Flower Show - I’ve entered 3 different types of mini-daffs, and camellia flowers (the ones that escaped the deer nipping over the hedge - grrrr).

So I’m on the Remembering Bench now - it was exactly 2 yrs ago that I had my DX and looked at daffies in the garden and wondered would I ever see them again…

DEEP JOY I am still here, I’ve finished my treatment, I’m well, I’m NED, and yes I look at the world with new and appreciative eyes and say ‘thank you’

grumpy AND cheerful today

PS. Revcat - boingy sofa in regular use, sometimes with my little Chillow for the synchronised flushing episodes!

hello= I haven’t been on this forum for ages,but the GUILTY thing caught my eye ! I am permanently guilty about everything (lapsed Catholic !) I always feel that I don’t count as I ‘only’ had a grade 2 2.4 cm IDC ,no nodes,so rads and tamoxifen,oh and wle and SNB. Not ‘proper’ cancer anyway - consequently I’m always apologising for taking my bcn’s time (she is wonderful- I do talk to her a lot,even though I’m coming up to 3 years post dx - as the diagnosis brought up a lot of unresolved stuff- grief for my brother who died of cancer when he was 10 being the main thing. I know it’s not a competition of course !