Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

"what’s the point in having a map? us women can’t read them!!! "

That made me laugh - as an Outdoors Ed instructor, I used to teach males to nav. One of them suggested that I might have a problem joining them as I wouldn’t be able to drive my car up the mountain. Cheeky s*d

Hi Ninja
I thought we women were supposed to hold maps upside down -so if we print a bench map upside down we’ll be fine !!

Just seen the pits pic Ninja - you should be so lucky !
Thanks for giving me a laugh. x
It wasn’t you who abandoned that 4x4 up Snowdon the other day was it…?

Not a chance - that was me running up it in my shorts.

In my dreams, these days; I can barely get up the stairs sometimes, never mind go fell-running again…

Reminds me of the time that a friend and I walked up Snowdon - it was early spring and was quite snowy and icy towards the top, blowing a gale too. We slithered our way to the top - arrived red-faced and quite proud of ourselves, just as a train arrived and a gaggle of lasses in mini-skirts and heels got out!

We need an ‘I need spoiling’ bench - or really that should be DFS’s best sofa - and Scottishlass gets first place on it - Val, hope you are doing OK and feeling the benefit of your op very soon darling xxxx

DFS - Good idea - we’d buy one and get one free-in time for Christmas delivery!

I am so glad to come home from hols…mind you not so glad to come back with an horrendous ear inmfection and a stinking cold!!! Especially as it’s mx/recon next monday, so I was glad to find someone had changed the benches to sofas just in time for my op…oh it wasn’t done for my benefit…oh well perhaps it’s time for that spoiling bench SB and daisyleaf and I agree put Val on for comfort and we can have a volunteer bench…sorry sofa… and anyone feeling on the bright side can sit on it and take turns in mollycoddling everyone else…???

Welcome back J - i’D forgotten about the benches.
Time for a reshuffle. Plenty of room for you.
Hope you feel better in time for your op.

BENCHLAND has now officially reopened been very quiet for a while. There are sofas but I am afraid none have been allocated for those of us who are feeling guilty, just hard benches, I mean we would feel even more guilty just being a little comfy!! x

Yay! I’ve been feeling guilty about not being on the guilty bench!

Have you been lounging around on the sofas GIJaneH??? xx

And I have to come in and sit on the stupid bench, was just going to post to Stargazerlily to enjoy her day at home now she is out of hospital forgetting how she might be feeling mid chemo. Now do I worry that I seem to have forgotten how it feels mid chemo - or encourage you all that you do leave it behind eventually?
Oh, well then, off to the bench for people who say stupid if well meaning things.

never mind the bench Lavender Lassie - there’s a whole THREAD for you (and me!) Yes, I’ve been on the smug (I’ve finished) sofas…

Can I request an “out of puff” bench/sofa. Not managing very well at mo and spending a lot of time in bed sleeping. Low HB is the reason. But I would love to have a “blether” and some female company to moan and groan and listen and learn. Hugs to all. Keep the thread going I just love it! Val

Hi Val,

Settle back and enjoy your squishy sofa, everything is at hand so you don’t have to feel guilty! A “blether” what a great idea, and a cup of tea and a hot scone with lashings of cream and jam, takes me back to my Enid Blyton days!! x x

What was it with EB and lashings? Lashings of ginger beer, I remembertoo.
Would rather have the lashings of cream and jam though.
I am beginning to believe that just thinking of food makes me put on weight.
It’s really grey outside, budge up on the squishy sofa and let me at the scones

Now I should go off to the smug/guilty bench…or sofa??? as I have to say it is BEAUTIFUL here warm and sunny!!!

What is the weather like up there Val I am up tomorrow, just for the day, a flying visit for pre op assesment ready for JMD to do his stuff next Monday!! Hope you are soon feeling a little easier …Lots of love Jeanette XXX

Hi Jeanette, Weather varied throughout the day. Bursts of sunshine then it clouds over. Hope your pre op assessment goes Ok. Not sure if I am well enough to visit you in hosp right now but keep me posted and I will play it by ear.
Scones sound perfect. Edid Blyton. Did anyone read “The Secret of Spiggy Holes” or the “Secret Mountain”. It wasn’t eh famous five series but set in Cornwall/Dorset/or Devon and inc=volved smuggling. read it and read it and read it over the years. Lent it to someone who forgot to return it to me. Would love to read it again now I am in my 60s!
Love to you all, Val

Lovely day here too, watching people just wearing t shirts walking along the walk (short cut into town). I am always cold and have on jumper and two t shirts, am sitting with a hot water bottle too and will have to put on coat when I go out later!!I moved here pretty recently and am sure people must think I’m a little eccentric but I’m really cold. I am going to bring my duvet over to squishy sofa, looking forward to LL’s homemade scones, I’ll bring jam and cream, yum yum xx