Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Brrr…very windy outside & lashing down with rain/sleety stuff. I’m trying to do housework before entertaining a friend tonight. Got the meal cooking in the slow cooker so that’s all sorted but I’m struggling with energy levels today & feel a bit off colour. I get so frustrated with myself. I used to be so active & always on the go but just feel like a pathetic lump at the moment. I wasn’t like this on my last diagnosis. I asked to go back to work for the first 3 months of chemo ( but had the 2nd 3 months off totally) and remember going out lots! This time I even feel unwell on my good days. Seems the old body isn’t coping so well. I suppose being out yesterday (cinema & a meal ) subjected me to lots of germs after being at home in isolation lots do maybe my body is fighting off things ( certainly feels like it). Got lots to finish clearing up before I let my visitor in through the front door so ought to sign off & get on with it! Sigh…just want to snooze…

Twinky x

I’m on the indecisive swing, between CSL and FF. Blasted bungee keeps getting tangled up in the swing ropes…

Thank you CM for the cosy duvet, it’s still freezing here, snow disappeared quickly but it’s soooooo cold. Hope you are untangled now! I’m still on the “can’t get warm” bench, if the alligators are out I’m going to get them to chase me, if I’m running crazily around Benchland I’ll soon get warm xx

Hi all
iam on the cooking bench, making cottage pie, smells wonderful, left heating on, ON, which is naughty, so half a bum cheek on naughty bench, feels great tho. xxxxxx

On the ‘don’t mess with me’ bench…grrrr…ordered some ink cartridges online for my Canon printer. I don’t do re-cycled/re-filled as they can be unreliable. Anyway the cartridges came from two different suppliers. One arrived pristine in Canon box. The second arrived with a message on the back of the envelope saying we removed the outer packaging to make it easier to fit through your letter box ( alarm bells start ringing) and inside the film covering over the cartridge case was cheap & tacky & nothing like the usual film used by Canon…am now having a war of words by e mail as they insist the cartridge is new but I don’t trust them! Grrrr

Twinky x

A quick perch on the ‘phewffff’ bench after a VERY busy morning doing a ‘children’s vigil’ at church - fabulous fun, twenty children aged 8 and under plus parents/grandparents, songs, crafts, food, acting out the stories… and every child left with a yummy fairtrade Easter Egg (even if we did have to send an adult out to buy more when no-one was looking!). Off back to work now to prepare for Sunday… which includes, a barbecue and some fish… as I said on another thread, there is no other minister quite as mad as this one!

Hoping to catch some zzzzz tomorrow, so if I don’t drop in before, ahve a HAPPY EASTER everyone in Benchland

All quiet in Benchland, Happy Easter to all!
RevCat, that’s lovely all the children, kids do bring a big smile to your face. You will need some quiet time, so next week off to the “shhhh” bench for you xx

any spare room on the grumpy bench??? We’re going up to Northumberland next weekend to join friends’ birthday celebrations. Be nice to stop off overnight with our son and DIL… been prevaricating… now been told there’s not room for us to stay (2 bed flat, but spare room only has one bed in it and one of them sleeping in the lounge last time we went was too stressful!) Not sure how they managed with HER parents over Christmas for 3-4 days then… and not going to GO there with them about that… they move next month to 3 bed house where they want to offer great hospitality… Huh! We’ll see… hospitality comes from the heart… unusually grumpy… still, there was a man who had a worse time… Easter tomorrow! I went out to buy chocolate… Jane

I’m not surprised you are grumpy - I’d be steaming furious!!!

Come and join me on the boingy sofa anytime… TV, chocs and tipple of choice available 24/7

the REAL grumpy…

No posts from Choccie Muffin. Hopes this means she’s having a good weekend & not battling with the SS!

Twinky x

Calorie free, soya free and dairy free (for those who are bothered about either) dark, milk, white and blended guilt-free Easter eggs are in. Enjoy!

No wonder you feel grumpy Jane, sometimes family are just thoughtless, enjoy your weekend regardless!
RevCat, sitting on the “can’t eat anymore chocolate” bench, thank you for all the eggs yummy yum xx

Oh I’m on the stupid bench today. Thought I’d taken an antibiotic tablet last night but looking at the tablet packets by the bed this morning it appears I took a Lansoprazole instead…oh heavens!

I have more energy today after a good nights sleep although I did wake up feeling rattled & disturbed after a bad dream about work ( went back to work & they expected me to have a full diary from day one & i couldn’t cope). I have regular bad dreams about work as my boss is a total a*se. He’s currently ignoring my updates on my treatment etc so I think I might finally bite the bullet & talk to his boss who seem a half decent bloke & will be a better point of contact whilst I’m off. It’s bad enough to be going through all of this without being treated badly by my boss. I had an awful time with him last year when I had two cancer scares & an op. he was totally unsupportive & I ended up off work for a while with stress. I don’t want to go back there again!

Sorry…just needed to get that off my chest but work is such a big part of your life it’s awful to be unhappy because of your boss.

Twinky x

Sorry about your work issues, Twinky. Do we need a “My boss is an a*se” bench? (although mine hasn’t been - at least about me being off - she’s been very supportive!)We could put it next to the “my OH’s a b******” (see above brackets! but substitute “he” for “she”) bench and compete to see who’s grievances are worse?? :slight_smile:

Whoops, now I feel I need to visit the guilty bench as I’m NOT having issues with Boss or OH.

Also, sorry ladies, for the return of winter - my fault entirely - bound to happen - we’ve just been on holiday! At least we were in a cottage and not the tent - TFFT!! 3" snow best observed from safely indoors by the fire?!

Off the stupid bench & onto the lazy bench. Came upstairs totake next antibiotic & accidently lay down on the bed despite being in the middle of some gardening…oops. Need to attend to the joint of pork in the oven too so better not stay here too long but it’s so tempting to lie here & have a snooze…


Hope your pork didn’t burn, Twinky.
Today I am on the “started off very well and then turned terribly lazy” bench so on my way to the “CBA” bench where I will sit and ponder for a while.
Alligators on the prowl so be careful out there, girls xx

Hahahaha I thought the “Hope your pork didn’t burn, Twinky” was a reference to RADs SEs :slight_smile: until I read Twinky’s post (and realised which thread I was on - ah! BENCHLAND, NOT starting rads in April!) Now on the giggling inanely bench.

Made a chocolate cake, this morning, AND hoovered properly for first time since op. Was on smug bench for a wee while - now moved via CBA to GI! Hope everyone enjoying the bank hol in spite of the weather!

OMG, JCJ, that is soooooooooooooooo sick teehee!! xx

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I’m on the snoozing bench today! So tired in a good way after the Easter weekend. Joint aches a-go-go but worth it I think.

That was just so funny JCJ, I woke myself up chuckling!

Hope everyone is well… I’m planning on snoozing for a couple more days yet!

On the chilled bench today… on call, but (shhhhssshhhh!) the pager hasn’t gone off (yet) and we’ve made carrot cake… had a fry-up and generally being chilled and unhealthy (not an every-day occurrence, so I plan to enjoy it!) only back to work for 3 days then a long weekend (MY weekend off, since I worked a little of this one!!) Oh… fry up was bacon… not boob!!! LOL…

Could shout WAKEY WAKEY in RevCat’s ear… but that wouldn’t be kind… fun… but not kind… tempted though…!!!