Up all nighters..........

Urgh. Still awake. And I have to be at the pool at 8.30 for a full day’s work.

Hi cm I’m awake to but only cos needed loo then snow caught my eye !! So I’m now awake looking to see if we have anymore to come lol


Snuggled on the sofa with one large mug of hot choc laced with rum & sprinkled with a few mini marshmallows! Felt a bit restless. Got a cold starting. Came down to leave hubby to sleep. He’ll be up early to travel back down south to work. Think it’s raining outside despite all the snow on the ground. Watching an old version of day of the triffids. Hope everyone else is asleep!

Twinky x

No snow here at all and we usually get it when nobody else is.

Enjoy your rum laced hot choccie Twinky.

Nanite xxx

Been watching the Super Bowl, really great game and a welcome diss traction from feeling I’ll,
Herbi x


Anybody awake at this time? I have been trying to get to sleep since just after midnight. Feeling absolutely knackered just not able to drop of into a nice sleep. Have been looking out of the window for a bit watching the nightly visiting badger in my garden eating all the fallen down birdseeds.

Alanaa xx

Morning Alanaa, you are not alone. As usual every second and third day I don’t sleep then I snore well on the fourth two nigjts awake / one asleep. I just brows the Forums and stick my oar in when I see a need!!!
Time for chocolate and a dash of the hard stuff…toffee!!! Lies lies. To lazy to go and get it.
Something ate forty helpings of cottage pie meat that I put out last night to cool down and forgot to bring in to freeze.(for a charity Barn Dance ) Silly me…d…m
Snooze soon

Cackles I have been reading your posting re the cottage pie meat and it made me laugh. At least my cat only steals pancakes, which she for some reasons unknown to me loves to nibble at.
It is horrid this not being able to sleep malarky. Hope you have a great time at your barn dance.

Love Alanaa x

It is a pain in the proverbial … Never mind, it’s too late to pop a pill and with this weather I might have an afternoon nap. Many years ago my daughter than young came into our bedroom at about three am. She shook me and wanted to get into bed with us because she could 'hear noises downstairs… I marched her back to her room but on route I too heard a noise. We forced a VERY grumpy Dad to waken and see what was going on ( while we hid under the blankets) halfway down and still moaning he heard noises. He rushed back up and got himself armed with a cricket bat my son had left lying about. Making loud who is there noises etc he ventured into the kitchen to see a Badger eating cereals in the larder. It had got through the cat flap!!! I think I told this story a few nights ago…oops Chemo Brain!!

Tried and tried but can’t flipping sleep. I’ve disturbed my OH too and he’s also awake! I took a piriton about midnight, tomorrow night I’ll take a sleeping pill…this non sleeping is no good. Got a plumber coming in the morning, oh dear someone will have to be up to let him in, and it won’t be me! Loving the badger stories. My feet are numb and cold also fingers, but rest of body hot, it’s the Tax. Had last Tax over three weeks ago, would have thought my fingers and toes would have been OK by now, what a b*mmer. Hope you are both tucked up and sleeping now. I’m going to try and snuggle down soon. Anybody still got snow? Ours has almost cleared, and is dirty grey slush. Not sure if more is forecast. I’m thankful I don’t have to go out if I don’t want to. I often think thank goodness I’m retired, I remember how miserable I felt going to work in harsh winter weather. Ah well never mind…spring is round the corner, and I can’t wait for warmer days. Just hope my Tax troubles are over when sunny days are here, so I can get out and about and enjoy the sunshine.

Sweet dreams everyone.

Libby x

Morning Libby. Yep it is the Mud Season here too. I managed four hours in all last night even with a pill. The problem is I pick up the IPad and start haunting the Forums interfering and talking dribble.
Your Tax remnants are so normal. I forgot to get a repeat script for the amitriptyline I have been using for nerve end pain . So last night my toes were electric and the chest Lymphoedema tight and painful.
Try looking at every flush as the Tamoxifen doing what it should be and blocking of those oestrogen receptors. Wham another hit at the B… Disease!!!
Breakfast time now then a trip into Oxford to look at a boat mooring…in this weather not a delight. Welles needed I think
Rest well and I hope the plumber comes soon

Cackles, wishing you a better nights sleep, only 4hrs is sleep deprivation. I went to local shops this afternoon, only walked for about fifteen mins but it tired me out, nodded off on sofa for an hour, hope I sleep tonight! I struggled to find footwear to fit my swollen fat feet, legs, and ankles, only a pair of old boots would squeeze my ugly feet in, but it took a lot of pulling and tugging to fasten the zips! I must make appointment with my GP for something to help my fingers and toes nerve pain, it’s driving me mad! Isn’t amitriptyline an antidepressant? I slept through the plumbers visit, typically he came, took away the part which needs renewing and said he’ll back tomorrow, hope he keeps his word, and hope he calls early morning so I can sleep through his visit again. I came back from shops minus two things I had specifically gone for, a birthday card for my close friend and a hot water bottle for my feet, the other day my hottie sprung a leak and the bed was wet through, fortunately I was in the spare bed; it’s now dry but the mattress is stained. This means another trip to the shops tomorrow - bloody chemo brain! Did go for the Oxford boat mooring? A beautiful city, we had a morning there last summer, then went to Bicester in the afternoon. I love Bicester…wow the bargains!! We also had an afternoon in Henley which was pleasant.

Hope all the ‘Up all Nighters’ have a good sleep tonight, sweet dreams everyone.

Libby x

Well guess whose been up all night? Nothing to do with those blasted steroids or the fact it’s final chemo day today!
Will be needing to have big zeds in my chemo chair!

Hope the rest of the insomnia crew got a bit of sleep. XxX

Hi lulu

Was awake but lay in bed I listen to radio have good little radio with headphones however was tempted to get up and have hot choc,

Got more results last night decisions to make so wont sleep for ages
be shattered and hope you get good zzzzzzeds tonight

Thinking of you

Love poppy x

Final Chemo ###%#<<<>>>€€€ FANTASTIC Lulu. Enjoy the zzzz in the chair.!!!’ see you tomorrow on the all nighters. Bet you just love those steroids.

Am I the only one here tonight? If so I will be quiet so as not to wake anyone from their slumber. VERY Jealous of you all but glad you are getting ZZZZZZZZZZZZ’s.

Sweet dreams

Maj x

Hi Maj

No you’re not the only one awake although I have already had some sleep. What was weird was I woke up to a repeated program that I fell asleep to this afternoon! Left me a bit confused to say the least. Just had a glass of chocolate milk which soothed the throat. Got a cough like I’m on 60 a day! Racing to shift it before my first chemo a week on Monday.

Hoping to get some more sleep before my alarm goes off at 8am. Seeing my BCN for my pre-chemo chat plus a check by my surgeon on my MX scar. One of the steri strips came off in the shower and there was a small gape inthe wound so I put some microporous tape over it to protect it until I go to the hospital today.

Hope you get some sleep soon, it’s snowy out there!

Twinky x

Need a tune to get me off!

Lullaby and goodnight
Those blue eyes close tight
Bright Angels are near
So sleep without fear
They will guard you from harm
In fair dreamlands sweet charm
They will guard you from harm
In fair dreamlands sweet charm

Hi Twinky

Good luck today hope it goes well for you.

Have you tried set honey with real lemon? I find it works wonders for throat. Pity it’s not much use for insomnia!!! Try to get some shut eye

Hugs on this cold night

maj xx

Hi, been surfing since 3!!! only just found you. Hope your sleeping now though. night, night x