Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Just to say that I have been on the guilty bench all weekend, following a spell on the grumpy-and pi**ed-off bench that resulted in a short occupation of losing-it-completely bench.

And also for some reason the title of the thread has now gone back to the original 
but it wasn’t my fault, really

moser, I am glad you have said that, I couldn’t see the difference in the thread title, at least now I know I am not going completely mad!

Also, sorry for the scorch marks on the AFF bench, I think this one needs to be made out of metal! Now moved to the doing OK bench for a chillout

I’m so excited we have sofas now! I’m on the ‘pull yourself together’ sofa but my friends and sister tell me I shouldn’t be on it as I’m expecting too much from myself. Does that mean I have to move to the ‘guilty’ sofa???

I’m sitting on the knitting settee -

" obviously the colours are vile, it being dfs, but we can always sit on the knitting bench & make some throws"

knitting a throw - as I’m not very good at knitting I hope it will turn out OK. But at least I’m comfortable, thanks Norberte for swapping us over.

In Florida having a whale of a time!!! and guess what I don’t feel guilty !!! I havent time to catch up PC time limeted to 4 mins so catch up with posts when I get back
love to all
Jeanette xxxx

Did ahve enuf time to see choccie’s avatar 
 yeah!!! keep the benches warm for me!! may log on again???

Mods, can I ask a little favour? Could you change the title of this thread to include “BENCHLAND” in the title? A lot of people have been posting on it but I find I keep losing it because my marbles have deserted me and I can’t remember what the title of the BENCHLAND thread is!

Ta muchly, if you wouldn’t mind


Saw the words ‘benchland’ and suddenly (and rather oddly as I was never a ‘new romantic’) thought of Spandau Ballet
 Feel free to sing along

Mother doesn’t know where hope has gone,
she says we must be brave to keep us feeling strong.
See it in my face that’s turned to ice,
and when I smile I show the lines of sacrifice.
And now I know what they’re saying as my guilt begins to fade,
thatbwe found our friends on benchland and through the bc charade.

Cancer’s made my history,
it’s taken a year and now I’ll never somehow be free.
I know what I ought to say to you,
I learned it off by heart but now that’s torn in two.
And now I know what they’re saying on the bench of the renegrade,
that we found our friends on benchland and through the bc charade.


Can I join dizzy et al on the guilty bench please??

Been having “fun” with teens this end and have felt v guilty thinking about asking their dad (yup, single mum here) to take the blighters! If no space there I’ll head to the naughty bench for murderous thoughts about washing-up!


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Done it Choccie! But I thought that Norberte changed the benches to settees from DFS.

At least I did what norberte said but the title didn’t change. Tried to delete it but I don’t know how to. I went into edit and deleted but it just stayed the same. Luddite me!

Help somebody- please tell me how to delete a post after I have actually submitted it.

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I did report my own post asking for a bit of moderated intervention on the thread title, let’s see if they can fix it for us (Jim).

norberte - are you sure it’s not the ‘thinking murderous thoughts about HR bench’. That’s the one I’m drumming my heels against.
It’s close to the ‘laugh in the face of bureauocracy’ bench aka ‘the hysterical bench’


DJ007 - loved the song, one of my fav’s anyway and the new words are so TRUE hehe

DaisyGirl xx

ps Norberte, thanks for the sofas, I think they are great!

The thread name reverted again, have tried to change it!

looks like whoever is posting has to change the name too

SO nice to have sofa’s instead of benches
 only trouble is, I might nod off and take a space that someone else really needs. I’m heading for the “what on earth next” sofa now

Here’s a thought - perhaps katyc can go in and edit the FIRST post on the thread?