Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Today I am going to jump on the feeling sorry for myself tearful bench - just want to be on my own and not keep putting on this happy false face.


Oh dear I shall jump down by you for a hug if you would like? Horrible pretending isn’t it I am the one with the strange glazed expression on my face I am perfectly safe it has been there so long it will take time to settle down to a normal expression honest! Hugs to you Em xx

Laughing at Jane looking at Grumpy lifting bulbs

Hugs for Emmy & Ermintrude x

I just ate a bowl of crunch nut cornflakes & waved hubby off. Just settling back down on the lazy bench for some more sleep ( underbed bunny activity allowing). Am loving feeling better now my main SEs have passed & looking forward to a few days on my own. Despite moaning about people deserting me when I’m feeling rough I do enjoy large chunks of my own company when I can spend lots of time song writing & recording, doing family tree research & some time wasting playing games online at Yahoo (scrabble & puzzle type games). I need to be a little lazy this week though so I have plenty of energy over Easter. Today you will find me on the just chilling bench
although I do have a half barrel in the front garden which needs planting out

Twinky x

I know it’s a bit early for the purists, but
 hot cross bun anyone? Yum, yum, I love them! And they’re bread not cake so I allow myself to eat them in Lent ! Off too the Fat People’s bench though, cos during Lent I’ve gained weight - no sweets things, no puds
 what’s that about :-/ ? better take up the sugar diet again methinks.

The equivalent week to this one last year I was really excited as I was returning to work after my surgery on Easter Sunday, a deliberate choice as it felt symbolic of new life and all that jazz. In practice I was back at work before then as a couple of pastoral issues cropped up, but it was my first preach post surgery - such a happy day for me. And now a year on, wow! Off to the small celebrations bench
 the virtual fizz is on me.

~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/ ~/

Hope that’s enough for starters! Then I guess back to the fat bench

Bit early but as it’s virtual, raising a glass ~/ to you RevCat, CHEERS!! xx

excuse me Cat - why are you on the SMALL celebrations bench??? Lots of us want to join you, so budge up on to the BIG celebrations bench! ~/

Well done that girl! Jane x

Congratulations, RevCat! And thank you for all the kindness and support that flows through your posts.

Moya xx

Rolls off the lazy bench onto the big celebrations bench to toast RevCat _/

Weather is really beautiful here. Can’t be lazy any longer
off into the shower then outside!

Twinky x

Those personal anniversaries are pretty good, aren’t they! I’ll join you on the celebrations bench but I won’t join you in the cheering if you’ll forgive me. I think I left my voice in Bath where I went this weekend. (Twinks, that’s why I haven’t phoned you, not that I’m ignoring you, just that you wouldn’t be able to hear anything!) I’ve also decided that today is a day in bed, as I’m feeling flattened by this silly cold. I went downstairs to get a cup of tea and the laptop, and came straight back to bed!

It’s not snowing here yet but it is freezing, heating on full and have a hot water bottle too, can’t seem to get warm.
CM you are in the best place, hope your voice returns and you feel better soon.
Am on the “away to make a complete pig of myself” bench, roast chicken, chilli potatoes, green beans brocolli and peas yummy, yummy yum!
Might be able to squeeze in a pudding later
already ate a packet of rolos, xx

Katyc, do you think you could put some of that yummy scoff in a takeaway pot and send it down here? Sounds delish!

Chicken has around 20 mins left to cook so will pop it in a insulated container?? along with chilli tatties and greens, tie it to a bungee rope noooooooo will put it on a transmat, beaming straight to you CM we can gorge together xx

Chilli potatoes with chicken & veg
sounds great to me! Never had chilli potatoes!

Had a massive blubbing moment in the car park of the vets today. Went to pick up Snowy’s carry case. Thought I would be ok but I was oh so wrong. Still missing my fluffy bunny & was heartbreaking to see the empty carrier with her towel in it.

Am tired today after my weekend but I’ve been awake since 5:30 so that’s not helping either. Just had a bite to eat, washed down with some Guiness! I must just finish putting the last of the plants in if the weather is turning nasty to need to get off the lazy bench for a while.

hope a duvet day chases that cold away!

