stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 2)

Good luck tomorrow, Ali. I hope the new cohort are a lovely lot and not too “wampy” after their odd start in life. It will, indeed, be interesting to compare them to the “normal” intake. I imagine there’ll be a bigger difference between them, depending on the input from parents!! One day before the weekend sounds like an excellent way to start the year! :stuck_out_tongue:
What colour are the comfy boots, KTC? Can you dye them/tone them down by polishing in a preffered colour? As you say, though: comfort is the main thing. I hope they continue to be comfy. Don’t you just hate those shoes that seem wonderful in the shop and turn into weapons of torture once you’ve worn them too much to return them? :roll_eyes:
Amble on Tuesday was drizzly but good to be out. Car needed fuel so I was forced to go to the garage on the way home…and buy myself a sandwich and fruit…to delay going back. I’d left OH’s lunch ready so I didn’t feel guilty.
Food shop yesterday in T**** (rhymes with al fr**** = outdoors). He came with me, pottered about then waited in café where we had tea and a Danish pastry. I had a panic when I went to pay. No bank card!! :scream: Because the food shop was over £100, I’d had to put my card in the machine and I’ve not done tgat for so long I forgot to take it out. Doh! Went straight back and it had already been handed safely to customer services. Phew!
Just coffee, this morning, with a friend. She didn’t know about ES until she emailed to arrange a catch up, so it was a bit emotional today. :cry: I didn’t want to go home after so I bought more takeaway sandwiches and tea and sat on a bench in town. (Again, I’d left him his lunch “just in case”.)
I’ve been enjoying the paralympics - especially the Boccia!! I’m obsessed with that. Tempted to steal OH’s wheelchair and find somewhere to play it. :rofl:
K&N tomorrow so there’s been something every day this week and i feel better for it. Only sewing and swimming next week so I’m constantly checking the weather for Colwyn Bay for my seaside day out. Decidedly cooler and damp here today so I hope I haven’t missed my chance. :roll_eyes::crossed_fingers:
Determined to go though, before it gets dark too early even if it means walking on the beach in the rain!!

You will hate colour JCJ, they are burgundy haha!
Still not sure about them, style etc ok just the colour…
Not gone out and about with them on yet so am hoping no ouchy.
It’s turning very cold here, sun is shining but it’s brrrr, at least no rain at the moment.
Had unexpected visitor on Mon GS sent home from school he was coughing and snotting think it’s hayfever, he was fine after antihistamine. Thank goodness.
Have a lot to do today and am sitting on the CBA bench, ridiculous.
Later off for a coffee with school friend.
Hope you enjoyed all your days out and your seaside day is soon, just wrap up well.
Lido soon can’t wait…xx

Burgundy, although not my favourite (and has negative connotations for me as it’s OH’s favourite so he always buys stuff for ME in that colour! :rage:), is not too bad for footwear. At least it’s a dark colour not hot pink or neon green? Just pretend they’re purple doc Martins and stride with pride! :joy: I hope they are super comfy so you won’t care what colour they are. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Lido again? That’s come around quick but I don’t suppose it feels like it for you.

NHS letter arrived for me this morning. Don’t think I will ever see one of those now without panicking. It was to tell me my bowel screening kit will be on its way soon. Again? Already? Good to know that’s being checked though… and so much less intrusive than the other cancer screenings we have to endure?!

Much colder here today and intermittently chucking it down. I’ve defrosted the freezer. Again. :roll_eyes: (although last time wasn’t “only a few weeks ago”, like I thought, but back in January. I put it on the calendar to keep track!) It’s needed doing for a while but I’ve been waiting for cooler weather so the food doesn’t thaw while it’s stacked under coats and blankets in the porch. I loathe the job but now it’s ticked off the To Do list… until next time. “Clean oven” is also on the list. Not today methinks.

OH was up and down to the bathroom, all night, last night. On one trip, he “froze” and got stuck on the landing. He called me because he thought he was going to fall. This is the second time, in 2 nights, this has happened and I nearly put my back out trying to help him. I’m guessing it’s psychological because we’ve been talking about the possibility of me going away for a couple of nights (oh lordy, how I need to do that!! :weary:) Anyway, this morning, I have persuaded him to order a commode so he doesn’t have to keep trekking to the bathroom. I know it probably won’t be used but knowing it’s there will stop him stressing about getting to the bathroom: half the time, he doesn’t actually really need to “go”, he’s just making the trip “in case”. I cunningly prefaced the idea with “I know you’ll be too bloody minded to accept this idea but…” and I also said it will come in handy, for me, in an emergency, on those days when he’s on the loo for hours and I need to go!! I thought he’d agree to think about it but he immediately asked where I would suggest getting one from. We looked online at a mobility aids shop I’ve used before, I let him choose and we’ve ordered it before he change his mind!!

Apparently, my nephew has agreed to come and stay so I can go away. OH has emailed him and I’ve not seen any of the conversation, so I’m going to have to make delicate enquiries as to whether he actually agreed to help or if he was just making polite noises. OH tends to hear/read what he wants the answer to be. He showed me a text from someone else he had asked, who basically said he could only do one night and didn’t know when: he’s very busy etc etc. OH saw that as a “yes” when it was actually not an outright “no”, but a polite alternative. I’m afraid nephew’s response may have been along similar lines: “I’d love to help BUT…”

Weather looks slightly more promising for next week so I might be off to the seaside for the day. The following week would be better because I have nothing at all on that week but I’m going to grab the first decent opportunity to avoid missing out altogether. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

It honestly can’t come quick enough, not great at the moment, it’s exhausting!!
Also had a letter from hospital this morning about my foot so have an appointment woo hoo.
The bowel screening is so easy now, have you posted yet?
Good news about commode bad news about the psychological issues. Hoping you do manage your couple of days away. It would be good for you definitely.
It’s really getting cold here, last 2 days we have had sunshine, wind, rain only thing missing is snow brrrr.
Bought a book yesterday, trying again, miss reading xx

Whoop for foot appointment. Hope it can be fixed - or at least improved- soon.
Bring on the lido.
Not posted the bowel kit because it hasn’t been delivered to me yet!
I’m so excited. Like a kid in late December: I’ve booked my trains for my seaside trip on Wednesday. Finally, the weather looks reasonable: sunny and warmer than recently. Haven’t told him yet. I’ll break the news after we’ve eaten tonight. I’m not asking; I’m telling him. I’ve waited for this for soooo long.

I wish it was my two nights with a friend trip but at least it’s something.

As to that, I emailed nephew to see if he really had agreed to stay with OH. Deafening silence. Ah. Either he’s waiting until he gets back from holiday or it’s a “No” :cry:
Hope the new term is going OK, Ali, and you’re not too exhausted.