going for counselling is not weak - it’s courageous and wise…glad you’ve been able to make that call (hard one to do) Huge virtual hug… Jane
I pre-empted the potential of an annoying comment
Yesterday an ex-work colleague came to visit me and we had a lovely day.
The whole bald thing came up, I was wearing one of my headscarves, so I said to her “do you want to see it?” and she said “urm, yeah go on” and I said “Before I take this off, DO NOT SAY that I suit being bald because I don’t and I hate it, and do not say I look like Sinead O’Connor” and she laughed at that one.
So what did she say “WOAH” instead. And I said “Yeah, s*** eh?”
Thanks GI Jane-I feel better having made the call. Also helped by big chocolate eclair from M and S!
Oh, and whilst in M and S the assistant was obviously looking at my head but chose to say “I love your necklace” I said it matched my hat and she asked if i was on chemo. I told her I was and she whispered “is it breast cancer?” I said yes and she said “Oh you look so well. I said loudly " I know I do but I really don’t feel it. I hate having cancer.” At which point everyone in the queue shuffled uncomfortably and I smile and walked out! Felt quite good really!
So glad we all have each other to rant to-really helps!!
Love to all Rachel x
I can almost see those customers shuffling. I find that my hair loss seems to make people squirm.
I never tell people where my cancer is. When it was first dx, I got pee’d off with people talking to my chest, as though they were playing, guess which boob.
What is it with the need for folk to say:
“have you got cancer? Oh, you LOOK SO WELL”.
ARRGHHHHH. I wish I had the courage to say that and a pound for every time someone said “you look so well” to me.
hello girlies,
well I had my meltdown last week so I know how you feel, and funny enough it was after my last tax (just waiting on start date for rads) I think these meltdowns occur when we are nearing ending something and our bodies and minds try to pass the finish line before us!! anyway, thought I would put something on this thread just to make you all have a laugh and forget your meltdowns for a few moments.
Constipation! (is the subject and I am sure most of you have suffered with this delightful side effect)… during this particular SE I kept a tube of vaseline near the loo, to quickly administer before the offending ‘object’ reared its ugly head and ripped my bottom to shreds once again… well, this particular day I rushed to the loo, grabbed the pot of vaseline from the drawer, got a good finger load and applied, I sat quickly and perused the contents of the pot whilst straining and grimacing. I don’t know from which direction my brain receptors got the message, from my eyes whilst reading the pot, or the pain in my A%"… it wasn’t vaseline at all… it was vicks vapour rub!! Scream… lol…I nearly hit the roof.
Kisses and hugs to the latest meltdown victims from another Sinead O’Connor lookalike!! haha
Lizzy, my anal sphincter just contracted in sympathy! Yikes.
Oh Lizzy, you’ve made my day!
Kate x
Oh my days! I need vodka! :oD
ooh Lizzy ooUCH!!!
Makes your eyes water!! ouch!!!
Next step: grab shower head, turn water onto freezing and SPRAY!!!
Oh Lizzie - shouldn’t laugh, but… ha ha ha- shoulders heaving… Reminds me of my OH’s first attempt at cooking chilli when he was a student… went to the loo (I think without washing hs hands) and ended up doing a dance!!
Just had a chat with my SIL who insists on telling me (a) there’s light at the end of the tunnel (there is, for chemo…rads next) AND that I won’t possibly be back at work till NEXT YEAR!!! AND, when I said I’d been reduced to tears by the last chemo - “well, you can’t just sail through it, you’ve got to have some battle scars” What the **** !!!
GI Jane
answer, to SIL “perhaps you’d like to have a feccing go”,
OMG Lizzy Ive got tears in my eyes from laughing OUCH indeed I do hope you’ve recovered
Mekala X
GIJane … could you possibly “devorce” your SIL ? jeeeeeeeeeeeeez I agree with you Terri … battle scars what is she on ?
Oh oh Lizzy - the things we have to cope with!!!
My mum is the master of inappropriate comments! I spoke to her yesterday and told her I had seen my Onc and discussed radiotherapy. She asked what the side effects were so I said mainly skin reactions and tiredness. “Well thats nothing new for you is it?” she said! Well excuse me for being tired lately after 8 lots of chemo and 4 general anaesthetics in the last 11 months and working part time and running a home! FFS!
Every time I tell her about any side effects lately she either says she has it too or has to trump it with something worse like its a b****y competition! I told her about the aches after TAX and she said “Well now you know how I feel” She has arthritis which I’m sure is very painful but a bit of sympathy wouldn’t have gone amiss!
How annoying , Buzzy. I have a friend who if you have an ailment always has it too, only worse than you. Now with me having BC and all the chemo and rads etc, she can’t actually say ‘me too’, but is trying hard with some of the side effects.