Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Sitting on the romantic bench with a little smile on my face…sigh…x

Chipper you can even share my bungee cord back to the guilty bench cos that’s why I’m there. Read your description and knew exactly what you mean.

Grumpy I so get what you’re saying about the daffs… for me it is autumn leaves changing colour… in the weeks after my dx I picked them up and crunched them like a toddler, jumped on them and all manner of nutty things jus tin case I never got another chance. Sounds like you are a few months ‘ahead’ of me on this path. Anyway hope you win lots of prizes.

Chuck all that (lapsed) Catholic abd ‘my cancer’s not bad enough’ guilt into the lake over here----> and NO FISHING and NO SWIMMING!

We still have lovely sunshine in Glasgow <ducks to=“” avoid=“” low=“” flying=“” shoes=“”> so off to the guilty bench for me too. ;-)</ducks>

:slight_smile: !

Isn’t it crazy, just reading chipper’s post reminds me so of myself, as in my hospital I never had a face to face consultation with the oncologist, on every appointment I just saw the clinic specialist nurse, guess what, although having an inflammatory BC, 7.5cm big, I felt guilty and a small fish and so didn’t specifically request to see the onc but accepted to see the nurse, thinking “I’m only a small fish in here, if they think I’m not ill enough to occupy the onc’s time, that will have to do”, yet: I NEVER FELT SO ILL IN ALL MY LIFE!!!

After four months of DX, the day before I had my last chemo I spoke to the onc face to face for the first time, because the nurse was on holiday *despair*

Christine xx

When I started this thread it was all about the guilt regarding bc and why you feel guilty if you don’t have to have lots of different treatments, mx, chemo, complete lymph node removal, rads, lumpectomys etc.
A lot of people say “I’m only having rads” WHAT??? “I’m only having a mx” WHAT???
We all have been diagnosed with bc, we are trying to deal with it in the best way we can and we do not need to feel guilty! In fact that’s the last thing we need to do, we all have cancer and that’s hard enough to deal with!
So please throw that guilt away, we have the lake, throw it all away today!!! Remember and wear your lifebelts though!

Very big welcome to all the new girls, keep posting, ranting and laughing xx

I feel guilty for taking HRT, I had an Er +ve tumour

I feel guilty about not checking my boobs as often as i should,
“but I,d had a clear mammogram 2 yrs ago” yeh right !!

I feel guilty about putting my family through this hell with me

Most of all i feel guilty for spoiling my daughters enjoyment of her 1st pregnancy, our 1st grandchild she will always remember her pregnancy being alongside me being diagnosed with BC.

sorry now i feel guilty for rambling I,m not having a good day today and i dont know why !!

Busy wiring up a ‘heated seat’ bench for those who wish to remain a while but are finding the spring air very chilly! It will of course comply with all safety standards…! I have a heated car seat & love it so thought we could have a bit of comfort in bench land as there appears to be a glut of guilt floating around at the moment that needs removing.

Hugs to all except the 'gators…

Twinky x

Ladies in Benchland

Today I won 2nd and 3rd for my mini daffs in the Flower Show, and got my photo taken for the local paper (cos I was the only person available when the photographer came !!)

What’s to rant about I hear you ask? The stupid c## who said well it’s only cos you’re on the committee…

No, I grow hundreds of daffs as a tribute to the MacMillan nurses at my breast clinic, and lavish much attention on them! And to remind myself that I’ve got through this beastly experience.

&&**~~#%*### (rude words)

grumpy (and proud today)

Well done Grumpy, that’s brilliant! Silly banana with the sour grapes… if being on the comittee bought prizes you’d have all the firsts surely…

Enjoy your moment of local celebrity; what a lovely inspiration for growing mini daffs.

Thanks for still being here bench, when the guilt/fear/other annoying cr@p has risen up and slapped me in the face again. Thought I was “handling everything” but really need somewhere to sit and be quiet and not need to explain…

Can I please just sway gently on the p**sed as a f**t bench for this evening? Down in Bath with assorted BCC ladies who I’ve met and a lot more I haven’t, fighting my own insecurity demons who have been out frolicking with all the other insecurity demons, and actually feeling not too beaten up.

Rose wine works as well as red for getting completely hammered. Sorry.

But thank you BCC for letting me be me, and for introducing me to so many lovely other ordinary people who are all special in their own way.




I know kinda, what I mean, and it might not make a lot of sense to others, but anyhow. You are all lovely. And great providers of anti-alligator protetion. (I hear Tesco has a special offer on anti-alligator boots, but I could be wrong.)

Hope all the guilt carriers have thrown their guilt in the vast lake, always remember that bc wasn’t something we wanted or asked for!

grumpy (mostly cheery type now)Can we please have some daffs in Benchland? We have Claredrops, would be nice to have prizewinning daffs. Well done to you, hurrah and big round of applause.
CM, a new bench has been installed for your adventures over the weekend it’s the “hangover” bench. xx

And next to the hangover bench a little table with hangover remedies… cool water, strong coffee, full cooked breakfast, orange juice, dark glasses, ‘soluble analgesia’ as the Glasgow breast surgeons refer to it, assorted comfy cushions and anything else that works for you all transmat beamed via Katy’s new machine in the shed.

Hate to say this ladies, but now the sun has ventured to Glasgow it seems to like it and is staying a while… Frosty but glorious.

If it’s your thing, have a wonderful Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday, if it’s not hope no one plays any mean tricks on you for All Fools Day! Was tempted to begin today’s service by saying ‘Due to government cuts Easter has been cancelled this year’ or something equally silly, but wimped out, someone would probably believe me!

well done Grumpy-but-proud! You SHOULD be proud - and rats to the green horns! (or aligators maybe!!)

Also frosty but glorious here… off to work in a mo… I will just have a quick sit on the “I can be me” bench…


Thanks RevCat. Could do with a bird flu remedy bench. Feel ghastly, have no voice through coughing so much and doing a great rudolph impression with my red nose. But at least not got a hangover.

Shame you didn’t do that at the start of the service it could have been a giggle.

Now where is the I’m too embarrassed to talk to my doctor bench? Got such a long list of probs which I need to talk to her about BUT keep thinking she’ll be saying ‘here goes the cancer paranoia’! Maybe we need a paranoia bench, do we have one?

Anyway I will make an appt on Monday and I will speak to her about everything that’s wrong without feeling guilty!

Carolyn xx

Im afraid I am on the feeling sorry for myself bench. Supposed to have a great time by the seaside but have felt rubbish. Hardly been out of the flat. Finally today my innards seem to be returning to normal after their assault from the navelbine. It’s knowing I have it all to do again, and a lot more after that. Feeling very glum despite the sunshine 8-(.

X sarah


Daffs for Benchland have been packed up in damp newspaper and sent off pronto… when I lift the bulbs in a few months I shall save some especially to plant in Benchland in the autumn, so that god willing we call all enjoy them next spring.

Ronnie (the flower and veg guru of South Lakes) said my ‘Minnow’ daffs were better than his, but he still took the First certificate home anyhow!

Cream-crackered after the show so on the Early Night bench…


Grumpy - you LIFT your daffs??? All of them, just the mini ones, or hte display ones? When you’ve had a sleep, I’ll meet you on the gardners’ bench…
Crabby - sorry you’re feeling grotty…

palms duly waived… kids pictures put up (love’em) been working all day, so I’m going to the Early Night Bench too…

Jane xx