stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 2)

It honestly can’t come quick enough, not great at the moment, it’s exhausting!!
Also had a letter from hospital this morning about my foot so have an appointment woo hoo.
The bowel screening is so easy now, have you posted yet?
Good news about commode bad news about the psychological issues. Hoping you do manage your couple of days away. It would be good for you definitely.
It’s really getting cold here, last 2 days we have had sunshine, wind, rain only thing missing is snow brrrr.
Bought a book yesterday, trying again, miss reading xx

Whoop for foot appointment. Hope it can be fixed - or at least improved- soon.
Bring on the lido.
Not posted the bowel kit because it hasn’t been delivered to me yet!
I’m so excited. Like a kid in late December: I’ve booked my trains for my seaside trip on Wednesday. Finally, the weather looks reasonable: sunny and warmer than recently. Haven’t told him yet. I’ll break the news after we’ve eaten tonight. I’m not asking; I’m telling him. I’ve waited for this for soooo long.

I wish it was my two nights with a friend trip but at least it’s something.

As to that, I emailed nephew to see if he really had agreed to stay with OH. Deafening silence. Ah. Either he’s waiting until he gets back from holiday or it’s a “No” :cry:
Hope the new term is going OK, Ali, and you’re not too exhausted.

Hope you had a wonderful day JCJ and the weather stayed kind, woo hoo for your day out.
We have had really lovely weather over the last couple of days soo hot.
Lido went well and have already noticed a difference thank goodness gets draining…
Tummy not so happy today so am sitting on the moany bench hopefully be gone tomorrow.
Am out for lunch tomorrow so it had better be haha.
Bought jeans same make etc one black other dark blue loving the black ones wore dark blue ones yesterday and they are too big arrgh so annoying. How can they be different??
Popped along to EDs yesterday and sat outside for ages had a catch up with eldest GD all good with her, she was saying that halls of residence cost £1000 per month WHAT?? So expensive xx

Glad the lido is working. Could that be contributing to your tummy troubles? I hope it’s better today so you can enjoy your lunch.

I’ve found different colours of the same jeans fit differently sometimes. Especially with stretch denim. I think it’s to do with the % of elastane. I have to wear a belt with most of my jeans now.

My day at the sea, on Wednesday, was fabulous. The weather was kind and I got to paddle all along the bay and explore Rhos on Sea; somewhere I’d only briefly visited before when I spent the whole, stressful time chasing around after His needs. Wonderful to be there, relaxed, by myself. Fish and chips, ice cream and several cups of tea (one of which came with a free packet of salted caramel shortbread! :heart_eyes:) all consumed outside with a sea view. All 6 trains went to plan. Brilliant!!

I parked at a friend’s place, about 1/4 mile from station, which was lucky because the station car park was full. The whole 20 minutes I was waiting for my train, there was someone driving round and round the carpark looking for a space. If I hadn’t parked at friend’s, I’d have missed my train!! Wasn’t quite so thrilled about it when I got off the train, completely k******ed, and realised I had 1/4 mile to walk after crossing the - now nearly empty - carpark :unamused:

OH actually enjoyed his day too. He booked a taxi and went to our local town to the library and his favourite chippy cafe for tea. Hurrah. He was extra tired yesterday, though, so very shaky.

Nephew did get back to me. He is prepared to uncle sit. Yippee! Just got to organise details but I’m going to let OH recover before discussing it with him. I could be seeing the sea again … and my friend… sooner than I dared to hope. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:Mustn’t get too excited: it could still go :pear:shaped.

OH postponed his dentist appointment, that should have been this morning, so I can spend a bit longer on the k bench before K&N this afternoon.

Hope everyone is OK and finding things to be happy about.

