well meaning (but annoying!) things people say!!

Probably a lot repeated but here are mine:

*you have a beautifully shaped head.
*BUT you look so well
*You are an inspiration
*Oooo, just think your hair might grow back straight rather than the curls you have.
*you’re so brave
* you’re so positive
*positive thinking - that’s the way to beat it
*You’re half way there
*You’ve done the worst bit
*You should be an ambassador for BC
*Have you lost your pubes? (only said once but memorable)
*Bet you don’t want to go back to work
*I envy you having all the time off
* - so you’re having a boob job, great!
* eat asparagus
* drink water that contains from volcanoes

Thought I’d share this text my boss sent me:

‘I’m not excited re Gambia at all. That’s because of my bad Luxor week. It’s because of you I’m going. I think life is short and I’ve to enjoy it while I’ve my health’.

I agree with CM, love the things kids say. My best friend’s daughter, she’s nearly 3 said to me ‘Auntie, you’ve got little hair’ I was so pleased as I have been nurturing my little bit of fluff and she’s noticed it. She then went on to say 'I’ve got big and soft hair, go on Autie, feel it! he, he the show off!

I don’t know what you’re all being so negative about - kylie had cancer and she’s alright :wink:

Great thread! I want to poke eyes out some days - and I’m normally a peaceful soul!!! I am FED UP TO THE BACK TEETH WITH being told:

you LOOK really well
Aren’t you lucky (to have friends/chance to get away etc)
Aren’t you lucky it’g going so well (WHAT?? IT’s CRAP!!!)
only two more
nearly over (No it bloddy isn’t, got RADS after this!)
your side effects are minimal… (excuse ME? from Onc Consultant)

thanks for providing the space to say it!!!

EL I get that one from my daughter about Kylie and Yes the ‘lucky’ your lucky to have supportive family YES TRUE but I don’t think being in this position with BC … alot of words come to mind LUCKY ? deffo dont spring to mind

‘Your all clear then ?’ is a phrase i hear a lot even three years later. I then have to explain again about 'remission and ‘No evidence of disease’ or ‘your cured then?’

Rachy xxxx

Hmmm, not happy about all the references to Kylie. If I have to have the same cancer as her, I want the same size bottom as her. That seems perfectly fair and reasonable to me.

I’m going back to work next week and have been hearing “so you’re getting back to normal”. Well my pay will be getting back to normal but I’ll be off one afternoon every 3 weeks for the next year having Herceptin injected into my rapidly deteriorating veins. I also won’t be able to wear any of the v-neck blouses I used to wear to work cos I don’t want it to be obvious I only have one boob (and one bit of moulded plasticcy rubber stuff). Oh yeah and I’ll be beetroot red in meetings a lot of time due to hot flushes resulting from tamoxifen.

The Occupational Health Unit doctor from work decscribed me in a letter to my boss as ‘resilient and positive’. My description would be ‘battered and unhappy’.

My dad’s said a few times ‘well you’re over the worst’ meaning I’ve finished chemo. Trouble is, I don’t know that was the worst. If the stupid cancer comes back I’ll have to have more chemo. The recon op, when I’m eventually allowed to have it, is scary too cos if it goes wrong I’d be devastated.


CM you crack me up :slight_smile: cornishgirl thats a brilliant idea about the book

mekala x

Hi everyone, at least you ve made me smile today, this is a brill. thread! I m starting chemo on Tuesday, and have bought 2 wigs, which everyone that visits seem to love to try on, but theyre not the ones who re gonna loose their long blonde hair, they just say stupid things like “dont worry, yours will soon be like that again”, what b**s, about 5 years time if I m around by then! And if one more person says ive got to be positive, I m going to go mad, even my other half says it all the time, and tells me not to cry cos it ll make things worse. I think being left with a 34 G boob one side and none on the other, going to loose my hair and being terrified its going to come back is already worse! Still, my mobile phones gone quiet, cos think everyone thinks I m catching! Even my mum, whos 87, p**ssed me off yesterday by saying, “well, these things happen, you have to remember you re better off than some, you ve only lost a breast”! GGRRRR! Yes, we should all write a book, be a best seller! Luv, Lizzy

Hi Lizzy glad you mentioned the ‘don’t cry’ personally I think its the best thing to relieve all that built up anger & fear I always feel better after a good cry & its like a release gets rid of those knots in the stomach what are we meant to do hold it all in & make us more ill ? I dont like the thought that some view tears as a weakness it is far from being weak by dealing with all the cr*p that goes on in the way we need to says STRENGTH to me. Your addressing the issue shoving on a brave face & holding onto emotions is not good for you physically or mentally.

Shortly after being diagnosed 2 of the other halfs family members came round Id not long stopped having a good cry so anyone could see Id been crying. As they left I heard one say to hubby " oh gawd is she ok ? " what did she expect I was 2 days from surgery & then to top it she said “I dont know, she has got to stay positive” its a dam good job Id no energy as I think I would have exploded. Those that have never had a consultant look them in the eyes & say im sorry to tell you you do have cancer have no idea, they do just go on their personal experiences of family friends that have pulled through, maybe they think its helping but it dont those people have pulled through, you have yet to !

Mekala x

Hi brill thread and CM you really crack me up too. I really must remember some of your responses. Particularly like 'What exactly do you mean by positive?‘It has felt at times ( to me) that there has been an implication that it’s ones own fault in getting BC in the first place due to not thinking positively and if it comes back it will be for that same reason.Well there have been times when I have felt like saying Sunshine you think +vely when you are being systematically poisoned with toxic waste, your veins are soo painful etc etc. When I went to the PB centre we talked about this and one of the therapists came up with an alternative ’ authentic feeling’ ie. if you are tearful, low etc etc then that is how you feel. If you are having an better day then that is how you are feeling. If they haven’t got it they don’t get it. Love to all ladies. Oh and give me strength my BCN said you will come out of this stronger, said when I had just been told that MRIs showed chemo hadn’t worked, and I was in floods of tears. She is usually really lovely and from GP you look really well when I had just finished all active treatment and was asking for a sick note.Rant over Love to all J xx


i was ask yesterday while out shopping and in a nice way just wot was wrong with me only they had seen on my fb wall that i was haing chemo but didnt know why errrrr isnt chemo for cancer ? not as if i hid it i make jokes about (only way to get through it all )

was blessed with the body of a god… unfortunately for me it happens to be a BUDDAH (short fat and bold)

What about when I said I felt really awful, that I felt poisoned.

Response- well that’s good isn’t it - think what it’s doing to the cancer!!!

Ragamuffin - did the person who said that recover from their broken nose quite quickly? ;o)

Hi Ninja

Have to admit I didn’t break her nose, I felt so bl**dy awful it didn’t even occur to me. Later though I was beyond belief at what she had said and felt REALLY CROSS- she’s off my Christmas list!!

I’m thinking of tattooing “I am not Kylie Minogue” on my forehead.

Ninja you do look so blimmin RADIANT :wink: next time you could always say " no thats the chemo glow " at night im illuminous green !

I’m loving this thread - it’s making my day.