Twinky x

Hi everyone, havn’t commented since joining as went away with hubby for a few days last week and enjoyed the wonderful weather in Hunstanton, Norfolk. Had a great chill out at super guest house doing half board. Gave us time to relax and clear our heads ready to carry on. Have fitting for prosthesis tomorrow am alongside a chat with b.c. nurse, so hopefully they will find one the right size! was fed up with softee disappearing and making me look lopsided, so reinforced it with a micro fibre flannel and didn’t feel so bad then. The anastrozole tablet each day to reduce oestrogen levels gives me some hot flushes and mood swings, is anyone else on this and having similar problems?

Mardon, I take anastrozole and tolerate it very well - my BCN said to take it at night rather than morning and that has definately helped. I don’t do synchronised flushes now, more a sort of glow now and again. I believe we all react differently to this class of drugs, I was all over the place with letrozole and changed to anastrozole which is lots better.

Twinky and Jane - yes I do lift the daffs, the ones in tubs not the ones actually in soil, so I can move 'em about - and those are the ones that will be planted in Benchland in the autumn.

Coffee Bench with the ladies in the village tomorrow am, then on the gardening bench - oh no got that wrong, will be on the Craft bench to finish off the seat covers for Beryl the Bongo, my little campervan. She will look like my grandma’s sitting room by the time I’ve finished due to Oxfam’s limited choice of curtains to cut up
 The Oxfam shop ladies want to see the finished product and are keeping any cushions that might match up in the Back Room - aren’t folk kind?

love to all ladies in Benchland
cheery but kna##### grumpy

PS for Revcat - sitting on boingy sofa with a glass of North of the Border tincture, my heritage is 50% Border reiver, 50% Lancashire agricultural soup - no wonder I’m confused!!

Was sitting on the “Watching snow falling” bench earlier this morning, it’s absolutely freezing BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Twinky many many moons ago we used to go to a Spanish restaurant and they served chilli potatoes, they liven up any meal, I just love them.
Mardon, no idea about anastrozole but good you had a happy few days away.
grumpy (who is mostly cheerful now) hope you enjoyed your coffee morning.

Homemade chicken curry tonight, like it very hot!
Going into town for a wander, may even have a hot chocolate with marshmallows, seem to be spoiling myself recently xx

Katyc, and probably RevCat too, I’m sendign you over some down-filled duvets for the freezing bench. What on earth is going on with the weather! Last week’s hottest March day EVER in Scotland, this week snow. Crazy.

Coffee morning went off well - we call ourselves the BOWWS, bunch of widows and women! and we are all quite bonkers and love ourselves and each other - is there a clue there???

Feeling so well at the moment that I might have to sit on the Guilty Bench for a while. I’ve had an ‘easy’ ride compared with so many other ladies

RevCat - seen the walk in Sept on the BCC website; as I may be up in Scotland in Beryl(campervan) around then I shall try to come along and give my support. Little Dogs are elderly and can’t do ‘up’ these days so all I can do is encouraging twittering/marshalling/teas.

We’ve had sleety snow today, so extra layer on the bed for tonight - can I enrol for synchronised flushing for the next 24 hours please?

love to all ladies in Benchland
grumpy - and cheery today

Choccie, thank you for the downies, as they say up here
 fortunately my uber flushes keep we warm but it is definitely cold in Scotland today. Had rain, sleet, snow and sun today! I am probably the only person who was enjoying the cool air!

Grumpy feel free to join our synchronised flushing team
 we’re going for gold, no doubt about it. It would be fab to see you in ‘real world’ in September when wandering up Ben Nevis with another hundred or so BCC supporters.

Think I’m on the ‘need more hours in a day’ bench tonight
 very busy week but am having loads of fun. Beddy byes time now though
 just snuggle under the CM-downie

I cannot believe that anyone would PRETEND to have BC unless they have a mental illness. Everyone I have met at RADS or in the breast Unit have been really brilliant and like me fighting back with humour. We all have down days, but although health professionals have made me feel guilty about my choices no one in these forums has ever been anything but supportive. I had one oncologist who I will not name and whose ‘thing’ was chemo, practically wash her hands of me when I refused it, even though she admitted if would only add another 6.75% to my survival rate. Hormone therapy is no picnic as those of us currently suffering side effects could tell and we are on it a lot longer than other treatments. I still would not hide my genuine feeling on tis board as it is the only place I can vent knowing I will be fully understood.