I am still here, I’m finding school exhausting and I’ve already got a cold. How can that be so soon? The children are lovely and so much easier than last year. I always find settling back into school tiring, but it feels worse this time. Well, this is my 32nd year of newbies! How long?
I’m so pleased you got to the seaside Jcj and the weather was good, and you’ve got the prospect of another visit. Sea air always makes me feel better. I really should go. We live at least 2 and a half hours from any coast, so it’s a bit of an effort but maybe at half term? If I can get my OH to come away from the canals. It’s still water, there are boats!
I hope your stomach has settled now Katy and pleased that lido is working. How long does the lido work for?
Counting down to the half term……. X

Oh that was brilliant JCJ, glad you had a wonderful day, though 6 trains? You are brave haha. Hope OH is agreeable to your little trip away, it will do you the world of good.
Ali, so glad children are excellent, makes a massive difference, 32 years wowee!! You will def have lots of experience. Yes it’s amazing how the sea makes you feel happy…
Lido lasts 3-4 weeks Ali.
Did have lunch was tasty and a huge portion so did actually leave some!
Have not been feeling that great, after eating nausea and headaches arrgh. Tummy is not happy at all. Was sitting this morning and thought what is going on with me?
Went through all things I have been eating etc no big changes so what is it? Had a brainstorm one of my daily tablets had been changed just over a month ago, checked side effects and have nearly everyone of them. Phoned doc and after an hour of redialling finally spoke to reception, lady said she would have nurse phone me sometime this morning. 5 mins later she phoned, told her what was going on and new tablet to be issued, can stop the other one immediately. She said side effects should stop pretty quickly, fingers and toes crossed. Am fed up of feeling yuck.
Went out for lunch today but only had a plain scone haha learning my lesson.
It’s cold here brrrrr, heating has been on a few times already…xx

After 32 years, Ali, are you seeing the offspring of newbies you had in the past?
We’re a similar distance from any sea. One of the furthest places from the coast that is possible on this, relatively small, island!!
Mini break is booked!! Nephew will come, after work, from 5pm until 8:15am on both nights and OH is happy with that. Better than the 10 hours for £200+ for sleep in carers!!
I’m ridiculously excited about it.

Decided I needed to get the locks trimmed as they’re getting very tangly at the ends. Looked for hairdresser’s number on my phone. Last used 26th September 2023. Lol. Exactly a year, to the day, from when I last had a trim to Thursday, when I wanted appointment. (I don’t like hairdressers :laughing:)
However, my “stylist” only works Wednesdays so I’ll have to go tomorrow.
Funeral directors rang this morning: ES’s ashes are ready for collection. At last. It’s been weeks. That’s the drawback of choosing a crem that’s further away. I’ve contacted his friends because they want to scatter some of them where he died and take some to America: they’d been promising to take him on holiday there. :cry:

I hope the change in meds sorts your tummy/head problems, Katy

Yes I’ve been seeing children of parents I taught for a few years now. I even work with one of the children I taught! I hope it means that those children were happy in our school and are happy to send their children here. I’d like to think that anyway.
Hope your haircut wasn’t too traumatic for you Jcj and you’re pleased with the results. I go to the hairdressers every 8 weeks. I can’t face going grey just yet. I found my first grey hair at 11! It’s actually pure white now when the roots start to grow. It runs in my family. Mum stopped colouring her hair when I had my son. Maybe I’ll do the same, if it ever happens. My OH has ginger hair that has faded to a lovely strawberry blonde. His mum’s hair is still that colour at 92.
Katy I hope the medication change has helped.
Take care everyone.

I’m sure they were happy, Ali. They certainly wouldn’t send their kids to you… or want to work there… if they hated your school!!

No haircut yet. Rang yesterday and got an appointment for next Wednesday. She works one day a week. Alright for some? (says she who doesn’t work at all :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) Perhaps she works elsewhere or has a mobile business. I know she only rents a chair at the place I go to because the salon, across the street, where she previously worked, closed. I’ll ask her.

I’m a bit shell shocked: finally braced myself to ring Dr’s about a patch of skin on my leg. Expected to spend the morning on the phone but got through immediately. Receptionist said there were no appointments this morning but a Dr would ring this evening. I pointed out that it wasn’t that urgent and Dr probably needed to look at aforementioned patch of skin. She said, “can you be here by 10:30?” It was 10:20! Good grief! I wasn’t dressed! Mad rush to dress, clean teeth and jump in the car. Luckily, surgery is only 1/2 mile away. 1 minute wait in waiting room. Dr thoroughly investigated and asked loads of Qs. She agreed with me that it’s probably nothing but has referred me “urgently” to dermatology. :scream: I was back home before I would have expected to get through on phone!! Ahh! Brain in overdrive. And of course, patch of skin that I’ve had for years and, mostly, ignored, until it changed fairly recently, is now making me hyper aware of it!! It’s probably nothing. It’s probably nothing. It’s probably nothing… :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Now to attempt to switch broadband provider as S** has been absolutely useless again recently. Had to reset and or unplug the router FIVE times during Bake Off the other night until I eventually gave up. YD & DIL were so fed up with how slow our WiFi was, when they were here, that they used their phone data instead! :roll_eyes:

