well meaning (but annoying!) things people say!!

If the nasty woman looks like a squirrel I have someone here who could help…

I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone but there are some people I would love to give a blast of chemo to just so that they know what it’s REALLY like!

Oh my, yes to that! There are times when I really wish I could give a quick dose of chemo to one or two people, and I definitely wish we could give some to that awful woman who so upset Ninja!

Ninja, I’m on the posse too, I am still spitting mad about that bat, in practical terms is there anything you can think of that would help, please just say

I don’t know…but if anyone can write a really good letter, then PM me.

Had two more upsets today (why me, why me?).

  1. I’m taking part in a BC survivor model show for the Haven in 10 days. They emailed me to ask me to “call in to a salon to discuss how I want my hair styled on the day”.
    Hello! I’m on chemo, I’m bald as a coot. I was meeting a couple of girlies in the Haven today so I let reception know that the email was a wee bit tactless. They said that their volunteer that sent out this email needs to be a bit more cancer-aware.
    You don’t say!

  2. On the way out of the Haven, white van man wound down his window and shouted “Get your hair cut!” to me.

Obviously not my week :frowning:

That is disgusting!!
So sorry that someone has said that to you x

Ninja, that email - REALLY!!! But to be devil’s advocate, I know we’re in the thick of FEC and Tax and CMF and other BC poisons, but not all chemos steal your hair, so if the lady was dealing with lots of volunteers and not all of them are in active chemo, it just might not have occurred to her. Not nice for you, and they’re right, she does need to learn a little more sensitivity, but I wouldn’t think too badly of her - in fact, could you ask for the hairdo to be postponed for a few months when you CAN take advantage of it!

As for WVM, what a [insert expletive here that rhymes with banker]. I’ll have to get my thinking cap on for a suitable response to that one. It would be something making reference to his lack of manhood…

Oh Ninja!! I am outraged on your behalf re both of those things, surely volunteers should have some training, briefing on whats what tho surely sometimes is obvious! and the white van man, cant wait to hear what choccie muffin comes up with for that!!!Did the man have hair himself, if he was bald you could always say that your will grow back, his won’t
!!!Shar xx

Ninja, you’ve had a real b*gger of a time. S*d the lot of them and I hope WVM’s bits get gangrene and drop off.

Sending you loads of hugs and good wishes for the best angry letter EVER.

Jane xxx

Yes - you’ve had a crap week of it haven’t you? Tis almost the weekend though - and then a whole new week next week.

At a relaxation seminar with BCC I almost burst out laughing when the lady leading the seminar was obviously reading out her normal patter “close your eyes and imagine you are on a white sandy beach, with the crystal clear water stretching as far as the eyes can see. There’s a cool breeze running through your hair…oh…ummmmm…and through your scalps…”. Ooops! The room was so silent and I really wanted to giggle, but too inappropriate…!

Sandytoes after being really furious about Ninja’s treatment at the hands of insensitive morons that really made me laugh. I often long for the wind through my scalp when I’m having a hot flush and can’t take wig off.
Am awaiting instructions as to where to meet the posse.
Polly x

“close your eyes and imagine you are on a white sandy beach, with the crystal clear water stretching as far as the eyes can see. There’s a cool breeze running through your hair…oh…ummmmm…and through your scalps…”.

Ooooops, *awkkkkward* - ha haaaa, I don’t know how you managed to hold it in, that’s hilarious! LOL :slight_smile:

I said to my OH that rain on a bald head feels really really weird, kind of nicely refreshing but such an odd feeling - but he’s been bald for years so doesn’t realise it.

Sandytoes - priceless! Bet she was going pink at the gills, only you were all too relaxed to see! Love it! Ninj - it really ISN’T your week! Next week can only be better??? Jane

Sandytoes-thanks for making me laugh x
Ninja-I really hope next week is better for you-how insensitive. Would expect better especially from someone working with BC survivors.

Have couple of nice quotes from 5 year olds in my class today.

One gave me a rather lovely box of choccies and said if I ate them they would make me better and then I could be her teacher again. She was convinced that the chocolate would make my hair grow back too! Bless her.

Another looked at my obviously beautifully shaped head covered in beautiful silk scarf and said " Are you having a bad hair day today?" I love kids-they just come out with it. They all had to have a stroke of my very strange baby hair that’s appeared! But they just accept me as I am and I love them for it. If only adults were more like them.

Rachel x

Nope, sorry, can’t think of a suitable verbal response to WVM. I reckon a middle finger would be about as much as I’d be able to do in response. Must ask my girlies what they’d say, they can usually think of something suitably cutting.

Ninja, i have finished my chemo now, but want to wish you a better next week, and to hell with those who have upset you! WVM needs to sorting BIG time, as does that snotty horrid rude woman you had the misfortune of dealing with!



My sister actually called me yesterday (didnt ask how i was), she did ask if i had any plans for the next week … I pointed out that as i had my 2nd Tax that day I didnt have any plans other than bed for the next week! She lives 2 hours away so i guess she wasnt planning in including me in her plans!

I’m feeling irate at peoples presumption that once rads are over I’ll be “back to normal” - I keep saying “errr, no I won’t, I’ve got 5 years of Tamoxifen yet and here is what it CAN do to you…”

Also, there’s 5 years all clear hanging over people too.

And I have 16% chance of it coming back and I don’t have “luck” very often.

So dont mean to be negative, as I’ll be sooooo glad when chemo is over because being in pain a lot with SEs has been horrible. BUT it’s not over yet is it, I’ve learnt that much!

Totally agree El Katrano … two people have said to me today … only two chemos left and then its all over … nearly there now. What? I’ve got five years of Tamoxifen and 3 ops to go through yet … I know they’re trying to be encouraging but they really dont understand … nobody does unless they’ve been through this c**p!

But u could still say to any other WMV type comment if bald that at least yours will grow back!!! xxx