Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

halloooo from the defiant sofa, hope its near the I hate HR bench as I too am hovering towards the no pay zone. And while I’m on, can I have a little I hate tories bench, I saw George Osborne on TV this am and automatically slipped into Tourrets…its just a reflex

Tried that Chocciemuffin, doesn’t appear to work post disappeared. Must have to be changed by moderators, back to the guilty bench again for me for not being able to help anyone find the thread! x

Just had a PM from mods, they’ve had a go, we now have BENCHLAND at the end of the title!

Cheers, mods!

And I’m skipping around the benches feeling happy, can’t decide which one to go for. If there were an indecisive bench I’d probably be sitting on that one, but I’m not sure…

Love this thread!

Anyone want to join me on new bench (or section of guilty bench?) I’ve discovered - the ‘I’m so useless for not getting round to all those jobs while I was lazing round on chemo’ one?


Ah, that’ll be the guilty bench with your feet up on the “can’t be ar, bothered” bench. I’ll shuffle along, shall I?

just added a “no I’m not *** over it” bench…beside the “you look well” bench …

Could someone please draw a map - I’m now not sure which bench I’m on…but could I bring the dog…she loves benches!

Tina67, a map would mean strategic planning, are we in rows, circles, some benches CANNOT be near one another ie ****ing furious and crazy sobbing lady. Smelly bench is alone in a corner somewhere. If you don’t feel too good you don’t want to be walking too far to find your bench, oh what to do??? I feel I do not have the expertise required, perhaps others can input and we can make one together! In my head it’s a lovely grassy area with pretty flowers and trees, am I in the right place???

I’m sitting on the ‘thinking murderous thoughts about HR’ bench today.

Also got my feet resting on the ‘the quacks stole my chemo and I really do not know what to think or do now’ bench.

I also still have half a cheek on the “f*****g furious” bench.

I’m glad they are close together.

I’m sure that some of them are on a sort of rotary contraption that means you can hop on and off them without having to walk too far…

I need to jump on the “need to shout at my mum” bench, though if I am going to be sitting on it for a while (I think I will be) it needs to be a nice comfy sofa. She phoned me today for her daily check to see if I am ok and I started talking about chemo and my worries about being able to work thoughout it and what would happen if I was hospitalised etc (have daughter to look after). She then started to say I read too much online, I am overdramatic and that her friend sailed though 12 months of chemo with no problems!!. I then said that everyone is different, and thought silently I am sure her friend didn’t have a problem free treatment. She told me I shouldn’t worry until I go through it - easy for her to say that. I then got told that my sister (who is a nurse) thought I might just be on chemo tablets - so she is an oncologist then FGS!!! - so does that mean being on chemo tablets is easier than being on the drip version; I think not!!!. I love my mum dearly but sometimes I wish I could use the mute button …

Dear Dizzycloud,

That sounds maddening! if it wasn’t for the fact that they sound as if they would interrupt and drive you nuts, I would suggest taking them along with you to your chemo education session!
The only reasonable response to your initial comments would have been “Don’t worry, if you can’t work, I will help look after my darling grand daughter”

A mute button or a sound proof screen- there’s money to be made out of these ideas…

Shove up Dizzyland - I need to sit on there with you.
My Mum is 89. I don’t want to worry her too much so have down played the chemo side effects -consequently she hasn’t a clue of how I feel really,although I did eventually give her a BCC leaflet about chemo. I realise now she actually didn’t want to know what I’m experiencing.
Told her on the phone this morning that I’d go and see her today if I felt up to it. Went to see her this afternoon. She said " You look a bit white and spiteful" and proceeded to tell me how tired she feels.
I do love her dearly, but sometimes have to bite my tongue.
Room for 2 ?

Shove up Dizzycloud - I need to sit on there with you.
My Mum is 89. I don’t want to worry her too much so have down played the chemo side effects -consequently she hasn’t a clue of how I feel really,although I did eventually give her a BCC leaflet about chemo. I realise now she actually didn’t want to know what I’m experiencing.
Told her on the phone this morning that I’d go and see her today if I felt up to it. Went to see her this afternoon. She said " You look a bit white and spiteful" and proceeded to tell me how tired she feels.
I do love her dearly, but sometimes have to bite my tongue.
Room for 2 ?

post deleted

lots of room on my bench slendabenda, I will budge up.

I have also had from my mum statements such as “no more swearing, I didn’t bring you up to swear, so I don’t know why you are” when I was in hospital and suffering from lack of pain killers

More recently she keeps telling me my daughter should be looking after me, cooking, cleaning etc (she is 14 and does do a little bit for me) as everyone she knows kids totally ran the house while they were recoeving!!

oh and I can’t forget the constant reference to work paying me while I am off, so I should jump to attention when they ring and ask me to do something as “you have to look after your job” and “if you are off a long time you might not have a job to go back to”

EDIT - todays convesation involved me saying today I had to do some work for work, have some ironing to do and need to prepare tea. The response was well make sure you do your work first before the ironing and tea, “daughters name” will have to wait for her tea??!! (does that mean I should go hungry too?)
oh and I havn’t finished yet - mentioned I will probably gain weight from steroids given during chemo and was told well you can lose that weight straight after, you don’t want to look a mess!

I think we will all end up with sore tongues from biting them so often!!

Okay, I may not have a map but I’m now riding around Benchland on a mini railway (too tired to walk and it would take too long), handing out chocolate, icecream and tissues. The nurse in me…oops nearly ran over someone trying to get from one bench to the other…

I am only 3 days out of hospital after an operation on my leg and You have cheered me up very much! I think it should be made into a play for the radio so people out there can perhaps begin to understand the emotions we all have to deal with having cancer as well as the boring everyday frustrations too.
I would like a bench made of feathers, yes feathers that we can all kick or punch without hurting ourselves and get out all that anger and frustration we feel. Thank you so much for this marvellous thread. Have added it to my saved ones. Love to all. Val

Not too sure how the benches are planned but a F@@@ it all! one could be next to the I am gonna blow one then I can hop back and to, hhmmm could lose that weight that I gained? as for the can’t be a@@d bench for housework it could be next to the can’t be faffed getting dressed bench P.J party anyone? It is a great thread this been following and a few things make me smile these days but this is one of them! Take care all…x

Hi all,

My Mum phones me everyday to ask how I am I usually say “I’m fine” but having been feeling awful the past couple of weeks, so obviously she’s concerned when she phoned today I said I had a sort of crampy feeling like when I used to have periods there was a long pause then she said I think it’s you mopping your floors (honestly a 2 min job) I had to stop the burbling laughter!! You’ve got to love them!! Oops back to the guilty bench for me xx