Ali, when it gets to the point of children’s, children’s, children arriving at school it maybe time to leave hahaha.
Arrgh JCJ, what???
Good he is sending you to see someone quickly, big hugs. xx

Trying not to think about my leg. And reminding myself that Dr was fairly sure it wasn’t anything serious. Just wish she hadn’t used the word “urgent” :flushed:

Bowel screening letter arrived this morning. I didn’t panic because it was clearly only a letter and no extra leaflets/information. All OK so that’s one less worry. :grin:

S** and B* both given the boot. The guy I spoke to at Z** (who were recommended by YD) was fabulous and will sort everything for us. I don’t need to do anything except make sure the current direct debits don’t go out after the changeover. They shouldn’t, but he said it’s a good idea to check. It will save us more than £30 a month and they guarantee a much faster broadband than we’re currently getting or they will investigate what the problem is. Hurrah! Changeover on 10th Oct. Only 4 days before my mini break so I hope it goes smoothly! :crossed_fingers:t3:At least, if BB and phone line coming from the same company, they can’t blame each other?! We will lose the blocker feature on the phone, which is a shame, but I have a cunning plan: we’ll just never answer - I’ll probably put all handsets on silent - and use our 1000 “free” minutes to ring people back who we actually want to speak to (usually only OH’s friend). Of course, S** has been pestering me by text and email, trying to make me stay; making empty promises. If only they’d been that interested before?! :rage:

OH currently not too bad. We’re still very restricted on what we can do but it’s much less stressful. At the moment. Long may it last. :crossed_fingers:t3:The commode has made a big difference. I don’t like emptying it :nauseated_face: but that’s preferable to being disturbed, several times a night, when he shuffle-stamps across the landing, occasionally getting stuck near the top if the stairs! :scream: We are both sleeping better!

Sunny at the moment but it’s quite cold; Thought about tweaking the thermostat to bring the heating on this morning!

No matter what you do it will rattle in your head until you know what’s what we’ll keep fingers and toes crossed for you xx
Hurrah for cheaper deals and better and faster service!!
Glad OH is better and commode is working for him, worth the better sleep.
Am at YD’s having been singing most of the day (worst voice in the world) but GS is loving it haha.
Last wedding of the year for YD tomorrow she is glad been such a full year for her and anxiety is springing it’s head.
Has taken around 5 mins to figure out where benchland is arrrgh xx

When you log into BCN forum, Katy, just click on your profile pic at the top right and you should get a list of all the likes, replies etc to all the threads you follow. Works for me, anyway.

All that silent choir practice has come in handy for entertaining GS. :rofl:

My profile is no longer on the main page so I have to look up forum then pic appears then I can click on. Annoying because that’s the way I did it before. Took me ages to find​:joy::sob:xx

Have bookmarked page now so I am directly there woo hoo xx

I’m having to go the long way to get to the forum too, most annoying.
Everything crossed for you Jcj, at least you were vigilant and got it seen to, quickly.
I have no singing voice, I pity the children at school who have to put up with it. :shushing_face: 4 weeks to half term!

Ali see if you can bookmark page when you see your profile pic makes it easier xx

Thanks Katy, I did it :grinning: so much quicker.

I know it was so incredibly annoying haha xx

Haha. This is where my idleness pays off. I haven’t experienced the problem to which you refer because I keep the forum tab open in the browser on my media tablet or use the app on my phone - (which is annoying to edit posts but that’s another story). :joy:
We’ve just been to a Water Park that we’ve not been to for months (years?). Had a windy walk (me) then a mugatea and a slice of carrot cake - one if our 5 a day :grin: - in the car watching the birds on the lake. A woman, mistaking my car for hers, despite it being a different make, shape and shade of grey, opened the front passenger door and was mortified when she saw me and then OH in the back. I laughed and offered her a mugatea. She’s probably still cringing :rofl: